The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Nicole Anthony

“she’s got the bootleg version of swaggy.. Swaggy-K little shorter a little older not as interesting “
9:53 pm Kaysar and Bayleigh
Chit chat about how hot it is outside.
They talk about how hot it’s going to be today.
Bayleigh says how happy she is that it’s hot but she still misses Swaggy-C
Kaysar – Sorry Swaggy-C she’ll see you soon but in the meantime, She’s hanging out with ..
She looks at Kaysar.. “don’t say it.. don’t say it Kaysar”
Kaysar – Swaggy-K
They laugh
Bayleigh – don’t worry in the meantime she’s got the knockoff version

Enzo “YO! These girls better win stuff too! They better earn their keep!” Tyler “They’re not going to.”
6:15pm Enzo and Tyler.
Tyler – watch them side eye’ing Christmas now. Enzo – now they’re hanging out with Janelle.. and we don’t know nothing. And then you see in that HOH competition.. the one you won .. they were going crazy for Janelle. Crazy Yo! At least hide that sh*t! Tyler – I just keep catching them hanging out with Janelle / Kaysar 1000 times more than us. You know what I mean? Enzo – yup! And then they’re like yo we need to have a slick six meeting. Tyler – and then they come and don’t say a peep. Enzo – they don’t say sh*t! Tyler – they wait for us to say it. Enzo – that’s what I’m saying! Yo, they’re burying their own graves yo! That’s it! Tyler – that’s what they did on their own seasons. Enzo – just stop running your mouth that’s it.

Power Of Veto Winner Results! “They took 4 minutes, Tyler took 39 seconds!”
Bedroom. Dani and Kevin.
Dani – we had this conversation.. like we we’re both OG.. I would have been fine with it. Kevin – I would have been fine with it too. Dani – like it blows my mind. I would have been happy to work with her. Kevin – I know why I was rejected. Dani – never when I saw her did I think we would not be working together. Kevin – you must have said something or retweeted something. You like to tweet and did something shaddy. Dani – the role that she is playing this season doesn’t make sense to me. Kevin – other than being a super villain. The older you get the less adaptable you are. Dani – But Ian said that she is doing the same thing as season 14. Kevin – But Dani, I am worried what is going to happen after the obvious goes.

“I don’t care it is what it is. But if you attack her [Nic] you have to attack Ian with her”
8:14 am Janelle and Bayleigh
They’re talking about getting ‘FRANZELLED”
Bayleigh – she’s been acting so weird towards me
Janelle – she’s guilty.. snake
Bayleigh – whats you’re deal
Janelle – I know you can’t tell me but she’s the one that said that
Bayleigh – No I can confirm
Janelle – she was the one.. oh my god she is the worst.. the worst
Bayleigh – mmmmhhhmmmm
Bayleigh says she’s going to have to win the next HOH because if Nicole does she’s going up.
Janelle – If I leave regardless they are coming after us. there’s no place to hide
Bayleigh – I don’t want to hide
Janelle – I know you don’t
Janelle – They’re coming for us it’s only a matter of time. YOu may not be next
Bayleigh – I’m on the list

Big Brother Nomination Results! Enzo “Yo, respect this guy! My man is cold blooded yo!”
4:47pm – 6:06pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the feeds return we learn that as HOH Tyler nominated Janelle and Kaysar just as he said he would.
Christmas – I wonder when I get my punishment? Kaysar – probably later today. Christmas – they’re all so custom. I wonder what it will be for me? Bay – probably something fitness.

