2:01pm Pool Michelle, Jordan and Jeff. Michelle cannot believe the other 2 are still sleeping.. Jordan says she had trouble sleeping the bed in the splish splash room isn’t comfortable anymore. Michelle says she has trouble sleeping as well.. she was so wired from the competition. Jeff wonders how many people will be […]
Tag: Natalie Martinez
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff “It’s over Jordan, Maybe I should crack my Knee caps than the Douches will keep me”
12:50pm 12:50pm 1:00pm Pool Jordan “You have any of that wine last night?” Jeff “a bit ” Jordan “hopefully we get some more tongiht” Jeff “I hope so” …. 15minutes pass Jeff is pissed off he tells Jordan he doesn?t want to go to the jury house just send […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Houseguests Get a visit by Aliens, POV tonight and Michelle breaks down
7:30pm Splish Splash Room Jeff and Jordan cuddling.. Jeff is bummed out Jordan tries to be optimistic she tells him he’s surely going to win tomorrow. They get up to make dinner.. 8:10pm Dinner table. Michelle thanks them for making food.. Jeff tells her no problem he enjoyed making it. Natalie gets called into the […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin is the HOH Winner
7:25pm Kitchen Jeff and Jordan, Jordan is worried that she looked like a douche when she was yelling at Russell. Jeff says she did look a little like a b!tch. Jordan is all bent out of shape over it, this isn’t how she wants to be seen.. Jeff then tells her he yelled at […]
Big Brother 11 – “PP” vs “Dbag”, HOH and Eviction Results
Jordan votes to evict Russell Kevin votes to evict Russell Michelle votes to evict Russell Russell is evicted from the Big Brother house New HOH is ? ***** Please Note, during heavy traffic periods there may be a delay in your Comments being shown as the server is under extreme stress. If […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – The Swat Team is in the DR.. Jeff “DUDE DUDE DUDE.. DUDE DUDE DUDE”
This Big Brother Spoilers reports describes the house guests in a indoor lockdown because CBS production is building a large Head of Household set in the backyard. The house guests are all speculating what tomorrows competition could be. There is some serious friction brewing between Jeff and Russell. 7:50pm – 9:30pm HOH Natalie, […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie might want to be evcited
4:50pm Backyard Michelle, Kevin, Natalie and Jeff. Jeff is telling them about a show he saw on Discovery channel about a Hiker cutting there arm off. He goes into detail about hiker that was in the mountains and some rocks fell on his arm and pinned him to the ground. He lasted 2 […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell asks Kevin you have a hour what do you do
9:10pm backyard, everyone sitting around. Natalie leaves and goes inside to get food.. When she comes back she tells them she took all the leftovers. Jeff “why you take all the French Fries” Natalie says she left one pork chop. They start talking about final 6 final 5 final 4.. Natalie goes I […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin wonders what they can do to make things exciting (here’s a hint Vote out Natalie)
6:50pm – 7:25pm Red Room Natalie and Kevin cleaning their blankets with lint rollers. Kevin makes a comment that there’s nothing better to do in the house. Kevin sarcastically says the live feeders must just love us right now with all this action. Natalie doesn’t think there is very many people watching the live […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin and Natalie plan out this weeks Operations and Jordan informs us all she has Diarrhea
In this Big Brother spoilers update Natalie and Kevin are scrambling trying to figure out what to do in the game to survive. they contemplate throwing Michelle under the bus and trying to get on Jeff and Jordans good side. There is some tension growing between Kevin and Natalie mostly on Kevin’s part as […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff tells Michelle and Kevin they better vote Russell out OR ELSE!
This Big Brother Update covers August 24th from 9:30pm to 11:30pm. If lays out many conversations between Natalie, Kevin, Jeff, Jordan and Michelle. The general mood of the house is they want to evict russell this week. 9:30pm green room Jeff and Jordan. Jeff saying he’s been in the Diary room for a long time. […]
Big Brother 11 Sleepy Edition- Jeff and Jordan count the house
A fairly boring Live Feed Update, the house guests are doing a lot of sleeping. Jeff and Jordan are preparing to for competitions by counting everything in the Big Brother House. They are trying to keep the counting a secret. 7:15pm Green Room Jeff and Jordan still counting everything in the Green room. Jordan […]