Shane says he was misguided by someone in the house he got confused and didn’t know what to do. All he was hearing from everyone in the house was “You can’t trust frank you can’t trust boogie” Boogie asks if POV is played: “Are you up to stick with the plan or is this Disco Wars” Shane: “no we can talk” Boogie: “If I knew you were considering this I wouldn’t have gone for the 10 grand whats that after taxes”
Boogie says about Britney that she doesn’t give a f**k about Shane she’s going to use him she’s going to ride your back to the end” Shane says Britney put things in his mind and he still really trusts her because she his coach.
Frank and Boogie Nominated
(Frank is really pissed and he shows it.. Boogie is keep his cool.. Shane blames the nominations on Britney)
Shane thought this was going to be a lot worse he thanks them for being cool. Boogie reminds him that the thing about putting a duo up is one of them stays. Boogie isn’t mad he knows if they stay this week they still can work with Shane.