11:41 am Jared and MEME
Jared going on about how they can take a breath of fresh air now.
MEME says Cameron is more dangerous than Red. He is the glue that brings together REd/Bowie. She adds that Cameron is also actively trying to recruit America, Corey and Matt.
Jared Says he can’t wait to get rid of America and Bowie. Then they can get rid of Blue and Matt. Last would be Izzy then they can “Brown sugar it”
Jared – Reds hate for America is DEEP like DEEEEEP
Meme – we all know America does too much she lies and she talks too much why is it so DEEEEEP
Jared – you know why
MEME – cause she don’t flirt with him?
Jared – mmmmhmmmm, I don’t want to say it.