POV Holder: Brothers Next POV April 23rd POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: Brothers and Niki Current Nominations: Jared and Nikki Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots Family members decided no have nots Watch the Big […]
Tag: Nick Paquette

Tim “I do feel betrayed by the brothers. They had no intentions of being with us.”
10:45am Tim heads up to the HOH room and tells Cassandra that he’s been studying and knows all the HOH and POV’s. He says all I need to work out is the days. I worked out that I need to do this for us two. If Joel is eliminated I need to know it for us. I’m so proud of how we’ve played this game. I’m basically playing the same way I did in Australia. Just swapped.. I needed the misfits in the beginning of that season and at the end of this season. I know you don’t want to hear this but I’m happy to walk away if its me, you, Joel and Nikki in the final 4.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 26 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Brothers Next POV April 23rd POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: Brothers and Niki Current Nominations: Jared and Nikki Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots Family members decided no have nots Watch the Big […]

Nikki “3 people will put them up for eviction next week & they’ve got no veto.”
10:20am HOH room – Nikki complains to Tim and Cassandra about Kelsey and Phil. Nikki says if I win HOH I am going to put you up Kelsey because you keep staring at me and you up Phil because you stare at me and it makes me uncomfortable. Cass tells Nikki that everyone avoids her like the plague. You’re the only one that hangs out with me. Kelsey only comes in here to sh*t and leave. Nikki says yeah she just did a big stinky sh*t. Nikki says if I win HOH I won’t let people do that. Cass tells Nikki I hope you win HOH next.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 25 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Brothers Next POV April 23rd POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: Brothers and Niki Current Nominations: Jared and Nikki Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots Family members decided no have nots Watch the Big […]

POV Ceremony Results! “this is so symbolic.. in that moment I saw that you and I are killers”
The live feeds were blocked all of last night for what sounds like a party. They got a British Flag and an Australian Flag cake. Kelsey asks do you think we’re getting in trouble for being so drunk? Nick says last night was interesting. Jared says oh yeah very very interesting. Cassandra says last night was so much fun. Oh my god I love Joel. He was so funny. Tim says you know what I just thought of .. imagine if all you have is slop (Joel). He hasn’t even come out yet, which is unusual. Kelsey says that she feels like she is going to puke.

Kelsey “I told him before.. don’t f**king shave your head!” Cass “Well should have..”
10:25am HOH room – Cass tells Kelsey its very important we set ourselves up for the next couple weeks. Me and you in the finale. Kelsey asks its Jared isn’t it. Cass says I haven’t made my mind up yet. Its going to be my decision. Cass says I know that if its you me and Jared in the end. Jared will take you and you will take Jared. I’m not stupid. I trust you 100%, I would never put you up. If you’re on the block and I win the veto, I would take you off. If Jared is in the end everyone will vote for him. You’ll see Jared in two weeks.

Big Brother Canada Week 9 Power Of Veto Competition Spoilers!
POV Holder: brothers Next POV April 23rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: Brothers and Niki Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots Family members decided no have nots Watch the Big […]

POV Player Pick! Cass “The Brothers have to go this week but next week we get Tim out!”
10:40am In the bedroom – Jared asks Cass what time they were up to last night? Cass says who cares. Kelsey asks what? Jared says he asked Cass what time they were up till last night and she said who cares. Kelsey says she thinks you’re too controlling. Jared says maybe I am? Kelsey asks are you? Jared says in here, yeah. Big Brother switches the feeds and then switches them back. Kelsey says we could get rid of Nikki. Kelsey says that Tim just knows that I’m on to him. Jared says everyone’s on to him.. but we’ll just continue to play nice until voting.

Big Brother Canada 4 Week 9 Nomination Spoilers
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 23rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: Brothers and Niki Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots Family members decided no have nots Watch the Big […]

Cass “This is why we’re getting a divorce” Tim “You better be clean when you come home”
3:55pm The live feeds return with all of the house guests dressed up. Joel says you only have 72 hours to annul the marriage. Tim asks where’s Nikki? I’ve got a run away bride. Tim says oh here she comes (As Nikki comes out of the diary room.) Tim asks does this mean no more slop?! No more slop! No more slop! Tim gets up and grabs a large piece of cake and shoves it in Cassandra’s face. She then grabs a piece of cake and shoves it in his face. Cass says this is why we’re getting a divorce. Tim says you better be clean when you come home tonight.

Jared “What the f**K do you want me to do?!” Kelsey “I hate you right now! Can you just f**K off!”
9:30am Hot Tub room – Kelsey says my brain hurts. We just have to keep her on track to get the brothers out. Kelsey says she needs to believe that at least one of us will take her to the final 2. I’m trying to get into her head a little bit. I get it, its a risk. But we need you to get to that point. But she also needs to believe that one of us will take her to the final 2. Jared says its going to be Joel, the brothers, Tim and you telling her that (Final 2). So she’ll want to get rid of me, I’m the only one not telling her that. Jared says not to do it until after noms.