Bedroom – Blue, Jag, Jared and Izzy
Izzy – did you how I am dying inside with his non existent reason? Also what was that?! Jag – I actually still don’t know what his reason was? It was the house.. it was Red and Bowie I guess?! Izzy – savage! Blue – I was like best case scenario what do you want. He said I hope you both get off the block and we could do an alliance.. and be friends. Excuse me!? Izzy – so are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser! Blue – Long story short he was just like I had to do this because it made sense. Like the house was expecting it. Izzy – its your HOH buddy! Blue – I was like what do you mean?! But he was like now that I think about it the last few days the people that I thought I could trust .. ah people that I thought I could trust weren’t really happy for me when I won HOH. You know what I mean?! And I was like no I don’t. Izzy – but the last few days .. he only won 4 hours ago. Blue – and I was like you were safe unanimously. Two weeks so what do you mean?! So what do you mean?! And so he was like I am just saying if you or Jag get off the block then there are a lot of options. Jag – I mean he has to say that to cover his bases.