Part one of the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 Premiere Event. 12 celebrities this season. Tonight we are introduced to the houseguests and get to see the first part of the head of household competition. Tomorrow the Feeds will start and the Big Brother Spoilers will roll.

CBB Live Feed Sneak peek “I don’t think we have any lettuce really .. Kinda Crazy”
Big Brother Spoilers – You can hear Joe in the background going on about them needing “lettuce for tonight”
Joe – Kinda Crazy… THEY gotta make a serious run and we can’t talk to them
“the Diary is locked up”
Joe – well they are going to have to let somebody in there and I know they can hear us so…. you know..
(OH MY GOOD no lettuce for tonight.. almost out of towels.. no olive oil.. )
LOLO suggests next time a person is called into the Diary Room they need to tell them to request the things they need
Jon is helping lolo clean up

Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 House Pictures
The Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 house was revealed. Featuring a Brooklyn Bridge styled upstairs, Faux French kitchen island and a Picture of Marissa.

Meet the Cast of Celebrity Big Brother Season 2!
The premiere of Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is just over a week away and the cast has just been released. This seasons cast has a mix of celebrities that you might know of and others you might not have heard of before. Among the cast is a member of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, a NFL athlete, an Olympian, a WWE star, as well as family members of more well known celebrities. Take a look at the cast and let us know your thoughts.