Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Daniel Nominees: Michael Taylor & Terrance POV Players: Daniel, Michael, Terrance, Indy, Ameerah and Turner. Kyle is hosting POV Winner: Michael Veto Ceremony: Veto used. Taylor nominated Evicted: Havenots: Joe, Michael, Monte and Kyle Michael used the Power of Veto on himself. Daniel nominated Taylor in his place. […]
Tag: Matt “Turner” Turner

“He probably has some names in mind. If you haven’t been playing the social game and you go up you’re shooting yourself in the foot.”
10:33 am Taylor and Alyssa
Taylor says she doesn’t think Daniel knows who the replacement will be. “He’s just so stressed by it he doesn’t even know”
Taylor – he probably has some names in mind. All people have right now is he social game because it’s been so early. If you haven’t been playing the social game and you go up you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You should have been playing the social game from day one no matter what happened
Alyssa – 100%

Joe “If Taylor thinks for a second that there is no hope anymore.. she is going to blow up!”
10:07pm HOH room. Joe and Daniel.
Daniel – I am proud of Michael for winning but it puts me in a sh*tty position. Joe – absolutely. Daniel – obviously the target (Taylor) showed themselves. So that is the best case scenario for for what I’m in for what happened last night. I guess my only hope is that I want to talk to everyone so that when we send this person home .. I can’t tell you what to say in your goodbye message. I would never tell anyone that but that you guys are just honest about why this person is leaving. Only because that is my voice for why this person is leaving. I am aware of how bad it looks with two black people on the block at the end of my first HOH.

Paloma “I think I have unlocked the key to this game! I found a way to hack Big Brother.”
6:18pm Storage room. Monte and Paloma.
Paloma – I have x-ray vision now.. I can see what’s going on. Just kidding. I must sound psychotic. Welcome to my chess game. Mamba is six. Me, Alyssa and Ameerah are going to do the buddy system. Did you watch last season? And the cookout had a buddy system. Monte – every person has a person. Paloma – We’ve figured that out. Paloma – its Jasmine, Indy and Brittany. Monte – you know I’ve got mine. I’ve got Joe. I also feel really good about Daniel. Paloma – Daniel, I love Daniel. The only downside about Daniel is he is an emotional player and emotional players have room for error. I wrote this rule book before I came on here. Its a book of chess moves.. divide players into rational and emotional players .. and work with the rational players because they will never fail you.

Indy “We can do like exchange favors.. you understand?!”
3:30pm Bedroom. Indy and Joe
Joe – its definitely for me that phase where I want to make sure I make the right decisions with people and that everyone is treating everyone right. And if someone was going to leave the house its because they kind of earned it. Like be backstabbing or fake for no reason. To me personally no one has done that but I have heard that someone has.. its not you but have you talked to Daniel? Indy – MMmmhhmmm. Joe – so yeah apparently someone has and you know that is not right. To start causing lies and problems and getting paranoid off the charts for no reason. Indy – I know its not me because I am not talking bullsh*t about anyone. Joe – and its not Terrance. Indy – I know. Joe – and its not just one person, its been multiple stories ..

Ameerah “Taylor was like I don’t think they’ll put up two black people.” “I mean at least they’ll know its not a race driven season.”
11:10am HOH room. Daniel and Nicole.
Nicole – Like Ameerah comes into the room and starts telling us about the Paloma thing. I was like what the f**k is happening.. I’ve been gone for 30 minutes. Like why are you guys doing this to me. I am about to have a heart attack. Daniel – well imagine me coming out of the backyard. I was like what?! How?! I wasn’t gone that long you know. Daniel – I see what you’re saying.. I think we wait to see who wins HOH because I think that Ameerah might come through after proving herself. She might be like f**k that. Nicole – definitely get her on board with that idea. In her mind I can almost guarantee she does not view “Perch” (Pooch) and Turner as a threat. Because I know she wants to go girl power. Daniel – oh dope.. maybe find this out right before the HOH comp and literally be like Ameerah we should talk about this in case she wins it. Be like I have this idea.. Nicole – I know that she wants to protect you.

