8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.
Tag: Monte Massongill

Alex “If we win the veto they’re completely screwed” Scott “They’re scared of us. HOLLA POWER COUPLE!”
8:45pm Alex – Jason basically told me that he can convince Danielle to keep you and I (Scott & Alex) off the block this week if we keep him safe and don’t touch me (Jason) next week. Scott – he told he if he convinces Danielle to not put us up, then if he is on the block as America’s nominee that we go after one of our own people. Alex – if you don’t put me on the block …we can work with that deal. We can work with that deal! Scott – exactly. I don’t even think he is going to be America’s nominee.

Shelby “Shane got 3K in stipend money and a step child! Congratulations!”
9:10pm – 11pm Lounge room – Shelby, Scott, Alex. Scott – those three … Kryssie, Neeley and Danielle are going to vote against me no mater what. They don’t even got to pretend. Shelby – that’s what happens when you say you’re going to put them up in front of them. Scott – well I did nominate two of them and I took out the other ones boyfriend. Its to be expected. I’ve used both of them as pawns and took out Danielle’s boy toy. Shelby – but you played with emotions apparently but now if they want to get you out because of that, that’s not playing with emotions?!

Jason “I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the f**k she wants. I don’t trust him for sh*t.”
9:20pm Bathroom – Justin & Jason. Justin – I’m going to talk to Kryssie so that maybe we can get Scott’s head off the block this week because it would be good for our game. Jason – no, no, no. Justin – we need to get Shelby out of here. Jason – its not good for our game. Plus he’s already told everybody that they’re working with us. Justin – that’s not true. Jason – Alex’s been the one saying that. Justin – so you think it’s a bad idea? Jason – I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the fuck she wants.

Kryssie “I could f**k on camera. I think I would look way grosser giving a bj than getting railed.”
9:10pm Bedroom – Morgan and Shelby. Morgan – what are the chances of Kryssie ever flipping to our side? Shelby – I think we’ll find out after this conversation. I would say pretty low. Morgan – I don’t get their side of the house. I don’t think they think anything game wise. Shelby sarcastically says you’re a snake if you talk to the HOH. Shelby – so you think we should do anything.. I think we should leave the wrappers in the spot where they left the crackle bars. So when they look for them, they just find wrappers.

Big Brother Over the Top Week 2 Eviction “I’m a total party.. I’m everyone’s buddy”
6:56pm Scott, Shane and MOnte
Talking about all the down time they had during the week before the show started. Scott read through the entire game of thrones series. Monte says they took his bible away. they all agree that is odd because Cornbread had his.
Big Brother calls them out.
Monte – we’re playing you up as the villain you can’t have that.

Kryssie “America WILL vote out Monte. I hope America is watching them being co*ky f**king bastards”
8pm Bedroom – Shelby, Alex, Morgan, Whitney and Monte are talking about their diary room sessions. Monte – and say y’all can trust us because clearly y’all (America) can put us up if we don’t follow through with what we’re promising. Shelby – America’s a player. Monte – they are basically. How terrible .. that America could win .. how horrible. America votes themselves. Man when you’re a havenot you can’t fake anything. Like there is no way I could go fake be nice to Kryssie or Danielle.

Big Brother Over the Top POV Ceremony Results “I’m not mad at you”
1:27pm SCott and Alex
Alex – I pissed off the entire house to save you
Scott – thank you
Scott – you will always be my number 1 If I win Veto…
Alex – thanks.. what time to you get off this thing
Scott says another 6 hours.
Alex – have you had to use that porta potty

Shelby “You’re going to be diving into a sea of p*$$y if you go home” Monte “No, I’m going to be hated”
8pm Scott comes out of the diary room wearing a golf shirt and pants. He says they gave him the outfit. He says he has to stand out in the backyard “sand pit” for 24 hours. They ask if he has to go out there right now? Scott – no I have time to grab some water and a snack .. such as pickle. He grabs some water and a pickle and heads out into the backyard. Monte comes out and says dang dude that sucks. It’s cold out too. Margan and Alex join them. Morgan – you’re going to freeze!

Big Brother Over the Top Week 2 America’s Nominee and Veto results
10:04pm America nominates Monte for eviction Veto Players are Alex, Dani, Shane, Scott, Monte and Shelby Jeff’s in the house.. OMG .. where’s my cat to share this moment with me. Jeff- In case you didn’t know I’m here to host the Power of Veto competition. 1:03pm Veto contest Jeff is the host. there is […]

Kryssie “You have a problem with a sexist but you spend everyday trying to f**k someone else’s girlfriend?”
7:20pm Backyard – Shane, Danielle, Justin and Neeley. Danielle – hopefully we pick people from our side to play (in the veto). Shane – I swear to god if I pick Shelby, I’m going to be so pissed. Actually I would be so happy because she’s not going to win it. Danielle – She might […]

“who ever the America nom is has a HUGE chance of going home this week HUGE”
3:19pm Morgan and Shelby
Going over votes
Morgan – Scott would vote Danielle.. let say it’s me up worst case scenario.. You, Whitney, Monte, Scott
Shelby – our only for sure votes..
Morgan – ya
Shelby – the other side of the house will be Justin, Jason, Kryssie, Neeley … who are we forgetting
Morgan – that’s 4 and 4 and America’s vote
Morgan – we would need Neeley to flip
Shelby – I don’t think she’ll flip against Danielle though