9:40am HOH room – Vanessa and Austin are talking. Austin says Liz made me feel like a fool last night. For the first time it made me feel like an idiot for protecting her. I feel like I’ve made a mistake this whole time. Just because I saw something in her that pissed me off. Just her actual self and where her real loyalties lie. It just reminded me of girls in the past that I’ve liked a lot that f**ked me over and it was just like a flashback and I felt really stupid. She sat down and was like why did you leave me down there?! I was like what are you talking about?! She said I’m scared and then five seconds later she went to SEE YA!
Tag: Meg Maley

Liz “Jeff hopes he gets picked to play in the veto so he can save Johnny Mac.”
1:25am – 2am Cabana room – Jeff says I just think its weird that we’ve had his back and then now Jason’s acting like this. He wasn’t acting like himself, he was acting like Day. His tone today was very aggravating. Like I had to walk out of the room because I was about to scream at him. I agree with the fairness of the game. It wasn’t right, you guys shouldn’t have been put up. Meg says if he had pulled my aside and he had to put me up, I wouldn’t have minded. Jeff says I don’t think it was really his decision. James asks was it Vanessa’s. Jeff says he told me it was. Meg says he threw my name out before all these noms stuff. James says and me. We made a contract with him and if that’s true I feel like we need to break it.

Vanessa – We f*****g just made 18000 deals today I’m confused .. it’s hard to keep it straight bro
10:43pm Austin, Liz, Vanessa and Clay
Austin says Johnnymac is going to pick him if he gets Houseguests choice.
Vanessa says she has no reason to target Jeff she has a reason to target James. brings up Jame lying to her week 1.
Austin says they have to pull Becky in close to have her vote in case Audrey flips (In case? Audrey’s going to try and flip the house for sure)

Vanessa “best if the Noms stay the same .. better for me personally if James goes home”
8:00pm HOH Austin, Liz and Vanessa
talking about James not looking worried at all. Austin says the other side if buying they are talking about Audrey.
Vanessa says she’s doing the same thing to Jeff.James than they did with Jace
Liz says James has never talked game to her mentions James saying “I have nothing to worry about”
Steve comes in high fives everyone.

Big Brother 17 Battle Of The Block Results “Jeff’s freaking out “
6:42pm HOH Vanessa and Austin.
Austin in the Shower
Vanessa – Jeff’s freaking out
Austin says Meg and James are acting shady with Jeff he told him before the BOB
JohnnyMac comes int.

Vanessa “What if Jeff wins POV and takes down James? Jackie goes up, there’s no one else!”
1:30pm UP in the HOH room. Shelli, Austin and Vanessa are talking. Austin asks so how was my speech? Shelli says both of them were good. Clay joins them. Vanessa says my speech made sense right. Clay says yes. Austin says we just said we couldn’t put you up because we made a deal with you last week if you wouldn’t put us up. Austin says that I told Meg that I promised Jackie I wouldn’t put her up because right away she came up and talked to me. Shelli says your concern was Audrey. Vanessa says but everyone has to think she is going up. Shelli says yes. She says that James said to Meg while he knew Audrey was laying in bed listening …

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I’m sick of it. The New York girl is coming out!”
11:50am Up in the HOH room – Vanessa is talking to Audrey. Vanessa says I warned James and Jason they might go up. Audrey is crying she says I am just tired of people making stuff up. Vanessa says they’re scared of you because you’re brilliant. Vanessa tells Audrey to spend as little time up here as possible. They are going to hate me when I do this. I am going to take the fall for it when I put up Jeff. Vanessa says if you breath one word of this at all.. Audrey says I will not. Vanessa says if you want me to remain HOH you can’t say at thing. Vanessa says I want to get back to the way we were pre-blow up.

Austin “It will be bloody as F**K! Long hair, should care, Jeff go sit in the eviction chair!”
8:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Austin says I think what we should do after the POV is stay up here till after the veto ceremony. Till she flips on us and we go down there all angry. I dont want to leave you down there alone. I just have to make sure I lose and my people win. I think I’ll tell people the plan is to backdoor Audrey … Vanessa is on board. I’ll tell people the plan is to make sure she loses so she can win to backdoor Audrey. And I want to lose so that I can take out Steve next week. Liz says as much as I’m scared to trust them, we have to. They get up. Austin says we are going to tell people that my people are going to win. Vanessa says they will try and f**k with it.

Austin “Steve called me a sketch ball! Its time to give him a swirly on the toilet!”
1am Jason and Vanessa continue to talk in the HOH room. Vanessa says that I feel like Clay and Shelli really like you. Jason says I connect more with Shelli. Vanessa says I get it you connect more with girls. I connect more with guys. Vanessa asks when you guys were HOH did anyone throw comps? Jason says apparently Jace told Steve to throw it. Vanessa ask why? Jason says James sat with us and told me he made an alliance to backdoor me. When we were both up here we made a plan to backdoor Jace either way. I was like why was it so important to have me dethroned. Jason says that Steve didn’t throw it. Vanessa says alright I think Steve wanted to talk so send him up.

Austin to liz – I’m going to try to protect you with everything I can.. I tried to win it for you
10:45pm Austin and Liz
Liz – Julia told me you had no idea.. can’t you tell
Austin – I do now.. I feel a big connection with you.. I look at you in the eye’s .. the energy was different.
Liz says Julia told her on Wednesday that the house is catching on. Says it was on Tuesday Da started asking her questions.

Big Brother 17 Week 3 plan “It’s going to be like a bomb” Vanessa
8:38pm Austin and Vanessa
Vanessa says she’s got a plan she only needs 10 minutes to explain,
Austin – I’m worried about Jeff
Vanessa – He’s a target
Austin – What’s he doing in the bed with liz
VAnessa – I want to smack her

Austin – “I don’t want to backdoor Audrey I want to backdoor Him (Jeff)”
7:28pm Austin and Liz
Austin says Jeff is the one guy trying to get him. Liz is pissed at him says he was asking her today what her middle name is trying to get her to slip up.
Liz – “I want to punch him in the f*** ugly face”