4:30pm Bedroom – Felicia, Meme, Cirie.
Felicia – I told you from the very beginning that he was going to align.. get that old alignment back. They are stupid! Cirie – here is the thing. Why if you want me so bad, why not just put us both up? Felicia – I think he wants to do the backdoor thing like we did to Red. But we didn’t backdoor Red, Red was on the block. Cirie – that’s right. Felicia – we backdoored Hisam. Cirie – which he was kind of pushing the train for. He said he hated Hisam. Felicia – the whole house wanted Hisam out. Cirie – including him. Felicia – we used him as a pawn to get Hisam out. Cirie – we should have got rid of the cockroach.. Cockroach Cam. Felicia – yeah when we had Cam and Reilly on the block .. we let the wrong person go. We kept doing that back and forth and we let the wrong one go. She didn’t have nowhere near as much smarts as him and she was too emotional. So he is just going to do one, two, three and Jared. Four in a row. Cirie – oh that is a lot to do .. so he is going to have to do a lot of work.
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