8:00pm Cam 3-4 HOH Wil, Danielle and Dan Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Wil telling them it’s OK he knows he’s not the target. Wil tells danielle not to feel bad he still respects her.
danielle tells him she wants him to still come up to the HOH and Hang out with them. Wil says he will, it’s just a game and he can still hang out with them all.
Danielle: “I think so highly of you.. I’m sorry”
Wil: “Don’t Worry.. Give me a hug”
Wil hugs both of them and leaves.
Dan: “Ian’s a rat” Dan caught Ian talking to Boogie after the Power of Veto Ceremony. Dan tells her they cannot trust Ian they’ll have to see what he says tonight. Dan: “Wil wins the POV you should put Boogie’s ass up”