Earlier today the Big Brother 18 cast was revealed showing 12 NEW houseguests. There was some surprises, Vanessa’s Rousso and Cody Calafiore siblings. This jives with some of the rumors we heard earlier this month. Continuing with these rumors we would expect 4 more houseguests to be revealed during the 2 day premiere. Maybe coaches, maybe blood vs oil vs water, maybe vets dunno… All I know for sure is the rumor I made up about JEJO being on the show is false, sorry my bad 😉
Tag: Natalie Negrotti

Meet The Cast of Big Brother 18!
Meet the 12 ALL NEW Cast of House Guests for Big Brother 18. Below are the bios and photos of the 12 house guests. It is rumored that there will actually be 16 house guests, Coaches perhaps? We’ll have to wait to see if there will be 4 more house guests added to the cast through a twist or returning players. Today at 1pm pacific time Jeff Schroeder will be interviewing the 12 house guests on the live feeds. Subscribe to the live feed today to watch the pre-season exclusive live feed content.