1am Jenn and Wil are talking on the backyard couch about how they think Boogie and Frank are working with Danielle, Dan, Britney and Shane. They talk about how they think Frank made a dumb move that will end up costing him his game. Jenn says that it would suck if Wil leaves. Wil asks why would they want to keep Joe? Wil says that he just doesn’t know what else he can do, it’s a giant group against us. Wil tells Jenn that at least she has the balls to play her own game. Jenn says that she kind of feel like it’s guilty by association; you know because you were with Janelle. Wil says that he just hopes that if he goes home on Thursday, that Dan takes out Frank. Wil says that if you don’t want Joe in Jury, then … Jenn says well, he is the kind of guy they would take to jury. Jenn starts talking about how she is the only person of ethnicity here. Wil says that he guess it shows the viewers. He says that he think there are a bunch from the mid-west.
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