10:15pm Comic Bedroom – Hisam, Izzy, Cirie and Red.
Hisam – I couldn’t believe that they’re all like imploding. All of them are just .. crazy! Like crazy sh*t. Like this is crazy! Like I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. I thought basically we would get to Thursday, we would win and throw them up and then all this would happen. Izzy – right, but its happening now. Hisam – We want to work with you. Do you need numbers? We got numbers. How many numbers do you need? We got numbers! Okay, its me and I’ll bring these two people which is like 10. ..We GET the number game. Izzy – like I can count. Hisam – we’re playing the numbers game too, like we’re not stupid. The best part of this is that they want to be close. They’re so disorganized.. like we’ll get several weeks in eliminating them, making ourselves stronger to the point that we will be too strong to go after.