5:10pm – 5:30pm In the bathroom – Sabrina tells Heather that she wasn’t mad at her when the incident in the kitchen happened. Sabrina explains what happened again where she was making her slop cookies for everyone. She says that she had the sugar in her hand and was about to pour it when Adel grabbed it out of her hand and poured it into his water to make sugar water. She says that she wanted to bash his face in with a hot pan but knew she would be evicted. Heather tells her that she’s proud of her for not going off on her. Sabrina leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs. On the way down Ika bumps into her and Sabrina goes down into the kitchen to complain about how she just bumped into her. Ika and Adel head out to the hot tub room and Sabrina follows them. The living room crew are worried theres about to be a fight. Out in the hot tub room – Ika asks Sabrina if there’s a reason she’s out there with them. Sabrina says what I can’t get some fresh air! Sabrina asks her why she bumped into her in the hall. Ika tells Sabrina to shut that F**K UP!! Ika tells Sabrina that she is lucky she won’t be here because she would put her a$$ up on the block so fast!! SHUT the F**K up!! Yu’re lucky I won’t be here!
Tag: Neda Kalantar

Sarah calls Andrew out for his comments.. “I can’t take all of this bullying!”
3:50pm In the living room – The house guests are sitting around talking about random things. Andrew starts making his usual obnoxious comments and Sarah gets upset with him. They’re talking about the possibility of Canada saving Ika over Heather. Andrew says that there are so many more Satan worshippers than there are church people. How big is the church now a days… There are so many people that worshippers Satan, lets be honest. Sarah says lets be honest Canada is never going to save you Andrew. Andrew says I didn’t say everybody was, you’re so weird. Andrew says its more of a jab at Satan.. Andrew says how do you not understand my under tones. Sarah says I do. Andrew says well then why do you disapprove so much! Andrew says I am no longer making jokes about anything in this house. Sarah says I dont see any reason to be overly rude and obnoxious. Most of the time I find it funny.

Ika says I’m so glad I won that challenge last night. I went Tina Turner up in this b***h!
12pm Out in the backyard – Andrew and Kenny talk about how the fame they get from being on Big Brother is short lived. Kenny says it has a 1 year expiry. Next year there will be a new cast and we’ll be forgotten about. Andrew talks about wanting to capitalize on it. The cams switch to Jon and Sarah sitting by the pool. Arlie tells her they should have an alliance just the two of them. He tells her they can go into the diary room and laugh it up. Sarah agrees. Arlie starts talking about how he wanted to play the single guy coming into the house but the first day found out 5 of the girls were taken. He says he really wanted to play up the single guy but had to play the nun instead. He starts talking about his ex-girlfriend. He starts describing her big blue eyes, perfect lips, 5’2″, tight body and nice big t!t$.

IKA says I am a Tsunami! Tsunami IKA COMING THROUGH! Adel says B***H you are a TSUNAMI!
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Arlie tells the house guests in the bedroom that Big Brother gave them jackets to wear in the hot tub area. He tells them that the jackets can’t be brought inside. Kenny and Jon head out to the hot tub room to check out the jackets. They realize that they’re not the jackets they brought in but jackets Big Brother bought for them. They head back inside. Jon asks What if it’s a plaid challenge? Kenny says maybe we can drowned Ika! You know what I mean. Jon comments how at first when he saw all the plaid jackets he thought wow everyone brought in a plaid jacket. Arlie, Andrew, Jon and Kenny are chatting on living room couches chatting. Arlie comments that girls diddle themselves to Kenny in magazines. Kenny says I hope so, that would be awesome! Kenny comments how he gave Ika the death stare when she came into the bedroom last night.

Hot Dog for the People and “Holy molly if I win HOH.. I gotta get the bearded man”
11:46pm IKA and Adel Poolside
THey both agree NEDA is f**** next week because a lot of people are
Adel – “Just for being loyal”
They joke about everyone who gets close to Adel ends up going home. Adel tells her he’s got his family, he’s got his health and his religion everything that goes on in the Big Brother Canada house is for fun.
IKA is worried that people will harass her kids because she got heated on the show. Adel doesn’t he says Canada isn’t like that we’re not “Full of Crazies” there’s only 30 million people here.
Adel says they will edit it wisely “This is a family kid show..”

Sabrina – “I don’t want you to be paranoid because I never ever repeat stuff”
8:37pm Bathroom Allison and Sabrina
Sabrina retelling her conversation with Heather, while she does it she mimics Heather’s voice.
Sabrina – “I don’t want you to be paranoid because I never ever repeat stuff”
Allison I know that and I trust you I have no reason not to”
Sabrina – “When you see me talking to someone never ever think I’m talking about what you told me.. Like I’m just not like that”
(LOL just spit out my coffee)
Sabrina says she’s bothered that everyone is coming to her telling her Allison is targeting her. Sabrina says she’s not even close to Andrew anymore doesn’t know he’s even got her back. Allison tells her not to worry Andrew does have her back. Allison says the only people she has in the game is Sabrina and Andrew. Sabrina squeals and they hug.

