Shane saying it’s 6 on 2 next week so him and Danielle better get ready to win some competitions, “Frank and Boogie going right to the top”.
Ashley brings up that she doesn’t trust Wil or Joe anymore, she’s starting to suspect she’s the bottom of the totem poll.
Shane points out after what Wil did to Kara he’s not sure about him anymore.
Ashley: “Wil and Joe don’t give a fuck about me.. they’re using me”
Shane explains there are 8 players and 4 coaches it’s not a big stretch for CBS to mix up the player and get the coaches to repick. Shane is hammering the point that the coaches are running this game 100%. Ashley agrees, She still loves Janelle.
Ashley says that Boogie never even talks to her. Shane: “Of course he doesn’t he doesn’t need you right now” Ashley: “I don’t trust Ian worth Shit he’s conniving.. and vindictive” Ashley pesses them to get rid of Ian, “Get rid of Ian now Get rid of him before he’s too powerful”. She plays up his performance in the last POV and says that physically everyone is underestimating him.
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