12:47pm Bedroom. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – I am annoyed at my body. I started my period today. I am annoyed at my body for the ability to make me that miserable for two days. Like I literally walked down this morning and said to Jess and Christie .. well the b***h is gone .. Holly is back! I am emotionally depleted. I am not used to doing that. Letting stuff out. Jackson – well its day 75 ..we’ve got 25 days left. Holly – what are you thinking? Jackson – whether or not you should throw the next HOH. Holly – as long as you’re not planning on turning on me because I pissed you off. Jackson – that’s on a personal level.. you and I on a game level have to work together. There are six people left. Cliff and Nicole, Tommy and Christie. Holly – is that what you want though… to only to be game? Actually I don’t even want..