Daniel – “Obviously Taylor is going home” **updated**
2:02 am Monte, Daniel, Paloma and Nicole
Daniel – Obviously Taylor is going home
Monte – alright.. maybe
Daniel – I’m glad she wasn’t outside cause I would have lost my shit.
Monte – I just want you to know BRO you have the entire house literally at your back. There’s NOT blood on your hands for the decision that you feel is right to make in this situation.
Monte – you can take me on my word about this.. not only this but other females have been stepping up saying she’s 9Taylor) been rubbing them the wrong way it’s confirming what I’m saying.
Monte – moving forward I just don’t want to give her the satisfaction of her knowing why she’s up at all she needs to see it in her goodbye messages and see everybody saying exaclty what the consequences of her actions were
Daniel – yeah

Paloma “Loading is very slow for me tonight.. the server is almost freezing.”
9:35pm HOH room. Paloma and Daniel.
Paloma – You have been through the ringer. I told you yesterday and you were like I don’t think he’s (Michael) that physical. OH Whoa Whoa whoa! Did he show up or did he show up! Daniel – he showed the f**k up and I have mad respect for that. Paloma – Mad respect! Daniel – and he is a superfan. I was like you just show us that you’re not here to f**k around. Ameerah was killing it and she didn’t have to. I have mad respect for her. Ameerah told me that in the comp he said throw it to me, I got you. And she said I’m going for it. Paloma – loading is very slow for me tonight .. the server is almost freezing. What are you thinking. I know you really like Terrance. Daniel – I have to trust my gut with Terrance.

Monte “He’s considering Indy or Taylor” Paloma “The strategy is to just run with the house this week, that is it! Point blank!”
7:39pm Kitchen. Monte, Ameerah and Paloma.
Paloma – he is considering Taylor. Ameerah – I am good with that. Monte to Michael – he is thinking about Indy or Taylor and I think we need to be okay with both. Paloma – the strategy is to just run with the house this week.. that is it. Point blank. And one of us needs to win HOH. Monte – yes, 100%! Monte leaves to go to the diary room.

Daniel “Yo, if I put her [Taylor] up and she stays..” Turner “She wouldn’t because we already counted the votes.”
4:27pm HOH room. Daniel and Terrance.
Daniel – my heart broke when you got up there. And when f**king Turner got up there and when I got up there. Obviously worst case up front. And Ameerah, mad love because she didn’t need to fight for sh*t and she went hard! For nobody! Love, respect and she even looked at me right before the final one and I was like oh go girl! And that’s why I kept looking at you like we’re good. Terrance – before we did it I was like I need you. Daniel – and she really likes you I want you to know that. Terrance – and I told her I don’t want you to use it on me just keep noms the same. Daniel – oh my god! Terrance – and she was like are you serious?!

Big Brother 24 Week 1 Power of Veto Results
3:35 pm Daniel and Taylor
Daniel – I’m not sleeping
Taylor – do you have anybody in mind
Daniel – no .. whatever there’s a smaller pool. I have to do another speech about a smaller pool
Daniel – he’s s super fan I respect that he was crying.
Taylor – you gave him the opportunity and he took it
Taylor – do you have a target or is it like ‘my hands are tied’

Nicole – “The fact he [Terrance] is willing to throw. What happens if Michael wins ?”
11:43 am Daniel and Nicole
Nicole – Paloma and I were talking when they announced 30 mins until nominations and she was like you’re my girl she was like.. I got you.
Nicole – I was like I got you she is between Ameerah, Taylor and Paloma we have a good girl group with those three. They don’t need to know about each other.
Nicole – she was like I have your back
Daniel – F** yeah
Nicole – Ameerah said we need to protect Daniel next week
Nicole – they both want to protect you next week (Paloma, Ameerah)
Daniel – that is so dope