9:15am In the bathroom – Adel gets into the shower. Soon after he says ewww.. there’s a bloody tampon in the shower! He grabs Kleenex and throws it in the garbage. Jon says eww. He goes into the bedroom and tells them that someone left a bloody tampon in the shower. WHo’s on their period? Neda says I am but it wasn’t me. Allison says I’m just starting but I haven’t used one yet. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Sabrina says aw.. I think it was me! It was me.. Aw I am sorry Adel. I took a shower last night and took it out. Adle says just deny it. Deny, deny, deny! Sabrina says I was taking a shower last night and cleaned myself. This is so embarrassing. Sabrina ask Adel who found it? Adel says I did. Don’t worry about it. Sabrina says but they’re in the bedroom telling everyone! Adel says it doesn’t matter just deny it.
Tag: Neda Kalantar

Adel’s “Weakened” power gets revealed “I Love Deli.. can we be boyfriend and boyfriend”
12:32am Bedroom crew Arlie, Adel, Neda, Jon and Allison
They calculate there is 5 eliminations and 10 people. Allison says it doesn’t add up there’s 10 people in the house with 4 full weeks left.
Adel – “There is no way next week Kenny can play in the veto”
Adel tells them about his power.
Adel tells them that after the third week his power weakened, “on the power of veto ceremony I could just replace anyone I want”
Allison – No you can’t”

Sabrina “This is the meanest season ever.. do you think I’m like Amanda”
9:55pm Poolside Gremlins, Kenny and Sarah.
they are talking about the game the other side was playing in the kitchen picking who they would marry. Sabrina is pissed by it. (Nobody picked her)
Sabrina says Neda would make a despicable wife at least Sabrina can cook food and clean dishes.
Sabrina – “it’s a compliment nobody chose me I would not choose any of theses people except you Kenny”
Sarah leaves
Kenny tries them to stay positive tells them they will win the next HOH, they just need to sit back and find the humor in it. Rachelle thinks so many of the the HOH’s were by chance.

Sabrina deeply hurt by the personal attacks against her “I wasn’t mean I’m only playing the Game”
8:16pm Sabrina and Jon
Jon asks her for no bullsh!t during this conversation
Sabrina agrees but wants no bullsh!t from Jon, She says it’s all real she is not going to bullshit
Sabrina now claims that she saw Arlie flipping 4 days ago.
Sabrina – “I’m upset you think i’m mean.. it hurts my feeling’
Jon says she’s playing a very manipulative game he doesn’t think she’s mean she jsut said a lot of things.
Sabrina says she heard that Jon said she was a “Backstabbing b1tch” and he wants her gone next week.
Jon doesn’t recall saying that say it’s not really in his character to say something like that.
Jon says at the time when he supposedly said that he didn’t want Sabrina gone., he wanted Andrew gone first, Kenny than Allison .

Sabrina denies talking behind peoples back “I didn’t say anything horrible. wait until you see this at home”
7:20pm Bedroom Sabrina and Allison
Sabrina breaking down into a tidal wave of tears. Says she cannot believe that Allison has done this to her because she trusted Allison and loved her, “I’m not pissed I’m hurt cause I really liked you.
Sabrina – “I was honest to you … “
Allison explains to her she had no choice she was going home and Sabrina knew that.
Sabrina – Yes I’m not going to lie to you but I was honest about where my vote was.
Sabrina whimpers – “You are having fun up there when you know they all hate me and they are bashing me”

Heather says Sabrina’s an evil wh*re! I just want to call them the evil side and we’re the good side.
4pm – 4:20pm In the kitchen – Allison, Neda, Jon and Heather talk about what to do if they get HOH. They talk about whether or not to put up Kenny right away with one of the Gremlins or if its better to put up the Gremlins and back door Kenny. Jon says its way better to put up the Gremlins first. He says if you put him up you are giving him a 100% chance to play in the veto whereas if you don’t put him up theres a chance he can’t even play in the veto and he will go up no matter what. (If one of the Gremlins won the veto they would take themselves off and Kenny would go up. And If rlie, Jon, Neda, Allison, Adel or Heather won the veto they would use it to take a Gremlin off and they would put up Kenny in their place.) Jon says at least with us we have all of use to talk to and enjoy but there’s only 4 of them .. that’s got to suck. Heather talks about how much she hates Rachelle. Jon tells Heather that Rachelle was laughing at her when she got her HOH room and she was dancing. Neda tells Heather that they called her Chucky’s Bride for like the whole season.

