12:55am HOH room – Meg says I can’t wait to go into the DR and once again make a big a$$ joke of myself. Like every single competition.. I can’t! Liz says except for BB comics. You did really good. Meg says I just look like the bimbo of the show. Julia says you’re not on the block. Meg says I know. I could have lost in any other way but the fact that it was my nose! And then Vanessa thought I was upset. Liz says Vanessa said you didn’t congratulate her but I got why you were upset. Meg says surprise it has nothing to do with you! Julia comments on how Zingbot called Vanessa masterful. And she is really good, like she creamed everyone. Liz says Julia got 4:45 and next round it was Steve who almost literally beat her.
Tag: Meg Maley

Big Brother 17 Week 9 POV Results “Vanessa you creamed that one”
11:23pm In the HOH Vanessa, Twins, Asuitn and Steve.
Talking about johnnymac going this week. Asutin says Vanessa creamed the comp.

Johnny Mac “If I pick Meg its funny!” Austin “Meg is a safe one that probably won’t win”
10:38am HOH room – Johnny Mac comes up and asks Austin – Who should I pick for veto (If he gets house guest choice). Austin says I don’t think it matters. Johnny says or would people know? Johnny says I could just pick Meg because its funny. Austin says you could do that. Johnny says if I have no option I’ll go Julia or Liz. Austin says unless I have Liz already because that’s my house guest choice. Austin says Meg is a safe one that probably won’t win veto. If they do win it they will want to use it because they’ll be pressuring me to get that same target (Vanessa) out. I think you could pick her if you want. Let get it done! We’ll see what it is. Johnny says then you could just give it to me if you want. Then it doesn’t look like its your fault. Austin says alright lets get it done.

Julia “I’ll get up and scare the f**k out of James, he’ll never expect it! His a$$ is grass!”
1am James says goodnight sweetheart! Steve says goodnight James! James says shut up Steve, not talking to you. Meg says do it again! James says I’m talking to Meg! Good night sweetheart! Steve says goodnight honey! Meg says goodnight pumpkin pie! James says you ruin our hammock date and then you ruin our nightly goodnight. James says at home we pranks better. Back home we get the big brass hooks and after a night of drinking we put them in the floor so when the person gets up to take a piss the come through the door and trip. Steve says that could hurt someone. James says in the morning they wake up and they’re drawn on all over. They’ve got all kinds of sh*t all over them, syrup, etc.

“I had to make a tough decision, Meg and James are fun we do stupid sh1t”
Steve joins them (Liz is sleeping)
Austin – Vanessa is 100% back on board.. it put her where I need her.. I need her good
Steve asks if Meg and james are left in the game and Becky comes back won’t that be a bigger risk.
Austin says the hope is the goblins would target Vanessa.
Steve tells him he doesn’t want to talk game.
they talk about how old they were for Big Brother 6, Austin says he was in college. Steve was in 6th grade, Liz was in 7th grade.

“If he wins veto F***, here we go, something bad is going to happen”
4:59pm HOH Liz and Austin
Talking about scenarios this week
Austin – If he wins veto F***, here we go something, bad is going to happen
Austin – this is a terrible world for an beautiful innocent girl to be in it
Liz – I survived last week
Austin – it’s smaller and more dangerous

Big Brother 17 Week 9 Nomination results “Steve, You’re not going home”
POV Holder: ? POV Competition Aug 22nd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 24th HOH Austin Next HOH Aug 27th Original Nominations: Steve and Jmac After POV Nominations: ? and ? Have Nots No have nots this week 2:55pm Steve, Liz and Vanessa Steve – We’re just in a parking lot filming a TV show […]

Podcast Mashup – Big Brother 17 After Show episode 8 hosted by Kevin Zelman, Ryan Hooks, Ashley Iocco (BB Season 14), Jen Johnson (BB Season 8) – all super fans! On the Block – With hosts Spencer Clawson and Mccrae Olsen from Big Brother 15 talk with Clay Honeycutt about last nights double eviction and Jason Roy gives his rundown of the game thus far. Unfortunately AM 2 PM did not produce an episode this week but stay tuned for one to come out soon. Also Simon did another podcast guest appearance on the Kill Show last week.

Liz “I think its best to put up Johnny Mac and Vanessa. My gut is telling me to trust Steve.”
12:35am HOH room – Austin and Liz head up to the HOH room. Austin tells Liz that her job is to talk to Steve and convince him we need him to go up as the pawn. That way we still leave it open to backdoor Vanessa with the worst case of sending Johnny Mac out. Steve joins them and asks if there is anything he can do. Austin says he is still fighting with what to do. Steve says one of us can go up but you can’t put two up. Liz says its really risky to put up Vanessa right now because she has a lot of information on us. Levels of loyalty Steve .. we have way more loyalty to you. Austin says I am just trying to put up the most understanding person up there. Austin says I don’t want to mess with Meg and James front door.. and break that deal.

Austin “You tell me I deserved to go home for lying to you. That’s why I put on the top hat”
9:25am – 9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Meg takes a shower. Liz asks Meg why she is up so early. Meg says to have a shower before havenots. I made the mistake of not doing it last time. Austin joins them to straighten his hair. Meg asks how his talks went last night. Austin says by the end of the night I had my top hat on and I was swearing. Sh*t went down! Meg asks sh*t went down? Austin says not really but.. Vanessa went off on Steve because he didn’t want to be the pawn. I was like maybe I could put Vanessa up as a pawn and she lost it! She said that I owed her. I said we have the votes to keep you. I asked her why she was so paranoid. Meg says she was in the hammock room with people last night.

Vanessa “You owe me for not backdooring you!” Austin “Oh really!?”
12:20am HOH room – Austin, Liz, Julia, Meg, James are talking. Austin says that Shelli always throws me under the bus. She said to us three that she would never come after us 3. Liz says the depth of everything Vanessa’s done came out during my HOH. Thank you Becky for the fruity pebbles demonstration. James says its like what happened with Shelli and Clay.. thank you for the information but you’re still going home. Liz says Shelli won’t be the same again. Austin says that he doesn’t think Shelli will even fight to come back. Her fight was gone after Clay left. Meg says she thinks Jackie will be the hungriest. Austin says just pray that Becky is still hobbling next Thursday.

“the sun rises and sets on your a$$, He’s your b1tch”
Austin leaves them
Vanessa says Austin’s girlfriends never signed a release so the letter won’t be from her.
Julia – I wish it would
Vanessa – you’re so mean
Liz – I kinda to, I wanted a reason to be mad at him.
Vanessa – the sun rise and sets on your a$$
Julia- He’s your b1tch he does everything for you
Liz – Shut up guys