CBS just released the new cast of Big Brother 16 today and now all the digging into all of the house guest pasts begins. This is the time when we get to know the house guests before they enter the house, its our first impression of them. Whether good or bad its human nature to make snap decisions about people from our first impressions of them. Not to worry though we’ll have 90 days of watching some of the new house guests creating new impressions of the cast as they battle it out for the half-million dollar grand prize.
Tag: Nick Uhas

Big Brother 15 Interviews, News, Scandals and MORE.. PART 2!
After just over a week since the finale the cast of Big Brother 15 have just begun to digest how the fans viewed their experience inside the BB house over the last 3 months. While some are in denial about their words and actions others have taken ownership of their mistakes and are trying to grow from the experience. Below are a number of new interviews and articles about the cast since they’ve left the Big Brother world.
During the BB15 wrap party a number of the Big Brother Canada season 1 cast joined the party and got mixed up in some of the drama.

Big Brother 15 – After the FINALE Interviews and MORE.. “I love my job so much and $500,000”
The finale episode of Big Brother 15 concluded last night but the reality of real life outside the house is just now hitting the cast of the most controversial season of Big Brother. After being locked away from the outside world for 3 months the final 3 and jury members are now trying to make sense of how the viewing public perceived their comments and actions inside the house. It is likely going to take time for the cast to grasp the full extent of their action and comments from this social experiment. It is hard to imagine being locked in a house with extreme personalities all competing, lying and backstabbing for the chance to win a half million dollars. With time to reflect and finally see with their own eyes what transpired throughout the season, it will be interesting to see how the cast reacts and which of the house guests own up to their actions. Below is a collection of interviews of the cast that will be added to as more are released.

Candice says I work with children and you talk about drugs and wear booty shorts to work, and I’m the trashy one?
11:20am – 11:30am Up in the HOH room – Andy, Elissa and Candice continue to talk about all the fights and drama last night. Candice thinks they Aaryn, Gina and Kaitlin did it for more air time. Andy tells Candice that they will get bad air time and you will get good air time. The conversation turns to talking about the competition last night. Andy and Candice talk about how happy they were when Jeremy was knocked out. Candice talks about her and Howard sleeping on the havenot floor. Elissa asks what they talked about. Candice says oh just about what happened and racism. Elissa says its just sad that stuff even happens any more. Candice agrees. Candice says all you do is talk about all of the drugs you have done in your twenty two years of life and you call me trashy? Candice says I work with children and you wear booty shorts to work. Elissa agrees. Elissa and Candice talk about hanging out after the season ends.

Helen says the fish aren’t segregated, they’re all integrated. I guess Aaryn sees what she wants to see.
9:10am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return, Judd and Jessie are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Judd talks about how he wants to go outside real bad. He says that’s my morning thing. Elissa joins them and talks about how she had the best sleep in the BB house last night as she has been in the havenot room before last night. Meanwhile Helen is awake in her HOH room. Elissa joins Helen in the HOH room. Helen tells Elissa that she can sleep up here whenever she wants. Helen says that she loves feeding the fish in the HOH room. All white fish and dark fish. They are all equal! Helen looks and that fish and says she doesn’t know what Aaryn was talking about all the fish are integrated. I guess she (Aaryn) see’s what she wants to see. Helen and Elissa talk about how happy they are that she won HOH. This is for all the people that have been mistreated. Helen says we can trust – Andy, McCrae, Judd, Amanda. And Candice you and I can trust her.

Candice says I am not a home-wrecker Howie! Howard says girl I ain’t got no home to be wrecked.
1:40am – 2am Andy is in the lounge room talking to McCrae and Amanda. Kaitlin knock on the door and asks if she can talk to him. Andy and Kaitlin head into the bathroom to talk. Kaitlin says that she wants to apologize again. Andy says okay, I would be pissed if I was in your shoes too. Kaitlin says that she isn’t mad, I am just heart broken. I would have rather you told me the truth. I have stood up for way too many people and I have stood up for the wrong people. I have way too big of a heart to be in this house. I have stuck up for you, Elissa, and Candice, awhile ago. It’s just hard because I give people way too much benefit of the doubt. I yelled at Judd and Jessie and I have apologized to both of them. Jessie wouldn’t accept it, that is her own issue to work out. Andy says that he really wavered with the decision and really started to like them this week but no one was giving me a guarantee. Andy says he likes Elissa and says with her here as MVP I would never go up. Kaitlin says that she gets it. Kaitlin says that she didn’t want to be a part of some of the other actions. Andy tells her that he knows she isn’t a bully but she has aligned with people that are.

