Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Tag: Mike “Boogie” Malin

Mike says his favourite one of all …ya lied, A LOT, we get it, you leaving!
9am – 10am Frank and Boogie are the only house guests awake. They head into the bathroom to shower and get ready. Mike tells Frank that he will tell him a secret once they get outside as it applies to people in here. Mike says his favourite one of all …ya lied, a lot, we get it, you leaving! Mike comments to the camera, normally wacky Wednesday the nominees scramble all day, this is Franks third time on the block and he ain’t scrambling. He’ll be sitting back today watching her scramble. Ya know what’s pathetic, she asked Wil to swear on his dog! Mike tells the viewers to strap on their seat belts because tonight’s episode it going to be off the hook. Frank says it just might be an 8 – 1 vote ya’ll! They talk about if they win HOH they could put up Dan and Shane. If you are so concerned about disguising stuff, that’s why we need to disguise us working together by putting you up. Frank and Mike laugh. Mike talks to the fans saying that he and Frank have never lied, unlike Janelle. Frank says C, G, R! Mike says Clean, Game, Running… sort of. Mike says imagine if we could pop out Joe and Wil in the next few weeks. Mike talks about how they need to shore up their relationship with Jenn. She likes being a free agent. Mike says that it would not be the worst thing in the world for Wil to win HOH.
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Janelle says she had a dream where she saw Joe, Ashley, Shane, and Danielle in the final four.
12:45am Up in the HOH room, Britney, Shane and Danielle are talking. Danielle is in a bad mood. Britney asks Shane if the next HOH comes down to the two of them, will he throw it to her so that he can play for the next HOH? Shane says he will. Shane goes to the bathroom. Britney tells Danielle not to be pouty. Britney asks Danielle is she wants to be alone? Danielle says she is fine. Shane comes back from the bathroom. Shane asks Britney and Danielle if they need some girl time? Danielle says no. Britney says that she is going to head downstairs.
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Shane tells Danielle that he owes her a back massage. Danielle tells him not to worry about it. Shane says that he thinks people will put them up against each other like what happened to Jeff and Jordan. Danielle says she doesn’t think so, and says that if she goes up it will be against Dan. Danielle asks Shane if at the end of all of this when they are out of the game if he wanted to be together with her, the long distance would not bother her because she travels a lot for something.

Big Brother Spoilers – High Stakes Poker, Danielle: “If I win Shane you have to kiss me.. a good one”
9:14pm Cam 1-2 HOH Bathroom Britney and Danielle
Danielle wants her to swear on her life that what she’s about to tell Britney never leaves this room. (Wow sounds like she’s throwing down something HUGE)
Britney: “I swear on my life “
Danielle: “I have 4 degrees.. I’m a nurse practitioner and I’m working on my masters”
Britney: “Ohh.. cool.. “
9:54pm Cam 3-4 Shane and Danielle
Danielle is drunk she drank most of her HOH wine by herself.
Danielle: “If I win Shane you have to kiss me.. a good one and if you win what do I have to give you”
Shane: “A Back Rub”
Danielle: “you can get that whenever”
Shane: ‘I’ll marinate on that while I take a shower”

Big Brother Spoilers – Jenn: “If I’m a Floater I’m the coolest Floater in the house”
6:09pm Cam 1-2 Storage Room Jenn and Wil
Wil telling her that Joe is going around the house telling people that it was Wil who was targeting the coaches.
Jenn brings up that Janelle came up to talk to her
Big Boobs mcgee started talking to me
Jenn: “She really knows where to get me”
Jenn says that Janelle is shooting the angle that she wants a girl to win Big Brother 14 and with how things are looking now there isn’t enough girls going into jury.
Jenn told Janelle that she’s going to tell her tomorrow where her vote is.
Jenn isn’t fully buying Janelle’s Guys running the games theory. Jenn thinks the guys are going to end up taking each other out. Jenn never told her that though.
Wil brings up that he went up to talk to Danielle and she told him that Janelle and Joe are the ones lying not Wil.
Wil tells her that the TITS alliance is still playing off the radar he doesn’t think anyone suspects them. Wil: “I think definitely Britney, Shane, Dan and Danielle are working together.. we need to get Frank, Boogie, Ian and Joe to fight them”

Big Brother Spoilers – Janelle: “I don’t believe in Backd00ring but early in the game it works”
4:26pm Cam 1-2 Janelle and Joe
Good ole’ Eagle eye talks about his conversation with Danielle. He said she never told him who she is going to vote for all she said was he can vote any way he wants and he’s welcome to come up to the HOH room on Wednesday .
Janelle has talked to Dan who’s going to talk to Shane it looks like they are receptive. Joe says he went to Dan and told him he’s voting to keep Janelle. Janelle asks him what he thinks of Dan. Joe: “seems like he’s with us” Janelle thinks in the end a lot of people will votre with the majority.
Joe wants to see if they can get a deal with Danielle and Dan so it’s Janelle, Ashley, Danielle, Dan and Joe. (another powerhouse alliance brought to you from Eagle Eye)
Janelle: “wil is so 2 faced.. why is he like that..even if I leave I don’t think you should take out Wil.. you need to get a bigger target out”
Janelle: “I don’t believe in Backdooring but early in the game it works”

