12pm – 12:20pm Comic bedroom – Vanessa tell Steve that she is feeling better. I had a really bad day yesterday. Steve says I’m glad to see you feeling better. Julia comes through asking what she should wear. Steve says your birthday suit. Julia heads into the comic bedroom. Vanessa tells her I can’t stand her (Becky) I find her so f**king cold. I can’t fake it, I’m not a phony. I’m so not a phony. Vanessa says she owes me an apology. What she did to me wasn’t cool. She can’t pretend it didn’t happen. Julia says I can’t believe she can’t even be like.. Vanessa says have a conversation. Julia says everyone that goes on the block deserves an explanation. Vanessa says yeah especially when there was a deal for it to be someone else.
Tag: Meg Maley

Meg “We can’t not send Shelli home when she’s up there!” Jackie “Becky is going to freak out!”
1:38am HOH room – Steve and Becky are talking. Becky tells him that he is more than fine to talk to her (Vanessa) all week. Steve says after the veto meeting I was in the hammock room and guess who came knocking and was really, really nice to me? Becky guesses Austin. Steve says yup. Becky says Austin and the twins I think will vote to keep her, so we’ll come close. Three votes that way and I have my three votes. So it will be another big week for you. They badly need your vote and Johnny Mac’s vote to get her to stay. Steve says right because the know you’re going to vote the tie against her. She is extremely good at moving votes and influencing HOH’s. Steve says she is a very good speaker. Becky says is very good at making it personal.

“People are treating me like Audrey.. yelling at me and treating me like I’m subhuman”
7:56pm Bedroom Vanessa Julia and Steve
Vanessa crying
Vanessa- what the f*** it’s bullsh1t .. nobody can see me in 5 f***G hours.. that b1tch yelled at me like f**** game me no reason to do this..
Julia- I swear we thought you were sleeping
Vanessa – I know this is big brother I get it

“We’re telling them what they want to hear, if we win all fair in love and war”
5:13pm, Hot Tub Shelli and the twins
Shelli – if ya’ll win HOH what two would go up
Liz – the two I put up in the past.. (James and Jackie)
Julia – it’s getting down to the wire.. Not Steve and Johnnymac.. probably not Meg she’s not a…
Liz – Threat
Julia- Ya

“Are y’all afraid to target that side, you know y’all will be the first three”
4:05pm Backyard Austin, Liz and Shelli
Austin brings up Vanessa saying Becky yelled at her but Becky is saying she didn’t
Liz – I heard a bit of a scuffle
Julia joins them
Shelli – she’s crying.. big crocodile tears
Austin – it’s really Awkward
Julia – obviously we’re still going to hang out with her

Vanessa “You’re being so venomous with me! You’re a cold hearted person! What the hell!?”
11:50am Vanessa heads up to the HOH room looking for Becky. She doesn’t find her and goes looking for her. Liz tells her Becky is outside. Vanessa finds her on a lounge chair and says so obviously you can’t vote (Not true Becky is the tie breaker). Those were some pretty harsh words even for me. I’m hoping you can explain them. Becky asks why were you so paranoid when I won HOH? Vanessa says I told you because you’re friends with Johnny Mac and I’m not dumb I can do the math. When one person is close to one of the three and hadn’t been betrayed by .. and yes I am close to Shelli but I have my reason to do what I needed to do. I told you if you have loyalty to him do what you need to do but why make a deal if you couldn’t do it?

POV Ceremony Results! “Why lie!? I have a lot of information on her! You’ll see!”
10:20am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto meeting to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Steve obviously used the veto to remove himself from the block. As a result Becky nominated Vanessa for eviction. Originally Vanessa suspected she might go up on the block because Becky refused to make a deal with her. Stating she was done with making deals and alliances. Becky messed up by telling Vanessa she was in a four person alliance with James, Meg and Jackie and by making deals with Austin and the twins. After the veto competition Becky reassured Vanessa she wasn’t going up telling her she has “her word!” Becky doesn’t care about breaking her word because of how she feels Vanessa has played the game.

Johnny Mac tells Steve “We’ll just let this blow up and then see where everyone lies”
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Johnny says we’ll just let this blow up and then see where everyone lies. Steve agrees. Becky comes out and Steve goes inside. Becky tells Johnny that Steve knows. I told him last night. Becky says Vanessa whole heartedly believes that I’m putting you on the block. She came to me after the veto and said that I wouldn’t put you up because you were my person. I said Vanessa, don’t worry. Three glasses of wine deep. Don’t worry, you’re always so paranoid. I said I don’t feel like I’m putting Johnny Mac at risk. You only need 4 votes this week and I control Steve. That’s not a vote I even have to ask for. I was like so without a doubt I have his vote.

Vanessa “I’m going to flip the whole script & make Becky the target for Double Eviction”
12am – 12:45am Bedroom – Steve talks to Vanessa and tells her that Shelli and Johnny are freaking out about the 8 person alliance. Vanessa ask what alliance? Steve says the one you told me about. Vanessa says that’s not an alliance. Steve says the 8 person group whatever you want to call it. Vanessa asks how do they know about it? Steve says I don’t know. Vanessa says it was only a 1 week deal. Steve says oh okay I didn’t know that. Vanessa says you know I hate liars. Be honest with me.. did you tell Johnny Mac anything that implies I have any opinion about him. Steve says about him no I have not. Steve says that he ranted to me about the fight. He was upset about the finger pointing.

“You need to stop listening to her, If she asks you to do something pretend to do it”
9:08pm Bedroom Steve, Austin, Liz
Austin thinks JOhnnymac is going to go up
Steve acting shocked – REALLY
Austin mention that’s how Becky is talking.
They agree to keep freaks and geeks together.
Steve leaves.
LIz says Vanessa is getting to crazy, “You need to stop listening to her, If you asks you to do something pretend to do it don’t do it say you did”

“I’m keeping her safe I‘m putting her up”
6:34pm Becky and Jackie
Becky is wondering how mean and direct she should be with Vanessa, “You gotta get down to brass tacks”
Jackie laughs “Brass tacks where did that start”
Becky – Austin
Jackie – She’s acting weird I’m staying away from her

“I’m so ready for tomorrow.. Just to get it done “
5:59pm James and Meg watching Austin and LIz fold sheets
Meg – I hope they are not mad tomorrow
James- we’re f*** if they are
Meg – I think becky should tell them, but whatever
James- I’m so ready for tomorrow.. just to get it done