8:39pm HOH Steve and Vanessa
Vanessa- what is up with you
Steve – Not a whole lot
Vanessa asks if Julia and Meg campaigned
Steve says they haven’t mentions that Austin told him Julia is worried
“I’m reassuring her every way possible”

8:39pm HOH Steve and Vanessa
Vanessa- what is up with you
Steve – Not a whole lot
Vanessa asks if Julia and Meg campaigned
Steve says they haven’t mentions that Austin told him Julia is worried
“I’m reassuring her every way possible”
4:04pm Goblins talking about Trojan horse
James- Late night tonight Operation Trojan horse is in effect
Meg – the good thing is he’ll be honest about it
Meg – Be like I can’t do that
James says if Austin is down this plan is golden unless someone snitches
2:15pm Steve heads up to the HOH room. Vanessa tells Steve that Julia and Liz were freaking out. Steve says yeah I calmed them down. Vanessa asks why were they freaking out? Steve says because I talked to them last night. She wasn’t even campaigning. Vanessa asks what were you talking about? Steve says most of it wasn’t game at all. She said she had one person that would win. She didn’t say who. She said she is going to do some hardcore campaigning but it hasn’t happened yet. Vanessa asks I wonder if we got played a little bit. DO you ever think its in Austin’s incentive if Julia is gone. Steve says no. Vanessa says it is, Liz is never taking Austin unless Julia is gone.
12:05am Vanessa comes out of the diary room with the HOH camera and starts waking up the other house guests. Good morning my little havenots! Vanessa gets ready and heads outside. She tells Johnny Mac it sucks. I don’t want to take photos of sleeping people. Vanessa says I feel like we should take a photo.. The least likely people to work together. They stand together and take a photo. Vanessa asks how was last night? I drank that wine and passed the f**k out. Johnny Mac says Meg came out feeling out where I stood and I said I was pissed at you and Steve. Just so they can’t use that against me in the future.
12am Meg heads out to the backyard to play a game of pool with James. She says that she can’t sit there and watch that. Even if I was on good terms I couldn’t sit there and watch that. Not that I’m not on good terms. James starts giving Meg pointers on shots. He gets behind her to “look at how she grabs the pole.” Meg asks are you done yet?! James say that brings back memories. Meg says oh my god James!? James asks what its been 75 days! They finish their game and head inside. James brags that he’s good at chess and could stomp their a$$ if he played them. Meg tells him to go play chess with them.
8:08pm Steve and Vanessa HOH
Steve – we are going to have problems, you just told me to run for 20 minutes I ran for 20 minutes it was a terrible idea.
Vanessa – how the f*** are you going to win final 3 second round
Vanessa – I’ve been doing some thinking, Have you, started doing some thinking.
strong>3:05pm Vanessa and Johnnymac HOH
Vanessa is questioning if Steve has it in him to make a tough decision in this game.
Jmac says by default james is going to be his new friend but right now they don’t talk much.
Vanessa – you stick with James, Steve will stick close to Julia, and I’ll stick close to Austin.
1:10pm Backyard – Julia says I don’t want to have anything to do with them. Last night they (James and Meg) were cackling. James is nice but he doesn’t have respect for other people. Liz says especially not for women. Julia says he’s said a lot of inappropriate things. Like with Meg. Liz says especially with him.. she is not giving him anything. Julia says and him saying he would go up over her.. like you have a kid! Liz says I know. James and Meg come outside. Meg tells Liz.. obviously Julia and I talked and I fought so hard for us not to be in this situation. I don’t want things to be weird. Obviously I am going to fight my way just like Julia should fight her way.
11:10am – 11:45am Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Power of Veto ceremony to take place. As the veto holder James used the veto to remove himself from the block. Vanessa then nominated Julia as the replacement nominee. Last night Vanessa practised her Meg replacement nominee speech with Steve.
Meg is alone in the havenot room. James joins her and asks if she is okay. Meg says I am a bit more now. James says trust me it was a really hard decision for me. I did want to use the veto on you, I really did.
9:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. James asks Meg is Vanessa still in the diary room? Meg says f**k! They wouldn’t do us dirty and call her in already? (for the veto ceremony) I would be so pissed if they did that. James says all right I’m going to talk to her. Meg says don’t do what you don’t want to do. James says I have a good speech for her but I was to make sure its genuine. Meg says do what you can. James heads up to the HOH room.
9:53am HOH room – Vanessa says that Meg came up last night with an offer. Its a good offer. I would love to believe it but in big brother I would wonder if its too good to be true. I said I would hear you out.
12am Austin and Steve continue their chess game. Vanessa keeps giving advice and pointers. Vanessa says no no don’t do that. Is there any other move you could do!? Austin figures out another move. Steve says this is bullsh*t! I am sick of this Vanessa non-sense. Shut your mouth!! I do not have to put up with this! Austin says the boy suddenly has a voice. Vanessa asks Austin on his next move – Do you want my advice? Steve says I was playing Austin, not Vanessa! Steve says I want to says this .. I lost this game because of Vanessa. Johnny Mac plays Austin next. Meg joins them to watch.
8:38pm Vanessa is telling Steve he needs to win the HOH. ASks what works better for Steve take out Austwins or take out Johnny
Steve won’t answer that
Vanessa says it’s not too soon to ask that question
Vanessa – if James is out Johnnymac and the girls are my choices to win it (HOH)
Steve – not Austin