6:05pm The live feeds return to the final 3 in the kitchen – James – congratulations y’all! Final 3! Nicole – I can’t believe it. James – we all had our strategies on how we got here. I want one of those jury members to say floating as a negative because in case you didn’t know floating is a strategy now. Paul – the longest season and we made it. James – Rich Meehan said this was a tough season and they knew it.
Tag: Natalie Negrotti

Vic “James don’t think you’re all high & mighty there’s still a knife in my back with your name on it”
2pm Backyard – Nicole tells James that she gets why he got america’s favourite. You have a heart of gold. Don’t even change. James – I’ve been getting my heart broke a lot this summer. It’s been an emotional summer. Nicole – you put your whole game on pause. Corey and I are in a showmance but didn’t put our game on pause but we’re gamers. James – I just feel like it was me chasing her all summer. Well not chasing her but … Nicole – making sure she was okay.

Vic “Look ya’ll can’t beat Paul! I’ll stay, beat him and then throw all the comps after that.”
12pm Nicole, Paul and Vic are talking. Vic – I can see Nicole ..after coming up to me wanting to apologize for like an hour. Nicole – agghhhhh.. shut up! Are you going to forgive me? Vic – I’ll forgive you but I’ll make fun of you about all the time. Vic – look ya’ll can’t beat Paul.. I’ll stay and beat him and then throw all the comps after that. Look ya’ll can’t beat James .. I stay beat him and then throw all the comps. Vic laughs. Corey joins them. Corey – the worst was being up on the block against Paulie. Paul – AHh.. I heard him say morals like a hundred times.

Big Brother 18 Week 11 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Last week ended with Michelle being evicted. Victor wins the Head of Household and nominates Natalie and James. He tells them it’s revenge for their backstab. Fair enough. James accepts his fate and tries to keep Natalie off the block saying he was the one that talked her into taking Victor out last week. Natalie […]

James – “I’m going to throw this next HOH, I need to be open next week”
1:21pm Natalie and James London room
Nat – these people are evil.. I want to go to Jury and be with Bridgette and Michelle
James’s- it’s going to happen
Nat – America I can’t believe I apologized to Victor and Paul I tried to take the high road and be the bigger person.. Victor was a complete douchebag to me in the beginning of the season until he had to re-evaluate how he treated people

Corey – “I really hope he (James) wins HOH”
They comment the construction has ended in the backyard. There’s speculation about the type of filler for tomorrow’s episode.
They start talking about the blowhorn incident. Nicole thinks that James and Natalie might be a real thing now because after last night it’s the only thing that can fix them.
Paul disagrees..
Victor says you all know how James is he’s a nice guy he’ll not want to go out leaving it like that.
Paul – some people must want to blow her sh1t up.. First the blow up doll than that.. Someone doesn’t like her.

Nat “If you win can you send Nicole home after me? Put up Nicole & Corey?” James “I will!”
POV Holder: Corey POV Competition Sept 3rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 5th HOH Victor Next HOH Sept 8th Original Nominations: James AND Nat After POV Nominations: Nat AND James Have Nots None Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial! 5pm – 6:25pm In the kitchen – Nicole, […]

Natalie to James – “we’ll always be friends you know that right”
Nat – you think I can fake my feelings for you
James – no I didn’t say that .. just hot and cold
Nat – thats how I am this game has brought out the craziest emotions for me.
Nat – I wasn’t strong enough for this game.. I’m sorry
James blames a lot of the drama on the block and miscommunication.
James- I apologize as a human being and as a friend.. I didn’t come in here I was looking for a showmance… I told America.. told my Family.. I’m coming in here for that 500K it’s business.

Nat “I almost left the game. I need to make my decision tomorrow.” James “Don’t leave the game!”
12am Backyard – James & Nat. Nat is doing her pity party again. Nat – I apologized to them and they’re still sh*tting on me. It just sucks! Like I back stabbed two people that I trust for two people that I couldn’t trust. Trust me Paul and Vic have done dirty. James – its all my fault isn’t it. Nat – no its not all your fault. I made the decision too. James – obviously its bothering you. Nat – I’m over it. I want to stay. I’m not giving up. I would have used the veto on you. It just sucks. Like I’m human, it doesn’t feel good.

Nicole “Since the MacGyver comp Nat has been hard core dieting” Paul “Not eating isn’t dieting”
5pm Hammock – James and Nat. Nat – I’m going to miss you. James- I’ll miss you too. I’m going to come visit you. James – I just need to decide whether get a plane ticket or get you some plane tickets. James – after you travel all where you’re going .. the least I could do is get you a round trip ticket to Texas. Or if you felt weird about it I would pay for half of it.

Natalie to James – You know what the secret to this game is..keeping your mouth shut
3:01pm Natalie and James
Trying to figure out why the care packages went to the people they did.
Natalie says James was America’s Favorite so that’s why he got it. She was Close to James so that’s why she got it. Nicole was a fan favorite do her and Corey got it because of that. Natalie adds that Michelle was Dan Gooslings cousin and that is why she got it. (ZOMG)
Natalie – You know what the secret to this game is.. you just need an alliance of 4 a$$ strong competitors that are tight lipped..

Paul tells Nicole – “You and me in final 2.. pick a snake or an a$$hole.”
12am – 12:30am London bedroom – James and Nat. Nat – If you’re in the final 2 with Corey you would definitely win. People didn’t like Corey. James – if Corey and Nicole get evicted, I probably have everybodies vote. Then its like me and Paul or me and Victor. I would have to have a freaking good speech. I know what he’s going to say. I battled my way back into this house two times and you evicted me James. That sounds good and all Victor but the object of the game is to not get evicted.