Week 3 is DONE. Another great week for this season. Vanessa and Austin won the HOH in a crapshoot competition. After the Battle of the block Vanessa retained the Head of Household position her nominees were JohnnyMac and James. Vanessa was worried about having too much blood on her hands so she wanted the POV […]
Tag: Meg Maley

Big Brother 17 – OBB Power Rankings Week 3
The Sleeper Cell alliance has been in the driving seat for the past 2 HOH’s this shows in their score as most of the moves are being done by them. Jason and Meg are slowly getting into talking game, James and Steve are making progress socially. Still this Game is very much driven by Shelli, Clay, Audrey, Austin and Vanessa

Big Brother 17 Week 3 Top 10 Animated Gifs
We love animated gifs they’re a perfect way to show in a couple dozen frames how funny things can be in the Big Brother 17 house. We’ve compiled the best 10 from the week. Let us know in the comments which one is your favorite.

Jeff “I’m 100% convinced you have a twin playing this game. I wish you guys the best!”
9:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Vanessa, Steve, Clay, Becky, Jason, Johnny Mac and Meg are in the kitchen. Steve comments that the HOH lockdown will be in one hour. Audrey takes a peasant shower for the first time. Up in the HOH room – Austin says James is throwing it today. Vanessa says the only people we need to worry about (winning hoh) are Jason, Meg and Jackie. Austin asks what about Johnny Mac. SO Rogue. Such a wild card. Maybe he will throw it to us because we have that deal with him. My only worry is Jackie coming out for vengeance because Jeff probably programming her right now. That’s why as soon as he leaves I might want to tell her that story about what he said about her.

Jackie “Austin controls Liz. He better not try that with me. You know me I don’t get controlled.”
12:35am Jeff and Meg are in the havenot room talking. Jeff asks do you owe James anything? Meg says I don’t owe James anything. Jeff says exactly. Jeff says I have friends in this house that James doesn’t have. Why was Johnny Mac so committed to voting for me. I have loyalties that are unspoken. Meg says that sounds so shady to me. Jeff says its not like an alliance or even a group. People like trust me. It’s something as simple in passing like I know you’re going up on the block you just need to relax. Don’t worry about it. Just play it cool and then when nothing bad happens you think oh wow that person didn’t give that much information.

“90%, he had the audacity, CLAY It’s not funny for me.. 90%.. 90%.. you must have meant 190%”
Vanessa – you can’t scare me 20 hours before a vote
Vanessa is freaking out.. thinks he’s laughing at all this.
Vanessa – It’s funny for you but I’m not laughing I’m almost crying I’m scared
Clay – I’m not laughing
Vanessa – it’s not funny for me
Clay – I don’t think it’s funny

Jeff about Vanessa – lying piece of sh1t.. emotionally unstable weak little piece of sh1t
8:13pm Bathroom Jackie and Jeff
Jackie says Vanessa thinks Audrey is america’s player
Jeff is pissed says if he stays in this game he’s going after Vanessa. Goes on about how she could have put Audrey up but she put him up instead.
Jeff says she should have said “Why didn’t you pull the trigger when everyone was telling you this”
Jackie says she was saying that, “Shelli was in the bed with her”

“I’ve been manipulating people on a high complex level.. DUDE BRAH” -Jeff
6:47pm Jeff and Clay
Jeff says austin is running his name through the mud. Jeff had a conversation with Meg and she told him a bunch of things that Austin is saying.
Jeff – why does he want me out so bad bro
Clay tells him to be quiet and not confront Austin because it will blow up.
Jeff says Steve and Becky have confirmed votes for him along with JohnnyMAC and JAckie.

“Audrey’s gotta go she’s America’s player it’s way too much of a X factor” -Vanessa
Vanessa says Austin needs to go to JAmes and tell him Jeff is saying there’s a secret third vote and none of them know who it is.
Vanesa – worst case he has Becky, Jackie, JohnnyMAC and Liz.
Ausitn – that’s why he wants our vote, me and Liz

Liz “I like him but I don’t want to hook up with him on tv. I didn’t come here to f**king fall in love!”
1:25pm HOH room – Austin and Vanessa continue to talk about past relationships. Vanessa comments on her ex passing away and that after she the girl she dated after really abused her in every possible way. Austin says he doesn’t think the twins came in here with a master strategy. I think they came in just to survive. Vanessa comments on how Audrey has been wearing Clays shirt for 3 days now. Austin says that he is going to talk to Liz today and tell her about his outside relationship so that she doesn’t have a barrier in getting to know him better. He says he doesn’t want to be presumptuous about how she might feel about him.

Vanessa tells Austin “Liz really likes your personality.” Austin asks what’s wrong with all this?!
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Jason, Johnny and Becky are outside on the backyard couches. Jason comments that he had asked for big brother to give them a warning when the backyard would be closed and then today they gave us a half hour warning.
9:40am In the kitchen – Audrey, Vanessa, James and Clay. James says Audrey I really want that shirt but I’m waiting for you to take it off. Audrey says that she’ll take it off today. James asks what else of Clay’s are you going to try and wear?

James “I just don’t know anything about transgenders. Like no babies ..my type of girl!”
12:10am HOH room James, Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and Johnny are hanging out chatting. Clay says that Audrey’s been wearing his shirt all day. I’m going to have to sanitize it. She won’t even wash it when she gives it back. James says I’m that guy that gets kicked around from bed to bed. James says theres a delemma I want to talk about. Clay says James is kind of into Audrey. James says she has some curves. My mind is just a little weird right now. Vanessa says go for it games! James says its not like.. I feel like an a$$hole. I’ve never .. Vanessa says you’re confused. James says yeah I’m confused, that’s all. Shelli says you’re curiously confused.