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Dan tells Ian that he just got caught in the blonde web..
1:45pm Janelle talks to Dan in the arcade room she tells him that she has Joe, Shane, Wil, Britney and Ashley’s vote and that she needs Dan’s vote. Dan says that he has to make sure they are all 1000%. Janelle says that Shane said he is voting how Britney votes and she told me I have her vote. Janelle says that she definitely has four votes, maybe five and that you (Dan) would be 6. Janelle says that the only votes for Frank are Ian Jenn and Boogie. Janelle says that if she stays she will go after the person that told the lie about her. Janelle says that she thinks she can work with Joe and that he isn’t coming after Dan. Janelle asks when can you let me know how you are voting for? Dan says definitely Wednesday night if you have the votes I can tell you. Janelle says that she is definitely with Dan. Dan says he knows that. Janelle talk about how something isn’t right about Wil and that he thinks this game is about lying. Dan says that he can’t trust anyone in here. Dan tells Janelle that he trusts her. Janelle asks if he trusts Danielle. Dan says I did but where did that come from? (Nominating Janelle) Janelle says that it is a lock as long as Danielle doesn’t want her out for some crazy reason. She says I am a pawn, but I am not pawn material. Big Brother says over the intercom: hello house guests it’s going to be hot out today, don’t forget your sunscreen. Dan gets up and says he is going to go outside and lay out. He heads outside and says to Ian that he just got caught in the blonde web.
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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 7th, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Janelle says I know Britney won’t vote against me..
11:40pm Janelle and Ashley are talking by the pool. Ashley asks do you know who said all that stuff? Janelle says that Danielle said it wasn’t a girl and that whoever it was stayed up until 4 in the morning. Do you think it was Wil? Ashley says no. Janelle asks if she asked him. Ashley says no but he is always with me until early in the morning. Janelle says that she hopes it wasn’t Wil but that Frank thinks it was him. Ashley says it sucks that you are on the block. Janelle asks you don’t think people would lie to me and say they weren’t voting me out and then vote me out. Ashley asks no why would they do that? Janelle says well they almost did that to Frank last week. Janelle says that Danielle said I wasn’t the target and that if I was she would have taken Frank off the block and put me up. Janelle says that she still doesn’t get why Danielle doesn’t like me. Janelle says that she has never said anything about Danielle and that it is sad that she would believe someone who made up a lie. Ashley asks if there is anything she can do. Janelle says no, no you have always been a good friend to me and I know you would not vote me out.
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Boogie tells Frank why don’t you be a baller and put an empty suit case into the storage room.
8am Boogie is out in the backyard by himself. Boogie gives a shout out to Mr.Janelle, saying that Janelle is a liar and we are sending her home. She is coming home early and it’s his favor to Him. Boogie repeats what Janelle said yesterday after she was nominated saying I can’t believe I didn’t even have make up on! Britney joins him. They talk about Joe and all the rumors he had brought up. Britney comments on how nervous Ian gets just for veto ceremonies, they can’t even imagine how nervous he would be if he was nominated. Britney and Boogie talk about how everyone thought that he and Janelle would work together.
9am – 9:30am Boogie says that it’s funny how Joe became her dutiful soldier and how he bowed down to her. Britney says that she thinks he would have done that for whoever was his coach. Britney talks about how Joe patrols the house looking for conversations and that the kitchen is his hub. Boogie goes ew..track me dog!
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Joe tells Janelle that Frank is talking like he is going to be here next week for sure.
12:30am Up in the HOH room are Shane, Ian and Britney. Ian tells them that at first he didn’t know who to nominate if he won the head of household competition next week, but says now he knows he would nominate Joe. Ian says that no one would care if Joe left. Britney and Shane agree. Shane then says that he would even be a pawn against Joe to make it less suspicious. Ian says that it would probably not be best to nominate Shane before the power of veto because Joe’s chances would go from a 1 in 7 chance to a 1 in 6 chance of winning the veto because Shane automatically plays for the veto due to the veto ticket. Ian leaves the HOH room. Britney tells Shane to never ever again say you will go up as a pawn because they will vote you out. Shane says that he was just trying to make it easier for the others in their alliance. Britney tell him that she knows he meant well but Shane is too big a target in the game and that Frank and Boogie could vote him out.
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Will Janelle get any votes? Danielle: “She’s gotta get the hell up out of here.. Before she spreads more lies”
10:17pm Cam 3-4 Danielle and Britney Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Danielle tells her about Janelle’s lies, “The good news is she has no idea any of us Talk.. she told me that it was Boogie that didn’t want to work with her and she was willing to do whatever”
Britney: “OMG she was downstairs telling me that you wanted her to stay and you were going to convince Shane to vote for her”
Danielle says Janelle would toss in some digs with her as soon as she sensed she had the upper hand with her.
Danielle: “Janelle told me that you promised her your vote”
Britney: “I never promised her anything.. I told her I would let her know”
Danielle: “Janelle’s gotta go if she comes up here again and tries to Bully me or guilt trip me.. I’m going to scream”
Danielle: “‘Ohh and she starts making up that she was the only person that was sticking up to Danielle during when Boogie and Frank wanting her out”
Britney: “Oh MY God”