1:29 am Taylor alone
“Low Key, I’m kinda rooting for Daniel to win the veto so I can take him out myself later in the game”
“If I play and win the veto.. how serendipitous we’ll see what happens tomorrow.. good night.”

1:29 am Taylor alone
“Low Key, I’m kinda rooting for Daniel to win the veto so I can take him out myself later in the game”
“If I play and win the veto.. how serendipitous we’ll see what happens tomorrow.. good night.”
6:05pm – 6:30pm Bathroom – Terrance and Daniel.
Terrance – so I think the best case scenario ..you play in the veto and win that motherf**ker and keep nominations the same. Or convince him (Michael) that whoever wins it, do it (leave it the same). Daniel – convince them to leave it the same? They’ll never have two powerful players up again. Once this is over .. never again. Terrance – if you get them out now its easier. Why wait? You got them on the line. Daniel – if you break one of them off, I don’t think that alliance would be as strong as it is. Of the three, there is no reason why anyone should want you out. Terrance – Yeah I know. Daniel – I would lose my mind if you’re out of here. I would be done! Terrance – I still want to make sure that I protect that backdoor so the best option for me right now is to leave nominations the same that way we can both stay safe. Daniel – Hopefully I get picked (to play in the veto).
Michael – everyone has turned on Daniel
Turner – that’s fire.. especially for you that’s gas (LOL)
Turner – I had a dream .. it’s going to sound so baked.. I had a dream I was on Big Brother it was pretty dope
10:10 am Michael alone
I feel good about the alliance now but my concern is some of the biggest threats are in this alliance. I think Taking a shot at the alliance will fracture it and leave us with a 6-5 situation and if they won the numbers are back even. That’s only if I can keep the rest of the alliance intact which is unlikely. There’s no way Taylor is going up or going home this week. Daniel is complicated. It would be smart for us to align based on our positions in the house.
3:05 am Jasmine and Michael
They’re laughing at Kyle screwing around on the HOH Kitchen Camera.
Michael – anyone in particular that you want to see go up?
Jasmine says, Daniel.
Jasmine – I would never put you on the block
Michael – I’m going to ask everyone this. If I were to go after this specific person I think a backdoor would be the best option so I will need to put a beastie group up as a pawn where would your comfortability level be
Bedroom – Terrance and Daniel.
Daniel – I just want to see… get filed in… you know like I don’t want to be in the dark. It obviously doesn’t matter, I do think I’m going home. Terrance – I don’t think that though bro! Daniel – well I am definitely going to talk to him and do what I can. He seems pretty level headed about the game part. Terrance – everybody was upset in a sense it was kind of like .. they felt like she was moving like POOCH in a sense. Like with the things that were said as far as she said she was going to put Turner on the block, she told Monte she was going to put him on the block. Like as pawns or whatever. Daniel – yeah she didn’t run it by me.. not that she had to. But if she had I would have been like hold on. Daniel – I would never just roll over and die.
Outside the Storage Room – Michael, Joe and Brittany.
Joe congratulates Michael and hugs him. Joe – I love you guys! I am so happy! Now we get to see a picture of Hayden and Steven… then we’ll figure this all out. Michael – I heard 16 seconds. Joe – me and you looked at each other and I swear in my heart I was like its up to you Michael. I swear I was saying that. I don’t know if you could see my eye’s that’s why I fist bumped you first and then I fist bumped everyone else. Brittany – I legit started crying when they announced your name. Joe – you guys are amazing. That is so crazy! Enjoy it! I cannot believe what a turn this game has taken. Take it in. Michael – If I hadn’t gotten it, Kyle would have had it. Joe – yeah, and Daniel would have been safe. Brittany – yeah! Joe – yeah we all have to meet up again now. Joe – I wish there was more time before noms. Michael – I get why they do it so that the final noms have more time to campaign.
Another great week of Big Brother comes to a close. If this season keeps up I may have to retire the KRAKEN. It started off with Monte winning the Head of Household and nominating Indy and Alyssa. At first, the target was Nicole or Daniel. The Power of Veto was played and Daniel/Kyle pull out […]
8:55pm Bedroom – Monte and Jasmine.
Jasmine – if it came down to a split how would you feel? Monte – I want her out. Jasmine – no, how would you feel with the people that didn’t? Like obviously if you want me to vote her out, I will. But what if some people still vote Taylor out? Because that is going to literally split the house. And then everyone going to start f**king lying! Monte – yeah, then its going to get very ugly. If you can get all three of you (Indy, Jasmine & Alyssa) all comfortable to veto her out.. Jasmine – its not going to be a problem. Monte – then its not going to be a split vote. The only thing that I ask is don’t let this get back to Nicole or Daniel. Because the worst thing that will happen is..
1:30 pm Nicole and Monte
N – the reason why I haven’t spoken to you is I felt like I needed to give myself space and I needed to give you space. I think that Daniel is so set on getting her out of this house.
N – I have been walking around here prior to going on the block campaigning. I truly appreciate you coming to me and having that conversation with me.
N – even though we don’t know what will happen or at least I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow I’m glad you had my best interest at heart.
N – Daniel and I are not a couple so any decisions he makes he’s trying to make for his long game. He has hie heart set on getting him out of this house.
9:08pm Nicole, Brittany and Michael.
Nicole – obviously I am on the block now and the conversations we had were pre-touching the block. And so I just wanted to touch base with you and see where your head is at. If I am beathing a dead horse then I totally understand. I know you and Taylor are friends. And I would definitely never expect you to vote against her. Brittany – well I want to make sure she doesn’t feel ostracized. Nicole – oh definitely. Brittany – I am definitely trying to make more of an effort here recently. I do consider her a friend but I will set that aside for game. For me game and personal are two very distinct things. They can overlap but I am approaching this very objectively. I just don’t want anyone to go home feeling any type of way. Nicole – and it all goes back to me choosing her as my Festie Bestie was a strategic move for me because of what the majority of the house had been telling me so I wouldn’t have made the decision if that wasn’t the case.
Nicole – I call them the sorry six because they will be really sorry that they crossed me.. First to do Monte, Second to go Brittany,
Nicole – let Joe sit here and crumble then he can go.. I will put him on the block.
Daniel – Brittany has to go because of Information and Lies.
Nicole – she is such a liar. she is the worst liar.
Daniel – Acting is lying. I’m a professional actor.. not that I’m good. I’m good at acting as Elvis.