10:55am – 1:10pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the usual Thursday HOH lock down. When the feeds return – The house guests are all leaving the HOH room. Johnny Mac heads to the comic bedroom to pack his suit case. In the other bedroom James and Meg are whispering. James says we can’t ride on Austin’s coattails much longer. Meg asks so do you want to flip the votes? James says I don’t know. James says Steve is coming after us. He is due to win. Meg says but if someone comes in and is with us we can flip it on them. James says the thing is now Vanessa knows we were thinking about it. James asks what should we say to Vanessa?
Tag: Meg Maley

JMac “We’re in a situation where they were dumb enough to put their lap dog up on the block”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Johnny Mac is sitting alone in the havenot room. After Steve heads upstairs Meg goes into the havenot room and talks with Johnny. Johnny says that at some point today they’re going to tell me I’m going home. So at this point I pretty much have nothing else to lose.. I am going to tell you everything. Meg says okay. Sh!t! Johnny says around week 4 or 5 Steve came to me with a final 2 deal.. so that is a thing. Meg says duh! Johnny says we haven’t been on the same page of everything .. but we haven’t been going after each other. The one big thing was during the double eviction I wanted to send Vanessa home and he wanted to send Jackie home for some reason ..

Big Brother 17 – WEEK 9 OBB Power Rankings
James continues to dominate the power ranking thanks to his Social game and entrainment score, being the scare king also helped. Vanessa and Steve are still playing very strategic games, amazing that Vanessa is still in this game. Austin is showing a more well rounded game play but his 3 person alliance can’t expect to make it any further. Meg is just kinda Meg… She a goblin #teamGoblin
Johnnymac and the twins make up the bottom 3. JOhnnymac has been in a tough spot for awhile. Losing allies week after week and coupled with an already weak social game has him probably going to jury.

“I gave my first kiss in spin the bottle to Meg – The most awkward kiss she is ever going to have in her life!”
12am HOH room – Liz says he (Austin) his so annoying! Julia says you get too mad, like I feel like he is starting to get annoyed that you always get mad at him. Liz says whatever, get mad at me because I give zero f**Ks!! Julia says get mad and get over it. Liz says he gets so nasty! Did you not see who mean he gets?! Julia says we were being kind of annoying. Liz says no I wasn’t, I was picking my nails the whole time. The one time I try to help him (in chess) he yells at me! I haven’t tried to help him at all!!! Ughh.. so stupidddddddaaahahahhhhhggghhhh! Julia says I want to know when I was in the shower, what did Meg and James say? Like were they trying to make an argument against Steve?

“Steve, I’ll give you a back rub if you win HOH I’ll rub whatever you want me to rub”
10:17pm Twins, Vanessa, Austin, Goblins
Vanessa asks them if they’ve come up with a decision.
Austin – Johnny mac, Meg is going to tell him tomorrow
Vanessa – what if Johnny Mac asks me when I go back down
Meg – Tomorrow morning things can change..
The official reason is Jmac is close to everyone in Jury. They won’t tell him until tomorrow.

We’re not changing our minds any more with this decision? .. “NOPE! Steves staying”
6:15pm Vanessa joins them in the HOH
Austin – my gut is saying stay with Steve
Austin – is there any way we can get a insurance policy or do we let him fly
Julia – let him fly he won’t win
Austin – he’s still going to ask you where you are voting

“Can we just make up our mind and stop changing it”
3:46pm Bathroom Vanessa and Liz
Liz says the target last week was always Becky
Vanessa asks Liz if Jmac threw the OTEV competition because she remembers Austin telling her. Liz says Jmac was going to throw it but he didn’t.
Austin joins them. Vanessa asking them if Steve threw the otev. Austin says he didn’t. Adds that the nominations were going to stay the same.

Vanessa “I’m choosing between 2 supreme powers of sh*t! A phony baloney & a wild card!”
11:45am – 12:05pm Vanessa asks Austin did I miss anything last night. Austin says nothing. They start talking about gambling. Vanessa asks him if he has any relationship with any of the casinos? Austin says no he never gambles enough. Vanessa says that there are 16 fundamental personality types and each one plays poker the same way. If you can quickly identify personality types, then you can predict how they will play. Vanessa tells Austin if he likes gambling and wants to learn she will tell him what he needs to know and what books to read and practices. She says it will blow his mind.

James “Meg and I are a dying breed just trying to hang on as long as we can”
12am HOH room – Austin, Liz, Julia and Vanessa are studying. Austin leaves. Vanessa says I told him I don’t fully trust him yet. Julia says that Austin doesn’t really care. I am so torn. LIz says I am so scared of both of them but Johnny Mac is coming after Me, Julia and Austin so keeping him is better for your game. I don’t know if Steve is coming after us yet but he did say strong fortress downstairs which is pretty f**king scary. Vanessa says and Steve is smart, he is going to do what is best for his game obviously. Whoever we keep is going to be our fifth person. So the question is which gives us a more well rounded group. Liz says I can’t work with Johnny Mac.

“I don’t know one damn day, all I know is day 1 I walked into the Big Brother house and won the endurance”
10:45pm Hammock
Austin saying if the competitions is a game of chance Johnnymac will win it because he’s been playing and doing well in so many little games (Pot ball, Bowling, Pool, Sling Band)
Austin – Steve doesn’t like lying directly
Austin – Johnny Mac on the other hand he would say one thing and go right back on it, it’s like he’s got a gun he’ll shoot everyone than himself.. he’s got nothing to lose he’s taxi driver
James – They’re computer programmed to win the game
Austin says Steve and Jmac were pushing hard for them to back door James

“At the end of the day they love Steve more than me”
6:32pm Jmac and Vanessa
Vanessa asks him if he’s talked to James
jmac – I’m going to wait until later.
Vanessa recommends he does it in public
Jmac – I can get Meg and James easier than the twins.
Jmac says last week the twins were telling Becky they didn’t know whaT THEY were doing but they told him what they were doing, “When they twins tell you they don’t know what they’re doing they’re voting your out”

“Has ties with Shelli, Jackie and Becky.. He needs to go at least with Steve he’s just the BOY”
3:51pm HOH Liz and Austin
So much for Liz sleeping in the comic book room.
Liz – Is vanessa on board with voting out Johnnymac because that’s what I want
Ausitn says she was last night after she made up with Steve, “JOhnny mac is too wild cardish”
Austin Jmac has ties with Shelli, jackie and Becky. “He needs to go at least with Steve he’s just the BOY “