1:50pm Jojo is talking to Britney in the bathroom. Jojo talks about how she realizes she is going home and says that sometimes you just have to accept that something’s are out of your control. Britney gives her a hug. Jojo starts bringing up Willie again and Britney tells her that she is tired of talking about it.
Shane and Britney are in the arcade room talking. Shane says that Danielle came to him and told him that she would be more loyal than Jojo. He says he doesn’t know and then asks for Britney’s opinion. Big Brother cuts the feeds to TRIVIA. When they come back, Britney is speculating if she gets to choose a player to come back.. she wonders if she should choose Kara. Shane says yes, Kara knows both Jojo and I voted for her. Britney tells Shane that he and Jojo have been clicky this week and that its hurt him. Britney says that Jojo being stingy with a $6 pack of cigarette is bad for her.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!