Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Tag: Mike “Boogie” Malin

Boogie continues to sell Operation Evict ALPHA Female
10am Boogie heads out into the backyard and asks Ian how he slept. Boogie says this is bazar but do you need to go to the bathroom? Ian says no I’m fine I went last night before I went to bed. Boogie says he is going to finish making coffee and be right out. Ian says cool we can talk. Boogie says yeah it would be good to talk before people get up. Frank joins them out in the backyard. Ian tells Boogie we have to think of a way to keep Frank here. He tells him it is possible very possible. Frank comes out into the backyard and says butt cheeks for days, yo! Frank grabs Ian’s lease and starts walking him around the yard while he awnings. Frank brings Ian over to the couches. They talk about how he can’t sit on the couch. Frank wants him to get up on the couch just so he can say Get DOWN BOY! Boogie tells Ian that even though the coach thing is over he still wants them to look out for each other. Ian tells Frank that he thinks he is in a pretty good position because people might wise up to an anti-Janelle movement. He says that Janelle is Wil’s right leg and people want to take her out.
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Danielle says Frank is fixing to be a Wikipedia champ by escaping death 3 times!
2am Shane, Ian and Danielle are up in the HOH room talking. Danielle talks about how they will need to somehow convince Dan that getting rid of Janelle. Danielle says that Janelle told her that Frank hates me because I was going to vote him out last week, I won HOH, then I nominate him, then I beat him in the POV, then I stole the POV from him and put him in a spirit-tard. Shane says wow she brought all those things up?! Danielle says that then Frank talked to me and he wasn’t mad at all. Danielle says that if Frank had talked to her, she would have probably put up Janelle instead. Ian says that the more we hash it out, the more I feel that it is the best decision to get rid of Janelle. But that it is you decision and I will do what you want. Danielle says we need to get Dan up here tomorrow and hash it out. Shane says even if he isn’t on board I think we should still do it. Danielle says she doesn’t know. Ian says look we talk to Dan and say alliance of 5, 4 out of the 5 think this is what is best for the alliance. Danielle says Boogie is in the game no matter what and he is going to continue to alienate himself. He doesn’t throw out a mist he just throws out facts. Shane says that Boogie just doesn’t want a floater to win this. How much can we trust him. Danielle says it doesn’t matter we can’t trust Janelle. Janelle and Boogie can’t be in the house at the same time after next week. Ian says that is not Frank’s time to go. Danielle says he is fixing to be a Wikipedia champ by escaping death 3 times. Danielle says that her and Frank need to have a heart to heart and he needs to put blood on it.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Dan: “Boogie and truth do not belong in the same sentence”
Boogie just pitched his plan for them to put up Janelle and roll with him. Danielle tells them that she trusts Boogie ore then Janelle. She knows how 2 face Janelle is. Britney wants Dan’s take on the Boogie offer because she’s thinking it sounds pretty solid. Danille and Shane are very much liking it also. Danielle: “I don’t trust Janelle at all.. she keeps telling me she’s going after different targets.. Last night she said she’s going after Joe, Wil and Ian now they are not after Joe and Wil.. Wil told me to my face they are working together ”
Britney: “100% chance if Janelle or Wil win HOH they are putting up 2 of our people”
Danielle and Shane are pretty sure they will go up if she wins HOH. Britney tells them Janelle has said a hundred times she wants coaches to make it to Jury so they can vote for each other.
Dan is just worried that if they keep Frank they are keeping Boogie and Boogie is dangerous.
Shane: “I know the rest of the houseguests want the coaches out.. he thinks that Danielle, Frank and him can keep them safe” (Shane and Danielle are really thinking they are competition Beast.. it’s true)
Britney says the scary thing is if Ian wins HOH and Dan is up on the block Boogie can do the same thing he just did to them. Walk into the HOH throw a name out and get the power to flip. Britney: “he could just as easily throw one of our names out there” Danielle believes that Boogie tells the truth about the deal.
Dan: “Boogie and truth do not belong in the same sentence”
Dan reiterates how dangerous to Keep Boogie and Frank in the house.. if it was Ian and Boogie he would on board. Dan explains to them that 2 hours ago they were dead set on taking Frank out now they are talking about Sending Janelle out the door. Danielle says she’s always disliked Janelle. Britney says that Boogie and Frank will not put them up she can’t say the same about Janelle.