THE LINE IN THE SAND IS DRAWN – Rachelle says I’m going to cut Arlie’s d**k off!!
1:40pm Sabrina and Kenny talk about how they know Arlie is flipping. Sabrina says that she told Arlie the 5 of them are in a perfect position. Sabrina says that Arlie wouldn’t even look her in the eye. They both talk about how conflicted Arlie is with the decision to flip. Rachelle joins them. Kenny talks about Arlie was planting seeds to blame Sabrina when he flips. Racehelle says that she is going to cut Arlie’s d**k off if he flips. Kenny says WHOA!
In the bathroom – Arlie talks to Sarah about how hard this decision is for him and tells her that he loves her dearly. Sarah goes into the bathroom stall and starts to cry. Arlie heads into the bedroom with Jon and tells him that he just told Sarah that he’s going with the other side 100%. Arlie says that he feels bad but that he begged Sarah not to go with Kenny so I don’t feel that bad about it. Arlie says its out .. and now Kenny will come after me .. but that’s fine. Allison and Adel join them and he tells them about how he’s told Sarah he’s flipped. Arlie says we’ll have to have a talk with Kenny .. but I don’t give a f**k about Kenny.

Power of VETO CEREMONY Results! Allison did NOT use her Secret Veto at the Ceremony!
In the storage room – Sarah, Rachelle, Sabrina, Allison and Kenny talk about how crazy this game is. They talk about how they didn’t even think that Paul could win an HOH but he did. Everyone leaves the storage room but Allison and Kenny. Allison tells Kenny that she would never expect Kenny to vote out Sarah over her. Kenny says that he’s been hearing whispers about a flip he says he can’t stand being in the house with these people. Meanwhile in the main bed room. Arlie tells Adel and Jon that he is coming out in the next couple days. Arlie says that he had a conversation with Kenny and was fishing to see if he could squeeze another week out of it to get more information from them but that Kenny implied that he knew he was flipping. In the storage room Arlie tells Heather that after his conversation with Kenny he is going to expose himself. Arlie says I know I am going to be a big target but f**k it. Arlie says Kenny basically said that he knows if anyone flips he knows it was me so…

Sarah knows she’s going up as the replacement. “I want to f**king just punch her in the face!”
8:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Down in the kitchenKenny talks to Arlie in the kitchen. Kenny asks if he knows who might be going up? Arlie says he isn’t really sure. He says that its most likely between Sarah and Sabrina. Kenny asks he talked game last night. Arlie says he makes it a rule to not talk game when drinking. Kenny says that’s a good idea because every time they drink they’re like “this are all my secrets”.. Arlie laughs and says yeah pretty much. Kenny says he had a good chat with Allison last night just to see basically .. we still have the numbers next week no matter what. So on the off chance that something happens and she stays I had a chat with her just to make her feel good with us. Kenny says so that went well. Kenny says that Allison asks me about Sabrina. He says she was like what’s your relationship with Sabrina? Kenny says she was like you’re kind of in an alliance with her right and I was like yeah. Jon joins them and the conversation ends.

No Room in the HAND J’s for the Gremlins
12:08Am Sabrina and Heather
Sabrina says she cannot sleep she’s too stressed out, “I’m getting super anxiety.. I just want ot know if it’s me or someone else”
Heather really wants to tell her but she’s already told everyone she’s keeping it a secret and she doesn’t want to go back on that.
Sabrain swears that she won’t tell anyone. Heather mentions that Rachelle never told her when she was being nominated. Sabrina swears she never knew Rachelle didn’t tell her that.
Heather says there is a third person she is now considering other than Sabrina and Sarah.
Sabrina – A third person.. am I higher up
Heather says Right now Sabrina and Sarah are 50/50 but there is another person to who is coming up on her list. She doesn’t know what to do right now and doesn’t want to say anything until she’s sure. Sabrina says her and Heater started off on the wrong foot over a “TifF”

Allison Comes out of the Diary Room hides her Veto and takes a shot “Cheers Canada”
10:21pm Kenny asks her how she is doing. The Camera zooms in right where Allison hid her veto. Allison reply to Kenny – “Pretty shitty”
Kenny acting like Allison has nobody in the game and her only chance is him. He says he can’t promise her anything right now but after the nominations they can have a chat and figure out what they can do. Kenny feds her a bunch of BS

Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Allison opens the secret door
7:30pm Hot tub Arlie and Sarah
Sarah says Allison si saying to people that she is not the lowest on the totem pole.
Arlie told her that on the hammock
Sarah thinks it’s odd that ALlison would say that to the people that would be the lowest if Allison wasn’t
Arlie doesn’t think there’s anything to it.
Sarah “the way it came across well you know kinda… anyways I’m so over those two”
Arlie says the other side is not giving him anything. She wants to know what are his thoughts.
Arlie – It’s not looking amazing..