12:10pm Austin joins Liz in the bathroom after finishing his HOH blog and getting the camera from the diary room. Austin says that he gave a shoutout my friends & family, my wrestling friends and to the Bold and the Beautiful. Liz says oh my god! You want to be on there? Austin says yes. He says he talked about Judas and how he hope he is being precieved well. And talked about you and I. Liz says how we started out as friends. Austin says and talked about your Zing of course. Vanessa and Julia join them. Liz comments on how their (Julia & Liz) makeup is locked in the HOH room. Julia says I hate you.
Tag: Meg Maley

“Selling out your best friend is never fun but I said I was leaving my integrity at the front door”
12:05am Steve tells Vanessa the moment she is referring to he was not fake with her. I didn’t expect anything with you and the veto. I was trying to be nice to you because I realize what a complete a$$hole I had been. I was trying to find a way to be nice to you and make it up. I was never expecting the veto. Vanessa says I want to believe it except it sounds like a really nice story but our plan was still in place to backdoor me. And I know it was Steve, it was, it was! That’s why when I won everyone was upset! Steve says Austin said he cleared everything up with you. Forget the game, forget the vote, I want to clear everything up with you on a human level.

“Steve is rain man, Johnny Mac is taxi driver”
8:52pm Bathroom
Austin – If Steve was to say and LIz won HOH who does she put up?
Austin says she would have to put up Steve and the returnee. At that point Steve will know they are not with him.
Vanessa says at this point why not put Meg OR James up they are not coming back
Vanessa want steve out this week
Austin says that is where he’s leaving now

“Vanessa is playing me and I think it’s working”
6:19pm hammock room alone Steve
He can’t figure out the information Vanessa got today, “I don’t understand.. I think this is her excuse.. I Think She had this mind since Austin won HOH..
Steve – She’s threatened by me, I told her yesterday there was a lot of people upstairs talking about Backdooring her.
Steve – I told her all of it. She would have been totally justified if this all went down yesterday it would have made a lot sense..

“I might not win Big Brother but I’ll win the best scare of the season”
3:26pm Pool Liz, JUJU and Austin (Austin and the twins talk in circles about who to target.. )
They’re agreeing “Steve is tight with no one”
The twins say Jmac hasn’t talked to them yet they think they’re vote is locked to keep Steve.
Julia says she can’t stand the site of Jmac if he stays this week that means he’ll be in the house for 2 more weeks. Next week they were all going to target the jury member returning.

Veto Ceremony! “If I tell you we’re f**king cool, we’re cool! If I tell you we ain’t, we ain’t!”
12:15pm Backyard – Liz tells Johnny everyone wanted Vanessa out at one point but you doing that makes me feel like when your back is against the wall you will blab your mouth. Johnny says I just felt like you not willing to put up James or Meg made me feel like you were more with them than me. Johnny says I understand why it would piss you off. Liz says she came at me and I admitted it was true. You’re not out of this house yet. Johnny says I feel like I am. I know you guys are closer to Steve. Liz says Steve has done a lot too. You’re not out of the game yet. Johnny says if there are deal with everyone .. what can I do. I felt like I had to do it. I’m sorry though.

Johnny “You’re at the bottom whether I stay or go. We had a 5 person alliance to get you out!”
10am Johnny Mac comes up to the HOH room. Austin tells him that because he told James I also said I would throw it (HOH) to you, now he is all suspicious of me. So its just like BAM BAM a lot of things. But she (Vanessa) is supposed to come up here so maybe talk to her and see what she says because she ultimately has it. If she wants to use it, I have to put someone else up. Even if it stays the same nothing is concrete yet. I am just afraid to put them in a position where I have already pissed you Steve and you .. and if I put up one of them I piss them off too. Its a messy situation. Johnny says I will just put it out there if I stay I could put up whoever is left of them and who ever comes back.

Vanessa “Talking to Steve is like talking to a computer with no feelings or sense of morality.”
12am HOH room – Meg and James are talking to Liz and Austin. Meg says that he (Johnny Mac) has been trying to turn Vanessa on me. I told Vanessa that these things are the smallest little things that mean nothing. Of course they’re going to say things because they want me to go up. Austin says well you’re not going up. Austin says Steve was so adamant of not going up with Johnny Mac .. so that’s exactly what I did. Austin says that next week it will likely be the days comp and Steve & Vanessa will be the front runners on that. Austin says that he was so dead set on Steve not going this week but he’s doing a lot of talking for Johnny Mac. Meg says he is very sneaky.

“I give you my word on my mother, my girlfriend and the Bible, all I have is my integrity”
8:30pm Meg and vanessa
Vanessa says it’s come up that it’s bothered Meg that Vanessa came up to her for a deal during the double eviction
Meg says it didn’t bother her, “vanessa that is how you play the game I know that”
Vanesa- you’re saying you were not bothered.. I’m confused because a lot of people are saying you were
Vanessa points out everyone has a pair in the house, austin the twins and Meg has James.

“I’m not going to put up James and Meg and I’m telling Vanessa not to use the veto”
7:05pm Austin and the twins
Austin – how quickly have we flipped right back, Unless I find out something James is really lying about i’m not going to put up james and Meg and I’m telling Vanessa not to use the veto.
Austin – even with Steve’s conspiracy theories I’m not putting James and Meg up
Austin says Steve and JOhnnymac are telling him different Stories about their final 2.
Austin knows Steve is spinning things and bullshitting him, ‘Steve does not want to lose Johnnymac”
Austin says he’s caught Steve in a lie.

“Do you still feel good about your decision to get the Shelli out first over Vanessa” -James
4:46pm James and Meg
Meg – how far do you think Vanessa will get
James – she’s going to get far
james – you know how we would say Shelli was going to be hard to get..
Meg – no
James – it’s Vanessa

Johnny Mac “I’m alone in this house. Once you figure out things I am willing to talk”
11:40am – 12:20pm Backyard – Vanessa joins Johnny Mac. Vanessa tells Johnny to just be honest with her. When you made that deal to not put each other up did you intend to keep that deal? Johnny says I was on the fence. I didn’t even know if I was going to win HOH. Vanessa asks but if you did win? Johnny says I was going to, unless I heard other information. There was no reason for me to break it. Vanessa says it would be disappointing if I heard otherwise. Did you ever tell anyone you intended to break that deal? Johnny pauses and says to keep myself safe yeah. Vanessa says I would understand why you would say it for your game. Are you over the thing with Becky .. are you over the thing with CLay?