Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Turner Nominees: Taylor and Brittany Kyle POV Players: Turner, Taylor, Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Michael POV Winner: Michael Veto Ceremony: Michael used the veto on Brittany and Turner put Kyle up as the replacement. Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed […]
Tag: Matt “Turner” Turner

“Turner is going to keep us entertained and keep us on our toes for tomorrow.”
7:45pm – 9:41pm The live feeds were blocked. They’ve been blocked a lot today.
Backyard – Turner and Monte are playing pool. Terrance and Taylor are watching while eating some of the movie popcorn and drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Terrance – I think we need to reset the energy. America we’re back to our regular scheduled program. We’re going to give you great fun and entertainment. The drama is over! That was a moment! That was it! Taylor – child.. and the feeds were on! Terrance – We should all love each other just to do it. We about to have some fun! Turner is going to keep us entertained and us on our toes for tomorrow.

Michael “Essentially Kyle pitched to me.. an all white alliance.”
1:20pm HOH room – Turner and Michael
Michael – There is some information that I’ve had for about two weeks or so and I have been kind of struggling what to do with and I am just going to lay it out on the table because I don’t know if you’re even aware of this but your name has kind of been brought into it. Its going to be uncomfortable. Turner – I have some information that I am going to be uncomfortable sharing too .. so just as long as we’re in the same boat. Michael – essentially Kyle pitched to me … like kind of planting seeds during my first HOH and then a little more but basically pitched to me an all white alliance. Turner – WHoa! Michael – this is very uncomfortable and I would never ever ever make up this in a million years. Tuner – I know that. Michael – but essentially what it came down to and how it started was back on my first HOH he was looking ahead in the game to when the leftovers get to seven.

“We have to make sure it’s Taylor and Monte. If you go up next to Taylor I think Monte sends you home. “
10:38 am Kyle and Alyssa
Kyle – you are amazing. Everyone is up there.. Monte, Michael, Taylor, and Brittany they’re up with Turner right now. I just talked to Terrance he was like Yeah they’re all up here.
Kyle – we have to make sure it’s Taylor and Monte. If you go up next to Taylor I think Monte sends you home.
Alyssa says she told Turner she’s not comfortable going up.
Kyle – it has to be Monte then it will flip I bet..

The VETO KING MICHAEL WON The Golden Power Of Veto!!! **Updated**
The veto competition was the slip slide veto where you have to race back and forth to fill up a big / small container.
Kyle – Well.. how do I plead my case to go to this movie? Taylor – as an ally to the LGBT community.. It does look good.

VETO Players Picked! MICHAEL is playing in the VETO!
1:53pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the veto player pick. Alyssa – I think I am the only person… maybe Brittany too who hasn’t hosted anything. Terrance is the Host of the veto. They talk about how its freezing the the house today. Kyle – I’ve played in my fair share so yeah.. (Kyle isn’t playing in the veto). Alyssa – I’m excited to play in it.

Monte – “From what they are saying. Hard for me to trust a word right now”
11:13 am Monte and Brittany
Monte says the speed of the flip this week concerns him.
Brittany – in my mind I’m thinking this doesn’t have to happen
Brittany – it wasn’t their fault to send Joe out it was circumstance
Monte – from what they are saying. Hard for me to trust a word right now. I’m hearing all this.. Ohh joe joe joe.. I’m looking at his face I’m like NAH I don’t think he did that. I don’t think he would initiate that to save his a$$.
Brittany – I don’t think he would

Brittany “It was called the Leftovers. Kyle & Turner started it. OH MY GOD.. I am literally going to get death threats!”
Brittany – I won’t tell you everything but please don’t tell him. Alyssa – I won’t. I promise you. Brittany – I am just really sorry. Alyssa – its okay we’re both still here. Brittany – whatever that was .. today it ended. And I think that is why I am crying the most because I thought people had my back and they didn’t. I don’t think Taylor or I are the target. I think Michael needs to win veto and he will take me down and then we’re good. Monte goes up and either Monte or Taylor go home. Alyssa – that’s what you think? Brittany – yup. I think if I win the veto and take myself down, they probably send my best friend (Michael) out of the house. Michael would go up instead of me and he would go home.

Michael “If they f**k us over I will happily put Alyssa’s key in the box over them.” Brittany “Me too!”
Bedroom – Brittany and Michael.
Michael – I think we play nice and not freak out. Brittany – it sucks, I just never thought if I find myself in this position it would be for something that so blatantly didn’t happen. You know what I mean?! We’ve done it a million times before… we say reasons that aren’t real. It just sucks to be caught up in one. Michael – yeah. Brittany – when you didn’t have anything to do with it you know!? Michael – yeah when Taylor’s face popped up your face was the last one that I expected to see to be next. Brittany – it makes sense though. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it from their prospective. Either way how do we get out of this?! Michael – we win the veto. That is the only way that we’re both guaranteed to be safe. There are 3 of the 5 people getting to play. Like I know Turner is not going to pick me. Taylor will probably pick Monte if she gets…

Nomination Results “My head is hurting right now.. ohh my god”
4:32 pm Brit and Turner
Britt – My head is hurting right now.. ohh my god
Britt – I don’t know how Joe would say something like that if it wasn’t true
Turner – he said Taylor asked me to go to the end with her and Brittany. Joe said no and killed it but clearly, Taylor has plans that do not include me.
Brit – Ohh my god and she told me like after I have a strong suspicion that Joe would want to go not only final three. her proposal was Michael, me, her, Monte and Joe stays he’s a 5th.

Turner – “We have to get one of them out this week” (Taylor, Michael, Brittany) **Updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Turner Nominees: POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The Spoilage WOW things are changing fast. as of 11:40am sounds like Brittany/Taylor going up with Michael as the primary target. 10:30 am Monte, Turner […]

“I am leftovers till I Die. It started on my HOH it’s not ending on my HOH” **Updated**
4:52 am Turner and Michael
Turner says last week he was fighting for his life outside. His allegiance is with the leftovers so he’s going to put Both Alyssa and Terrance up.
Turner – BOOM easy enough
Turner – I had to promise them safety to get back into this goddam house. If I put them up tomorrow I will have a minus 2 jury vote not even a question. Which is fine. I am leftovers till I Die. It started on my HOH it’s not ending on my HOH I want everyone to final 6 as long as everyone is okay with that.
Turner says he had to offer Terrance and Alyssa safety this week because he was on the block but tomorrow he’ll show the leftovers where his allegiance is “with the people we started with”