8:40pm Jeff and Austin Bathroom
Jeff – DUDE I’m team Austin.. I’ve been talking to people and I have a good chance to stay.
Jeff wants him to know
Jeff – I have three confirmations
Austin – totally
Tag: Meg Maley

“I’m protective of Shelli I’m worried how she will look on TV with the all american douche bag “
5:45pm Hammock Liz and Clay
liz says Jason thinks Julia comes in next week but she doesn’t come in until week 5.
Liz likes flirting with Jeff she calls him a “Cool guy” but he’s done her dirty and James hasn’t/ Plus Jeff is a bigger threat in the game than James.

J-Mac Keeping Jeff “how bad does that look on me like I’m going to get off the sinking ship”
3:57pm John and Vanessa
Talking about the movie Little house of Horror
Vanessa says it sounds scarey
Johnymac says it’s more a comedy
VAnessa says he’s getting pumped in the arms.
JohnnyMAc – I’ve always had muscles.. people don’t seem to notice because all the other guys are big

Audrey “Want to know my deepest thoughts and fears? I’m in an alliance with 2 couples”
10am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Clay talks about how he was called into the diary room at 4:30am .. I don’t have the right mindset to talk about things. Shelli says that she was talking to Jeff last night. He still hasn’t asked for me to vote for him. How can I vote for him? Clay says I can’t get passed the point that he literally said.. tried to campaign to get us out. Shelli says then he came to us and said he did it to protect us. Clay says I think he would be loyal now. I’m not a really .. how many times do you give second chances you know? Shelli says it sucks! Shelli tells Clay its like what (Audrey) was saying .. I know when you leave you go back to being a college boy.

Vanessa “You need to figure out if you like him (Austin) or not” Liz “I’m in love with his personality”
12:30am HOH room – Liz says the vote is going to be so close. Austin says I don’t think so, I think its going to be a landslide for James. The only person that will vote for Jeff is maybe Jackie. Austin says here’s the thing right before the vote on Thursday me and you are go to James and tell him that Jeff has the votes if you and I vote for him. We’re coming to you, if you win HOH tonight, are we safe for the week.. no front door, no backdoor? Liz says and we’re going to tell a couple other people just so they know if you screw us over you made us this promise. He cannot refute it. Austin asks but should we offer him the same deal in return?

Jeff starts – “We picked a strong sick sick alliance.. dude we’ll be able to dominate.. dominate.”
9:04pm HOH Liz, Vanessa and Austin
Austin wants to get a 1 week deal out of James. Vanessa wants in on this deal.
Austin says Jeff thinks the vote will be 6 to 5, Austin doubts it’ll be that close but james probably is being told the same thing. AUstin has some leverage in making a deal with James he needs their vote. Austin’s can make it look like he’s the swing vote.

“My game was working flawlessly.. until you get a psychopath like Vanessa winning HOH” -Jeff
6:10pm -7:10pm Bedroom Jeff and Jackie
Jeff has doubts about Clay and Shelli’s relationship there’s such a age difference. Jeff calls Clay a little boy.
Jeff saying someone is ratting on his game it’s either Clay, Shelli, Jason, James. He loves James thinks it’s Jason.
Jeff – Shelli is smart Clay is not

Jeff called Jackie Easy “he was joking, but he was serious in his bro talk.. his frat boy talk”
3:40pm Austin and Johnnymac
Austin saying that Jeff is throwing his name under the bus. Austin tells him all the people Jeff is saying are voting James out have told Austin they are voting out Jeff.
Austin says he’s telling the difference between the liz’ he’s drawn to one of them, “They’re like totally different people”
Austin brings up his moral dilemma should he tell Jackie that Jeff called her easy or should he wait.

Veto Ceremony Results! “Whoever helps me I am going to be forever indebted”
1:05pm Backyard. Jeff says the lie was about .. she tried to say that I wanted to.. A long time ago she came to me on the hammock about working with people. I told her I would come to her later.. and I never did that. She looks at it like I initiated the alliance talk. She’s annoying dude! She’s f**king annoying! You know I love you dude. James says I’m just sad I’m up against you. Jeff says I am tired of having wet dreams in this house. I looked down and wondered did I pee my pants? Clay says I don’t get random bones but I do get wet dreams in here.

Meg won a cruise on Rob Gronkowski’s party ship. “I never win sh*t like that!”
9am – 10:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Julia, Shelli, Audrey, Meg are getting ready for the Veto Ceremony that will happen today. Audrey and Shelli comment on how the backyard door is locked. Audrey says maybe its locked so we don’t mess it up. Shelli says I think they’re setting something up. Audrey says I wonder what it could be. Shelli says its nice when its quiet like this. Audrey says I would normally agree but its judgement day. Julia comments on how maybe its a Gronk Party. They’re definitely building something. Jason joins them in the kitchen to eat breakfast. Jason says Gronk says he likes winners, so what are you going to do to reward the winner?!

Johnny “Becky’s into tall guys & I’m not” Steve “Becky would be your top choice?” Johnny “Yeah!”
12:10am Shelli and Clay are laying out in the hammock. Audrey joins them. She says that Jeff tried to say that he was my biggest advocate the week that I stayed. Clay asks he was your biggest advocate? Audrey says that’s what he said to me. He said me, Clay and Shelli really fought for you. Audrey says she said oh that’s interesting because I heard you initiated this conversation and that’s kind of poetic. You know that the two people that attacked me and made me feel alienated now are on the block. So if you don’t mind clearing that up. Shelli says lets just drop it. Audrey says I want to call him out.

“Pretty intense this week.. If you’re that dominate people get nervous makes you the target”
7:57pm Austin and Julia
Instructs her to tell Jeff they don’t know where the vote it. Austin promised James last night during the argument he would vote for him.
Julia says Jeff talked to Vanessa today she wonder what happened. Austin reassures her Vanessa isn’t buying Jeff’s bullshit. Points out Jeff is a great salesman.