12:26AM Aaryn and DAvid
Aaryn is pissed off that half the people in the house don’t know how the Power of Veto works. Aaryn is also stressed that Elissa will continue to win MVP because she’s rachel’s sister and will have Rachel/Brendon campaigning for her to win it. She explains to David how the MVP works. Elissa can put up anyone she wants, nobody will know what happens and therefore Elissa will not get any blood on her hands. Aaryn adds that the MVP twist essentially makes Big Brother a game of chance.
Aaryn mentions that Helen and Elissa are very close they have to be tight lipped around them. David and Aaryn both say they fully trust each other and they only have each other in the house.
Aaryn says that Kaitlin was an alternate during the casting. Davide mentions that Katilin had failed her drug test and was having trouble getting on the show.
David points out that Spencer has been weird lately. He mentions that Howard was getting Chummy with him earlier in the day. Aaryn says that David needs to get closer to Howard because that is a vote. She adds that there is so few people in the house that understand the game.. “They’re fu*** retards”
Aaryn goes on and on that she worked so hard to get on the show, studied it over and over..
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