HOH room – Monte and Taylor.
Taylor comes in celebrating. Monte – what’s happening? Taylor – let me go grab my chips and lay down because I’m so sad. Monte – this is very, very poetic! Taylor – yeah. Oh my god its going to be so good! Monte – I hope Kyle allows Daniel to be the one to do the speech. Taylor – it would be an amazing speech. Monte – are you still good with the plan though… 100%? Or how are you feeling? Taylor – I mean I not 100% excited about that but .. I’m 80% and only because I am nervous about next week and onwards. Monte – Mmmmhhmmm. Taylor – I really am nervous about Brittany and Michael’s safety and that f**ks all of us. Monte – yeah. Nicole came in here and came up with a wonderful plan that she already told Indy that if she wins HOH… If Indy wins HOH that she should put up me, Terrance and Joe as pawns and then backdoor Michael and Brittany.