Ian yells who wants to see the first big brother dog!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!
7:35pm All the house guests are in the kitchen eating and making dinner. They are eating turkey burgers. Ian gets called to the diary room. He jumps up from the table and runs to the diary room for his dog punishment costume. Britney comments on how Ian isn’t allowed to be on the furniture. They ask her if that’s a rule and she says yes. They talk about how they think Ian’s kennel will be out in the backyard which means when he isn’t on the leash he has to stay out there. Ian comes out of the diary room and yell who wants to see the first big brother dog!! WOOF WOOF WOOF! Ian is really excited about his costume. He comes into the kitchen and gets down on all fours. He tells them that his dish is out in the backyard. Shane ties up the back of his costume. Big Brother cuts the feeds and then shows the backyard where Ian’s dog house is with a little fence around it. They open up the backyard and he says that it is better than have-nots.
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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Ashley says that she is getting hemorrhoids from Joe’s food.
Power of Veto Summary: Danielle won the VETO, Jenn got a Maui trip, Wil got $5000, Frank has to wear a spirit-tard for a week, and Ian took a punishment of 24 hours as a dog where he has to live in a kennel in the have-not for 24 hours.
5:35pm Ian joins them in the HOH room. Ian says oh in the baseball? Dan says yeah. Ian says that was a crap shoot. Dan says that was not a crap shoot. Dan tells Ian it was so good that he gave Jenn the trip, she won’t forget that either. Danielle tells him that it was very sweet. Ian says that he doesn’t understand why Frank would try and take the last prize, he had to have known it was going to be a booby trap, especially when Boogie was telling him not to take it. Danielle asks Ian what he is thinking? Ian says that he hopes Jenn enjoys her trip, and that Wil enjoys the $5000. Dan says if you had taken the trip, Jenn would have gotten the dog punishment. Ian says that Jenn having to be the dog would just be wrong. Ian says that Frank is the first guy in big brother history to have to wear a uni-tard. Ian says that Frank’s uni-tard will go for a lot on ebay. He says that Casey’s banana suit went for like $1200, and that Kriten’s hippy-tard went for a lot too. Ian talks about how when he was told he could eat regular food as a dog he took the punishment because that’s not that bad.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!

Big Brother 14 Power of Veto RESULTS!
4:35pm When the live feeds come back, the house guests are gathered in the kitchen. The congratulate Dan on his hosting job. Britney, Danielle and Janelle are in the storage room celebrating. They talk and laugh about how Frank has to wear a spirit tard. They congratulate Danielle for winning the Power Of Veto! They laugh about how Frank will be evicted in his spirt-tard outfit.
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Janelle asks Ashley if she will vote Frank out? Ashley says yes. Janelle says good me too.
12:50pm Up in the HOH room Britney, Dan and Danielle are talking about how Janelle is down there scheming with Frank. They guess what they are scheming about. Britney brings up how much Frank hates Janelle. They talk about not wanting to piss off Janelle because they need her vote. Danielle asks if they should get out Frank or Janelle, she says that everyone will be too scared to put her up. Britney says what if Frank wins the veto, then what? Dan says it’s a one out of six chance he will win. Britney heads down stairs.
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Britney comes back up and tells them that Joe told her that if anyone is telling you I am holding a coaches convention to get the coaches out, and that is a lie. Britney says that Janelle was the one to tell then that. Dan says that is how Janelle plays this game, she lies, so at least you can predict what she will do. She is predictable. Danielle asks do you think Janelle would not go after Shane? Britney says yeah, she absolutely will, she says she would put up Wil and Joe but that is not true. Britney says that Janelle for some reason thinks they have some loyalty. Britney says that we have a good pool for the Power of Veto. Dan says you roll the dice, it is part of the game. Britney says that Shane doesn’t scheme with us, he is asleep. Dan says don’t worry about Shane, he is the most trustworthy in this house.