Big Brother Spoilers Andy: “Spencer and Howard are Rats .. you need to lure it in and kill it”
11:35pm Spencer and Judd are in the storage room talking. Spencer asks Judd if he can put in a good word for him and to tell Helen that I am solid. Judd says yeah sure. Judd and Spencer shake hands. Spencer leaves the room. In the bedroom – Spencer asks Howard if he is okay. Howard says that he is good. Howard is moving his and Candice’s stuff out of the other bedroom. Spencer offers Howard his and Judd’s drawer. Howard and Spencer head into the havenot room. Howard is visibly upset and looks like he is about to lose it. Spencer asks what happened. Howard talks about how a lot of racial comments have been made and Candice feels like we are being weak by giving up our bed …which we are but.. if we stay in there I am going to lose my temper. Howard says that he can’t let that happen. Spencer offers Candice and Howard his bed and says that he will sleep in the havenot room. Howard says that its okay.

FIGHT NIGHT – Jessie feels the HEAT from the Triangle of Thrust!
9:20pm – 9:35pm In the bedroom – Gina is talking to Kaitlin and Jeremy about missing Nick. Jeremy tells her that he tried to keep him here. Jessie tells Gina that is sorry about what happened. Gina flips out and tells her no you’re not you are responsible for what happened. She says that she doesn’t want to look her in the face when she lied to her. Jessie leaves and comes out the other bedroom and says that she just got yelled at by 4 people. Gina comes out and starts crying and going off on them. She says that she doesn’t respect someone who goes back on their word. Gina goes and points at each of them and tells them the nice things she has said about them or what she thinks of them. Gina then starts going on about how she and Nick had a connection that no one else saw. She says that they had a connection where they didn’t have to show everyone what they had. She tells that they can put her up if they want, I will play games and compete. Gina says good luck and to all of ya’ll and I will see you.

Andy says it’s Elissa day, let Rachel come out, let her stomp around in her stilettos.
8:15pm – 8:30pm In the lounge room – McCrae, Amanda and Andy are talking about who to put up on the block. Amanda thinks they should put up Howard and Aaryn. Andy talks about how they were bullying Jessie in the kitchen right before the vote, how dumb is that!? Andy says thank god Helen got it! McCrae agrees and says that next week will probably be endurance and Helen probably wont be that good at it. Andy, McCrae and Amanda agree to keep the five (Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda and Andy) of them safe and under wraps. McCrae says this couldn’t have been any better. Amanda says that she told Jeremy that this game isn’t all about winning challenges. That’s what you get for only watching one season. They talk about how they have 100% trust in each other. Andy says that Candice yelling and screaming at all of them, let her do it. Andy says that with Helen being HOH it is better that she has blood on her hands because she has a reason to go after them.

Oh How the Mighty Fall – Watch the Cockroaches Scatter..
7pm The Big Brother Live Feeds return from being blocked during the Live Eviction Episode. In the havenot room – Andy, Candice, Jessie, Amanda, Helen, Howard, Spencer and Judd. Helen says someone was disloyal and I don’t like it. I will find out who that 8th vote wasn’t. Candice says they are cockroaches. Andy joins them and talks about how he is already receiving it. Jessie apparently said something to the others before the competition to make it look like she was on their side just in case they won the HOH. They call Jessie out on it and she says she is sorry and that she will go out there right now and tell them who’s side she is on. Andy tells Jessie that he knows she is with them and that it’s okay, he believes her. Helen and Elissa talk to Candice about how she can’t go off on them like that again. Candice says she is sorry. Helen says we treat people with respect. America will judge us. Helen says that Aaryn should never have put me up. I also want to know who the mole is, I want them to sweat a little too.

Big Brother 15 Eviction and HOH Results Nick Vs Elissa Vs Helen
A huge shocker went down this morning. After realizing that the Moving Company only had 6 votes to evict Elissa and not enough to cover his a$$ and the identity of the MC Spencer panics. He goes to Helen where she basically tells him he’s a sketchy F*** . If Elissa goes she will win MVP and she’s going to win this weeks HOH. She will use these two powers to take out the people not in her alliance. This all scared Spencer enough to start laying the groundwork to Disband the Moving Company. We’re not sure but last night there was strong indications that McCrae was going to vote against the Moving Company and Evict Nick. If this was the case them perhaps Spencer caught on and realized in order to survive he has to jump ship. McCrae had told Spencer that Amanda was voting to evict Nick so maybe this got him worried since Amanda and McCrae have been power cuddling

Big Brother 15 Spoilers The Moving Company closes up shop
2:05pm Cockpit McCrae and Spencer
Spencer brings up the possibility of them dumping the Moving Company. Spencer says if they control the MVP is doesn’t matter who wins the HOH “Aaryn can go, Jeremy can go, KAitlin can go”
Spencer want the vote to be unified so that everybody votes out Nick. This way they can rebuild trust with Amanda and Helen.
McCrae says he was going to vote to Keep Nick no matter what but if the house flips his vote will be singled out.
Spencer: “Is it time to cut them loose be like we got the MVP you can’t get rid of her we won’t allow that and we make it to the jury. “
Spencer: “Or do we Maintain an alliance I would love to maintain however.. “
Amanda walks in and start complaining that they are talking without her. She says she’s getting worried. They ask her for one minutes alone.