8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.
Tag: Michael “Cornbread” Ligon

Shelby “Shane got 3K in stipend money and a step child! Congratulations!”
9:10pm – 11pm Lounge room – Shelby, Scott, Alex. Scott – those three … Kryssie, Neeley and Danielle are going to vote against me no mater what. They don’t even got to pretend. Shelby – that’s what happens when you say you’re going to put them up in front of them. Scott – well I did nominate two of them and I took out the other ones boyfriend. Its to be expected. I’ve used both of them as pawns and took out Danielle’s boy toy. Shelby – but you played with emotions apparently but now if they want to get you out because of that, that’s not playing with emotions?!

Jason “I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the f**k she wants. I don’t trust him for sh*t.”
9:20pm Bathroom – Justin & Jason. Justin – I’m going to talk to Kryssie so that maybe we can get Scott’s head off the block this week because it would be good for our game. Jason – no, no, no. Justin – we need to get Shelby out of here. Jason – its not good for our game. Plus he’s already told everybody that they’re working with us. Justin – that’s not true. Jason – Alex’s been the one saying that. Justin – so you think it’s a bad idea? Jason – I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the fuck she wants.

Kryssie “I could f**k on camera. I think I would look way grosser giving a bj than getting railed.”
9:10pm Bedroom – Morgan and Shelby. Morgan – what are the chances of Kryssie ever flipping to our side? Shelby – I think we’ll find out after this conversation. I would say pretty low. Morgan – I don’t get their side of the house. I don’t think they think anything game wise. Shelby sarcastically says you’re a snake if you talk to the HOH. Shelby – so you think we should do anything.. I think we should leave the wrappers in the spot where they left the crackle bars. So when they look for them, they just find wrappers.

Big Brother Over the Top First Eviction “f*** Y’all”
Kryssie “Hey butts.. the hardest position the first week is the veto nominee.. you need to keep someone that furthers you.. i’m not done here yet.. Lets make America happy by doing the right thing”
Neelley Votes to evict Cornbread
Jason Votes to evict Cornbread
Whitney Votes to evict Cornbread
Morgan Votes to evict Cornbread
Justin Votes to evict Cornbread
Shelby Votes to evict Cornbread
Justin Votes to evict Cornbread

“I think pretty much Cornbread out.. Even if we wanted to keep him we couldn’t”
1:55pm Alex and Shelby Storage room
They agree they are easy targets now.
Alex says Cornbread was working directly under Monte and Scott. Alex says Scott is very smart and nobody is realizing just how smart he is.
Alex – people love him.. He’s not going to be put up for awhile he’s good till 1/2 way through the game
Shelby wants to keep him for awhile.
They talk about how 1/2 the house is just here to be famous or get more followers on Instagram.

Shane “What happens when you cut the head off the snake?” Jason “That b***h is gonna die!”
8:35pm Backyard – Danielle, Neeley and Kryssie are talking. Kryssie – I campaigned my d**k off! And I made it a point to point out that Cornbread is not campaigning. Danielle – I think we’ll be okay. Kryssie – We better be. You can’t go and neither can I. Neeley – I think you played your part perfectly and I think it worked. Danielle – I think just continue to stay positive and let it ride. Kryssie – she (Neeley) was right .. I had a crow sandwich today. Neeley – I think its going to work out.

POV Ceremony results “Me and Shane we have a lot of power right now” – Monte
2:00pm HOH MOnte and the plastics (Shelbey, Alex, MOrgan)
Monte says Jason will vote out Cornbread “Just for the hell of it”
they ask if there’s any chance to evict Cornbread.
Monte – i’m not going to send Cornbread home.. Shelbey says she already told Danielle and Corn that she’s not voting for them
Monte- if Danielle went home I’m not losing any sleep
Alex – is it 100% we should vote Kryssie out..

Cornbread “AHH F**K THAT SH*T! Don’t f**king bring the ghetto out of me! I’ll get on your a$$!”
1:45am – 2am Backyard – Cornbread is talking to Kryssie and Neeley. Kryssie – you said you were going to play a clean game. Cornbread – yeah but she (Shelby) is making my stay miserable. She has gotten under my skin so bad, that’s why I’ve been walking around biting my lip. We’ve had some times that were good and then right at the end of it she went right off the deep end. And I’m like what in the f**K!?! She came in my room the other day and I was talking to my roommates. She lays down on someone else’s bed.. uninvited.

Justin “If I’m HOH, I’m putting up Monte & Shelby. Then I’m coming for the rest of the plastics.”
9:05pm Hammock – Danielle and Shane. Danielle – I am just done talking game with people. Shane agrees and says there are only two people I trust. You and Monte. You’re close with Jason and we’re good with Justin. Danielle – we were by the hot tub and Shelby said I want to win HOH to see if Jason will stop calling me hooker. I was like weren’t you just all being super nice to him about him winning the veto? She is super fake. I can see that. I was kinda iffy about Neeley because I got a weird vibe from her and then after I got nominated and she came to talk to me .. I was like okay.

Big Brother Over the Top Nomination and Veto Results
Alex – Shane goes up to Monte’s room 3 or 4 times a day
Shelbey says everyone knows
Alex – I don’t trust him at all.. they think they are being so cleaver.. Scheming thinking they’re so sneaky
Alex says she likes Monte but he thinks he’s running the show right now.
Shelby brings up Monte saying “I’m the Alpha Male”

Alex “I need you to take out your party persona and go twerk on people!”
8:05pm In the living room – After Julie’s message about notifying the house guests that America will be nominating a 3rd house guest each week, the house guests discuss the new twist. Shelby says so basically we don’t want to talk sh*t about the person with the biggest home town. Monte – we’re all going to be up there at some point.