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Players Have Been Picked!
Power of Veto Players are: Danielle, Frank, Wil, Ian, Jenn, Shane
10:25am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Dan and Shane are in the stereo room talking. Dan asks Shane how he feel? Shane says good. Dan says to Shane that there is a three horse race between you Danielle and Frank. Dan says that he thinks if Ian or Jenn win the power of veto they would probably use it to take Frank off. Shane agrees. Dan says that he thinks this competition will be less physical.
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10:30am Britney and Danielle go up to the HOH room to talk. Danielle tells Britney her conversation that she had with Mike. Dan comes up to the HOH room and tells them that he will do whatever they want him to do. Britney asks if he is officially going against Boogie. Ian says yes, he doesn’t know it yet, but yeah it is done with us, he doesn’t know it and I am kind of afraid to tell him but we are done.

Mike tells Wil actions speak louder than words, if you pick me for HG choice to play in the POV that will go a long way with us.
8am Mike and Wil are talking in the kitchen. Mike tells Wil that he didn’t understand why Wil was still joining all their little meetings. Wil says that he was genuine with his feelings, and that I think I am up on the block because of Janelle. Wil tells Mike that he was told he is a pawn and that they didn’t want to put Mike up with Frank because they told me that you would probably go home when they want Frank out. Mike and Wil head into the arcade room. Mike tells Wil that in a matter of hours you could have a necklace around your neck that could save you and change things dramatically for you. Mike explains that it was a good move for Wil to separate himself from Janelle. Wil explains that he felt like he was doing a lot of the dirty work for Janelle. Mike says that if someone does me wrong, you better watch out. Mike explains his conversations with Britney and Janelle about them trying to get Frank out. Mike tells Wil about how right as they were heading out into the backyard for the endurance Dan told Mike that he knew last night that they were voting out Frank. Mike says that he realizes his chances of his name getting drawn for the POV are slim. He says that he hasn’t burned the Wil H. bridge yet. Mike tells Wil that actions speak louder than words and if you pick me for house guest choice to play in the power of veto that will go a long way with us.
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Janelle says if Frank wins POV, saves himself she wants to win HOH and whisper in his ear you’re going home!
1:30am Ian and Joe are in the backyard playing the cornhole game. Meanwhile, Britney, Dan, Janelle and Danielle are up in the HOH talking. Janelle tells them that she is totally screwed. Her entire team hates her. Wil won’t even talk to her, not one word. Janelle says she said to Wil hey can I talk to you? She says that Wil said no. Janelle says uh okay, you’re not getting my vote! Britney heads to bed. Janelle says that she feels like the whole house is against her. She asks how can there only be four of us, how can we take on a whole house? Dan says we aren’t, we have Danielle and Shane. Janelle asks so Shane won’t put me on the block? Danielle says hell no! Dan says but we need you to get Trixie (Ashley) you can’t let her get tubed up. Janelle says Trixie needs to know that the best place in this house is with me! But she is a little confused right now! Dan says why, who is pumping her full of air? Janelle says Joe. Danielle asks why is she listening to Joe? Janelle says she listens to me the most though! Dan says good, I hope Wil stays up then. Janelle starts talking about Frank and how she has wanted him out since week 1. Danielle asks Janelle who she would nominate if Frank was gone. Janelle says she would nominate Jenn and Wil. Danielle laughs. Janelle asks is that mean.
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Coaches alliance forming? Janelle on Boogie “He’s addicted to relationships with straight males “
10:32pm Cam 1-2 Dan and Boogie Storage Room Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Dan: “what’s up you pissed”
Boogie: “ya I’m a bit perturbed.. you surprised?”
Dan: “ya I am because I hope you can see with the nominations for what they are”
Boogie: “II feel like this is a backdoor attempt”
Dan: “II don’t want to go to the end with Daniele, Britney or Janelle I want to play this game with you and i’ve told you that from the very beginning”
Boogie: “Wait we need to take a back up because You said we were good and working together and I found out you were going to take out the guy I was close to”
Dan wants Boogie in this game not Frank because with Frank in the game Boogie and Frank will get put up every single time.
Boogie says that this smells like a backdoor because his key was in last and the only guy he’s working with is nominated. Boogie cannot understand why Dan doesn’t see the problem here.
Dan tells him all the coaches want to keep him in the game. the coaches want to stay close and protect themselves against the newbies.
Boogie asks Dan if he ever thought about taking out Janelle, why target Frank if they were running together in the house why choose to get rid of him.
Dan tries to explain that he knew the twist was coming in and Frank was safe
Boogie says that things really fell into Dan’s lap with the twist because there is no way Dan knew that was going to happen he got lucky.