3:30 pm Matt, Jag, Cam and Corey
They are talking about this weeks vote.
Corey – The pros of getting rid of Felicia are simple. Felicia is kinda annoying. She’s more chaotic. She’s not going to be a good person to have in the jury That’s all lifestyle stuff. Who’s she’s going to nominate?
Corey says it will be some combinations of Bowie, Cam, Corey and America.
Corey – Getting Rid of her doesn’t do much for Cirie, Blue and MEME cause they don’t care about her. They don’t give a f***
Corey – it will be one person out of the house that will target one of us but she’s less likely to win.
Corey – the Pros if MEME, She’s a much better competitor. Are we better competitors than MEME probably?
Corey – who would she nominate?
Cam – that’s the worst