“It’s what the house wants”
2:37 pm Kaysar and Janelle
Kaysar says always being on is exhausting for him “I need to self reflect and collect myself. have to come to terms that everything happens for a reason and go with it.. Such is life”
Kaysar – you good
Janelle – I talked to Tyler and he’s super nice he said he has to do what the house wants
Kaysar – we’ll see what happens.. the house wants what the house wants.. the hard part is really people just kinda avoiding you like you have some sort of disease.
Janelle – are they avoiding you
Kaysar – yeah
Janelle – that’s sad

Memphis about Ian “That little f***er he’s gotta go”
9:23 pm Enzo and Memphis
They bring up the fight last night with Nicole and Janelle.
Memphis – Nicole knows what she’s doing.. attentions is drawn on Janelle if Janelle ends up on the block.. Nicole’s smart.
Memphis asks who he would pick if he won the safety Suite. “Christmas?”
Enzo says he’s always playing with Da’Vonne he’s thinking her he’ll say he wanted to see her in the costume.
Enzo says he’s going to avoid a guy to deflect from the Guys alliance rumors
Memphis – Da’Vonne is easy..
Enzo – I was thinking Christmas too…
Enzo says his options are Christmas and Da’Vonne

Tyler “I’m thinking just straight up Kaysar & Janelle! Easy f**king A$$ Week! I don’t give a sh*t!”
11:35pm HOH room. Christmas joins Tyler.
Tyler grabs two of his alcoholic drinks and they share them. Christmas – we can get Janelle out! Tyler – oh dude! Yes! Its an easy week because they were f**king saying my name the whole time. Christmas – yes! So what do you think about “Carolinas”? Because we’re from the south? Tyler – YES! Christmas – I also thought of “Two Aces”, “Ace in the Hole”, “Two of a Kind”. Tyler – I like “The Carolinas” ..I forgot about that. Or what about “North & South”? Christmas – I dig it! Tyler – what do you like better? Christmas – “The Carolinas”. Tyler – okay! They agree on that as their alliance name.

Janelle “I don’t play like that! The little snitchy snitchy raty raty!”
Kevin – Janelle are you going to start a fight? Make this house exciting? Janelle – I don’t do the whole .. I don’t play like that. The little snitchy snitchy raty raty. Like if you want to talk about me.. lets bring it! Don’t go in the corner and .. (in NicoleF’s voice) I don’t know you guys! NOO! Come to me! Tell me! DaVonne – that was hilarious! I didn’t expect her to say that. I think that is why everyone was in shock. Not that it was said but that it was said by her. Kevin – yeah. I still don’t understand the beef between you two. Janelle – it all stems from The Amazing Race when she back stabbed my friend. Kevin – what was it.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 2 review and eviction results
Let’s for a moment look at this from her point of view. The entire house is against the same people, Janelle/Kaysar. She’s with J/K and has a final 3 with Kevin/Da’Vonne. Everyone (including Da and especially Kevin) is filling her head with brain worms soaked in Kraken that are against J/K. It’s one boiling pot of messy gameplay and interlocking cowardly alliances that are focused against J/K. The main delusion – J/K’s plan was to get NicA out of the house because the only game they know how to play is a house divided and a split vote would create a house divided. There’s more to it, but pretty much crazy pants. It’ll go down in BB history and for someone who has a podcast in the Big Brother community, it might be weird. Of Course, she’ll rationalize it away. Would you? David is pretty much stumbling around.

NicoleA “So I am done! That’s it! Damn!” Day “You’re literally a casualty to someone else’s game.”
1:25pm Lounge room. NicoleA, Kevin, Janelle, Kaysar
Nicole pulls people into the room. Kevin – should I get Bay? Janelle – I would NOT get Bay .. she is so upset right now.. she is PMS’ing right now. Nicole – should I just ask her? Janelle – no! I would not! Nicole – but this is it.. if she doesn’t come in here. Janelle – she just freaked out on me.. Kaysar – why? Janelle – she wouldn’t tell me but I think its NicoleF.. she said Nicole is after me .. are you after me now and now she is scared that she is in Nicole’s position too. She is pissed off at the situation. Nicole – I’m going to go see where she is at? Janelle – I WOULD NOT DO THAT! I would really not do that! Kaysar – just talk to her tomorrow. Nicole – I am f**ked then! They don’t seem willing …they would have come in here..