Sabrina tells Rachelle “I f**king HATE Ika & Adel! She was giving me dirty looks & rolling her eyes at me!”
12:50pm Big Brother puts the House guests on a bedroom lock down. All of the house guests think its odd they’re on a lock down in just the bedroom on a Tuesday. They speculate on it being for Adel to use his power, something to do with the 2 million they saw on the living room tv screens, for the hammock to be brought back, or that its just nothing at all and just regular maintenance. Big Brother blocks the feeds… When they return – The house guests head out of the bedroom to see if anything has changed. Jon and Neda stay in the bedroom to talk. Jon comments how the diary room
Jon asks Neda if she likes him? Neda says no, like a person! Jon asks you don’t love me? Neda says no. Neda says that she doesn’t want Big Brother to spin things to make things look like they aren’t. Jon comments how he didn’t like the whole trying to keep us separated when we were drunk. Jon heads to the bathroom and Sabrina talks to him about how he was acting weird with her.

IKA Campaigns to Kenny and Heather Eavesdrops on Andrew, Arlie & Kenny..
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the storage room – Sabrina talks to Kenny about how Jon. She says he’s so bad, he literally took me into the corner yesterday, outside and He’s like why did Ika go up! Why did Ika go up! Why did Ika go up! Why did Ika go up! I am like what are you talking about? He’s like why did Ika go up! I am like because she needed to. And he’s like why didn’t I know about this! I’m at the bottom of my alliance. I was like what?! Kenny says yeah Ika says the only reason I went up is because Rachelle made a deal with me that I would be safe for 3 weeks. And he was like why didn’t I know about this deal. And I was like because it’s not real. So I didn’t make that deal. Sabrina says okay, thank god I said the same thing. Kenny says he said you need to stop listening to f**king IKA! Sabrina says I said relax. She’s probably just saying that because she’s telling her friend I’m putting you up because of this but it’s not really because of that .. it’s because she doesn’t really know what to tell her friend that she’s putting up. So she gave her that excuse that she was safe for a couple of weeks.

Adel calls Sabrina “A snitch A$$ snitch.. She’s like Rachelle She’s BUNK”
10:22pm Jon and Neda Hot Tub Room
Jon brings up talking to Sabrina and confronting her about not being in the loop. He says it was obvious that she knew he didn’t know.
Jon says he’s throwing Kenny and Andrew up if he wins HOH
Neda doesn’t think he should put up Kenny.. “You have to be smart though”
Jon – I’m so F*** livid right now “
Neda – “All the girls I ever trusts turned their backs on me”
Jon – “I don’t think I can trust Sarah”
Jon believes that Sarah, Kenny and Andrew are working together. Neda – “For sure”
Jon tells her Sarah keeps coming up to him saying she wants Andrew out and if it comes down to it she wants KEnny out.
They agree Sarah is trying to get info.

Jon catches whiff he’s on the outs tells Arlie “We gotta F**** bounce”
8:50pm Arlie and Jon
Jon asks him if he’s heard about the deal they made with Rachelle so she would put IKA up. Arlie hasn’t
Jon – “I just talked to Kenny about it and he lied to my face”
Arlie – “I knew they did something.. how did you hear about that”
Jon – IKA told me
Jon says it’s time to F*** Bounce.
Arlie knew they had done something, He suggest they do not talk right now they need to find a place where they can have a nice long talk, “Be calm put on your happy face”
Jon is worried about Sarah asks if she knew. Arlie says she hasn’t been talking game much he’s been taking a break.
Jon – “Well I need to start playing the game”
Arlie – “Yes I agree.. honesty lets end this talk right now and talk later”

Andrew to Sabrina “I Swear on my family I love you.. Every day I love you more.. I Promise”
8:04pm HOH Sabrina and Andrew
Sabrina brings up a conversation she had with Allison in the storage room. Sabrina Swears “on her head” and her life that this conversation happened.
Allison told Sabrina that Andrew told her Sabrina is targeting Andrew/Allison and Sabrina is mad at Andrew because he’s spending more time with Allison.
Andrew swear he never said that. Sabrina thinks Allison is trying to get them fighting to split them apart. Andrew mentions how it’s good that she thinks Sabrina is targeting them because it shows she has no clue what is going on.
Sabrina adds that Allison is trying to be Sabrina’s friends so she can target them.

Adel says Sab told Rach she would introduce her to her agent. What kind of agent does she have? She’s a F**KING MUT!
4:25pm In the bathroom – Kenny gives his beard a bl*w j*b. Meanwhile – Out in the backyard by the pool Adel is talking to Jon about Sabrina and how he can’t stand her. Jon says I can’t stand her either. Adel asks Jon who Sabrina is working with because I don’t want to say things to the wrong person. Adel talks about how Sabrina told Rachelle that she would introduce her to her agent. Adel asks what kind of agent does Sabrina have.. she’s a f**king MUT! Adel says the good thing that I have going is with you and Andrew. Jon says I can’t stand the thought of being in the jury house with Andrew. Adel and Jon talk about making their backup plans solid. Adel says I think we have to keep gonads. I think no matter what they are going to put up gonads and Heather. Adel says I hate Heather .. she keeps telling me their going to put me up. Adel says if Kenny and Andrew go and you, me make it to the end .. everybody likes us for jury votes.