10:57am Hammock Helen, Spencer and Andy
Helen says that Elissa talked to Nick last night and asked him if she put up Candace would he vote her out and Nick said no.
H: “Elissa thinks that Jeremy and Nick have a final two deal”
A: “I’m thinking that Kaitlin is the better choice for her to put up”
H: “I’ll support any decision you make but I think we should keep Elissa”
A: “Same”
S: “The ceremony is today.. we need to wait to see who the replacement nominee is”
11:22pm Bathroom Elissa and Judd
Elissa: “I think I’m going to but Nick up. He told me he basically told me he wasn’t going to do what I told him anyways”
Jud: “MHMHMHMHMhmhmhuihjuh XANAXdfdkfbnasdkfasdkjn as,dfhaskjfhasdkif ghasdiklulflsad” (OK)