7pm Kitchen – Terrance is cooking. Brittany is sitting at the island watching in silence. Meanwhile – Turner and Alyssa are sleeping. After dinner Brittany heads to the bedroom to talk to the cameras about herself. Brittany – if you’re watching right now and you’re like oh it would be really cool to be in the big brother house. And maybe you see somebody like me and you’re like wow how did she get here!? Which I wouldn’t blame you! She seems so random and normal. I am random and normal too, I would like to be on the show. And I would tell you that you’re right. You do not have to be anything special to be on the show. You don’t have to think you’re special. Other people might think you’re special. And that’s cool. They might not even think you’re special either..
Tag: Matt “Turner” Turner

“If I win that veto I’m using that sh1t and if I’m HOH I’ll do the f***ing thing (Put Michael up)”
2:57 pm Monte and Taylor
T – when you had your one on won with Alyssa did you ask her about the all girls thing?
M – no she told me
Taylor laughs “I guess Turner told her because Turner told me and wow… IT’s exactly what I told you I was in that room and Alyssa was making this pitch to the three of us to make it to the end. I was like, Sure.”
T – Brittany is the one that is telling everybody about this apparently
M – Turner told her
Monte says Brittany tried to make a final 2 with Alyssa that same morning. “Said that she wanted to see them go to the end or whatever the hell that was pretty much the extent that is where the conflict arose. Turner is now comparing notes”

“If they were withholding that information for so long.. does that mean they were okay with getting everybody of color out?”
7:55pm Bedroom – Turner and Taylor
Turner – I am very weary about bringing forth this information because I don’t want it to sound like I am lying ..but if I was lying this would be the stupidest way to go about it. If this gets out, it doesn’t matter because I am telling the truth but I hope it stays between us but if it does get out I will go loud and proud about this. You are very close with this person, so this is why I am very nervous about this.. Taylor – is it about Brittany? Turner – YES it is! This is huge. The other day at 5:30 and I was up till 6 she came and outed your game and Alyssa’s game .. and she wanted to do a final two with me .. and I was like one this serves me literally nothing.. with peace and love I don’t think this is going to do anything for me.

Britt – “Turner I love him but be very careful what you say to him he slips up a lot.” **Updated**
10:43 am Britt and Alyssa
They’re talking about their horrible sleep schedule of staying up until 6 am every night.
Alyssa says Terrance is going to bed early.
Britt – but he’s going home.
Britt – we have to pull through next week we have to
Alyssa – we should make a final 2 we should make a name.. I was thinking full circle. we were the ones that were supposed to go home week one. We got separated in the game and somehow found each other.
Britt – Full body goosebumps I’m not even lying I love that.
Alyssa – we were both backstage week one could have gone home but we didn’t and the next couple weeks got jumbled up but now we found our way back.

“I’m a person that can read energy so I know when motherf**kers are acting funny.”
8:35pm Bedroom – Terrance and Monte
Monte – how are you making out? You seem kind of quite today. Terrance – I just feel the energy is different, that’s all. So I am just… instead of engaging in it, I ain’t going to. Monte – really? Terrance – yeah, I definitely feel it. I ain’t crazy! I’m a person that can read energy so I know when motherf**kers are acting funny. Monte – oh sh*t! Damn man, that’s weird! Terrance – yeah but I don’t trip on it though. That’s one thing, I never let anyone else’s energy affect mine. Monte – yeah, that is just crazy because from their perspective I don’t think people get treated differently when they’re on the block. You know so like what is that about?!

Monte – Turner last night came up to me and was like ‘Dude Brittany is going crazy’
2:32 pm Monte and Taylor
Monte – If there was some miracle where she did win HOH she would probably put the both of us up.. (Alyssa)
Taylor – you think she would put both of us up after her boyfriend had the racist situation?
Monte – I don’t think she cares out that..
Monte – she has reasons to come after us
Monte – if me and you were sitting next to T..
Feeds flip.. When we’re back. Monte has been pitching the idea of Alyssa going this week.
Taylor complains about Terrance they both agree they can’t trust him.

“we can control this house with our hands behind our backs”
11:12 am Turner and Monte
Monte – I walked into the bathroom this morning and Taylor asked ‘Are you okay’ .. YES Taylor.
Monte – she’s been playing Hall monitor for while
Turner – yeah Big Time
Monte – she was just our hall monitor for a period of time
Turner – they know if the three biggest competitors team up they don’t stand a chance.
Monte – Yeah.. at that point there’s nothing that can be done.

“Maybe I’m imploding but I think this is good.. not self destruction self construction”
2:50 am Turner alone
Turner – maybe I’m on the cusp of something great here live feeds. maybe I’m imploding but I think this is good.. not self destruction self construction
Monte joins him.
Monte – anybody has got to see Taylor has been such a wild card when it comes to proposals on plans and sh1t like that. Even the whole situation with Michael and Brittany.. She still thinks that they weren’t gaming a game move sharing that information (about Kyle).. Like C’mon man. It’s hard for me to talk any game with her cause I don’t know if you are actually listening to what I am saying.

Michael “I fear leaving Terrance in, someone is going to drag him to the final two.”
12:15pm Storage room – Brittany and Michael.
Brittany – I can’t tell if its because he is extremely wishy wash which we know to be true or if I opened up a little bit more about the possibilities of this game and then he felt like he could divulge more. Michael – yeah. Brittany – it feels like sometimes you get a foot in the door with him and then he gets… ah okay that was the real story. Thanks. Michael – yeah. Brittany – I just feel like Alyssa is playing the convenience game which we know her whole game to be. It doesn’t change now. I think she is telling us what we want to hear because she wants to get as far as she can. Which I think is fourth. She needs you more than Turner needs you to get far. Michael – yeah. Brittany – and I think she is banking on a big move at four to narrow it down.

Michael WON the VETO AGAIN! “BB F**KING COMICS! **Updated**
The house guests are in the kitchen talking about the veto competition. Monte – it took a while to get the order right. Turner – how many zip line trips did you have to do? Terrance – sh*t I did a lot! Michael – I did 8 or 9. Alyssa – 9 or 10. Taylor – I felt like it was 6 max for me. Michael – I did half of each row. Taylor – I thought I had it! It took forever. Michael – it was really hot. Monte – The ice Fest was awesome! Alyssa – I had a lot of fun, that was awesome.

“He [Turner] gets a free pass to take a shot at you and be safe for the week.”
12:50pm HOH room – Terrance and Michael.
Terrance – I just wanted to find out what your thought process was with me playing this veto or just the nominations.. like what was your thought process? Am I your target or what your goal was? Michael – out of everyone in the house I have heard that you are in some way shape or form been part of a plan to get me out so that obviously factored in. I brought that up yesterday and you didn’t deny it. Between you and Alyssa, I would be more concerned about keeping someone that has plans to get me out. Coming into the game I always said that adaptability is something that I wanted to embody so I am not saying that 100% because yesterday that was how I was feeling. We see especially week to week that things change last minute. I want to play this game where I am adaptable..

“A lot of the emotion and the empathy is manufactured and I don’t like it G you understand” **Updated**
9:17 am Terrance and Taylor
Taylor – why haven’t we spoken
Terrance – there’s been a strong disconnect G. Part of it is my fault. I will own that part that is my part.
Terrance – when everything rode out with the Kyle situation umm.. umm.. I was just so angry about everything that happened. I’m goign to speak on this later in a house meeting but you get a preview.
Terrance – I was just angry at the whole thing I understood that Kyle a role to play. A significant role to play but I still feel other people held the bat to. You know what I’m saying?
Taylor – mmmmmm