The Finale of Big Brother Canada 4 is finally here! On tonight’s 2 hour episode we will find out the results of how the final 3 house guests did in Part 1 and Part 2 of the HOH competition. Then the we’ll watch live as Part 3 unfolds and the winner of the final HOH decides who is the final jury member and who they take to the final 2. The jury members will ask the final 2 house guests questions and then they’ll vote on who they want to win the grand prize! The winner of Big Brother Canada 4 will receive $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000.
Tag: Nick Paquette

Big Brother Canada 4 – Special Eviction Episode Spoilers!
The finale of Big Brother Canada 4 is just 1 day away where the winner will be crowned. The finale episode will air at a special 7pm eastern time. On tonight’s special eviction episode we will find out who was evicted just after the Live Feeds were blocked on Saturday, May 7th. As of Saturday the only guaranteed house guests to be in the final 3 were the brothers as they were both the head of household and power of veto competition winners. They held all the power in deciding who would make the sole decision to evict. Most likely they did not ue the veto, giving Kelsey the power to evict either Cassandra or Tim.

Tim “If she wants to play dirty this week, I’ve thought of something that will undo her entire game.”
In the bathroom – Tim talks to Kelsey and Phil. Cass comes into the bathroom. Tim says good morning. Cass doesn’t say anything. Cass leaves. Tim says she hates me. If she wants to play dirty this week.. I’ve thought of something that will undo her entire game. Tim says I am prepared to go and tell her what I will tell you guys. Its not nice at all.. she did something last week and abused something. Kelsey asks last week .. was it something with Joel? Tim says no. Kelsey asks you? Tim says no, someone who’s still here.

Big Brother Canada 4 Final POV results
POV Holder: Nick Next POV Done POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: Finale Original Nominations: Tim and Cassandra Current Nominations: ? and ? Nick wins the POwer of Veto

Gary Levy Enters the House to Dress the House Guests for the BBCAN Awards!
Gary Levy from Big Brother Canada 1 & first couple seasons of The Side Show enters the house to help dress the house guests for the Big Brother Canada awards. They head to the HOH room to try on outfits.
BBCAN Awards
Find out the results on the Sunday May 8th Episode
Favourite Prank
Dallas gets Cassandra to smell his fart in a jar. VS Jared and Tim get Raul to eat shaving cream.

Big Brother Canada 4 May 5 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: ? Next POV Done POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: Finale Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: ? and ?

Big Brother Canada 4 – The Black Widow VS Backwards Man Eviction & HOH Spoilers!
In the aftermath of the double eviction from last week the big brother Canada 4 house was sure to be shaken up. Jared’s refusal to cut his hair in the veto ended up costing him his shot at the 100k grand prize. Nikki was the next victim of the double eviction and the 5th member of the jury. Kelsey won the head of household and nominated Tim and Cassandra for eviction. In the power of veto competition, Tim lost all faith in his Threeak Show alliance when he witnessed Joel helping and being helped by the Brothers. Tim realized that he needed to put his fate in his own hands and win the veto.

Tim “We are cannibals and we’re going to eat you alive! Never trust a psycho!”
Nick asks Tim if he thinks Cassandra would throw the HOH? Tim says he thinks she would and says if it’s a physical competition, she won’t even try. The Brothers and Kelsey tell Tim no matter what Cassandra would try they would still vote her out next week insuring they’re final 3. The brothers, Kelsey and Tim tell Cass they like her more when she’s on the block rather than when she’s in power. Tim asks where’s your tiara now?! Cassandra tells Phil that she is 100% throwing this HOH competition. She says I will literally just stand there.

Big Brother Canada 4 May 4 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Tim Next POV May 7th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony May 1st HOH Winner: Kelsey Next HOH: May 9th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Tim Current Nominations: Joel and Cassandra Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy, Jared, Nikki Have Nots No more havenots Watch the Big Brother Canada […]

Kelsey, Tim & The Brothers make a Final 3 Deal – “Treaty of the Final 3”
11am HOH room – Tim is talking to Phil and Kelsey about keeping or getting rid of Cass. Tim says that if Joel makes it to the end he will win the show. I’m not thinking strategic from here on out. I have a weird thing with Joel now where next week I either take him out or I take him to the end and beat him. And make sure people know what he did. Tim asks so the only worry is will Cass and I help each other to get to the end. Kelsey says We’re going off a liars word right now but Joel is also a liar. Nick says I would have a very hard time if Cass got us out. Tim says then lets get her out then.

Big Brother Canada 4 May 3 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Tim Next POV May 7th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony May 1st HOH Winner: Kelsey Next HOH: May 9th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Tim Current Nominations: Joel and Cassandra Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy, Jared, Nikki Have Nots No more havenots Watch the Big Brother Canada […]

Kelsey “Its Joel that’s been the snake” Nick “You’ve been manipulated & you don’t even know it”
10:45am The house guests have the HOH camera to take photos with around the house. The brothers take a photo of both of them kissing Kelsey’s cheeks that “Jealous Jared” would love. Nick picks up Joel in a photo. The brothers then get Cassandra to give them the double backstab. And then Phil shoves his face in Cassandra’s boobs. Big Brother calls Kelsey back to the diary room to return the camera. Tim tells Nick that maybe he when he comes back to Canada he will land in Ontario so that Nick can help get a van ready for him to drive across Canada in. Tim them starts telling the others stories / legends from Australia.