7:59pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia, Cirie, Red and Blue are chatting. Izzy comes in and heads straight for the dresser. Cirie to Izzy – what do you think about buys vs girls vote next week? Izzy looks at them and says – I’ll engage in a minute. I’m okay. Felicia – no you’re not, what’s wrong? Izzy – no, no I’m okay. Cirie – what happened that quickly? What happened? What’s wrong? Izzy – no, no I’m just having a moment. Cirie hugs her and asks what happened?! Izzy – its not about this… well its about this .. you know. Cirie – its going to be alright. Izzy – I am just missing normalcy, missing like feeling in control of perception and.. I feel supported. I say that so truthfully. I miss my parents and I was just getting this rush of feeling really guilty about not thinking about home at all today. Cirie – they want you to do that.
Tag: Matt Klotz

“If Felicia comes down & Cory goes up.. I want that just because I want that little motherf**ker to be scared.”
Storage room – Cirie and Izzy.
Cirie – so I said hey America let me talk to you for a minute. I said so the game is a foot. Like I think it is going to start moving really fast. You haven’t talked game with you at all. She was like I know. I haven’t talked game with anybody. I was like I just want to say I like you a lot and I am willing to play with you in any capacity if you wanted to play with me. And she was like I feel the same. I like you a lot. And if we want to look out for each other or something like that. Those were the words that she used. And then you came in. But look out for each other … Izzy – and working together. Cirie – are two different things. Izzy – to me … MeMe and America .. they’re like fringe numbers. Expendable.

De-Nominations results Cory and Jared taken off the block.
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Jared, Corey, Hisam Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Reilly used her HOH to denominate Corey and Jared. Kristen and Felicia are […]

“you are saying you are putting me up against Kirsten?”
10:31 am Reilly and Felicia
Reilly – Here’s where I am at. You are not somebody I want to leave the house
F – how does the rest of the house feel?
R – I think the rest of the house from what I observed yesterday are in the same boat you and I were in yesterday when we had a little chit chat.
F – Ohh yes
R – I let people tell me that.
R – I want this week to be as clean as possible. I want to be completely transparent to you. You are loved in this house.
Reilly says if there was a pawn situation the vote would be unanimous against the other person.
R – What I am thinking right now is YOU are nobody’s target everyone loves MOMMA Felicia

Reilly – “In less than 24 hours there’s one person in here that has started 17 different rumours”
2:30 am Reilly and Cirie
R – I want to pull Jared off he’s the type of person like he basically said to me you do me this favour I got you and I believe him when he says that. I looked him in the face and I trust that. Jared for me is solid I want him off the block. We take Jared off the block we have Matt who I really really love. Matt was my roomate in the scary room. He is the sweetest guy in the world. Very smart and people underestimate him. He’s a smart dude.
C – I would love to play with Matt.. be a puzzle piece next to him.
R – Matt is good shit
C – whats the dilemma

Reilly “I can really see us sitting there in the end together. You and I, 1000%! Ride or die!”
9:40pm Havenot room – Reilly and Jag.
They head into the havenot room to check it out and Reilly – I kind of want to kick my butt! Jag – we definitely need to talk. Because I feel like we should have an idea of what we want before we start getting everyone’s input. Reilly – you understand that you’re my number one person right?! Jag – you’re mine. Reilly – ok! They shake hands. Jag – We’re good. We’re good. Reilly – ok, good! Cool. Like if we are talking about people .. like I can really see us sitting there in the end together. Like you and I .. 1000%! Jag – I got you! Reilly – ride or die! Jag – that’s easy. Reilly – ride or die! Easy money!

“I am a loyal motherf**ker to the f**king salt! I PROMISE you I will keep you safe.”
7:27pm HOH – Reilly and Jared.
Reilly – Normally there is an HOH after everyone enters the house and then they put up two random people and then blood is drawn. And then there is the red hot target on their back, right?! Jared – yeah. Reilly – this season is different. There were already people put on the block. and now I just have to relieve two people of that and that will work out in my favour because whoever I pull is .. Jared – loyal. Reilly – you’re a team now. If I pull you off the block you are my buddy. We are working together. Jared – before we even get into that .. who do you feel comfortable with? Reilly – right now.. Jared – I think we are thinking one of the same people.

“You want to play together? … yeah we should play together”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The Situation – Reilly wins HOH sounds like it lets her take two nominees off the block. The […]

Reilly wins HOH “Even if god forbid I end up on the block.. I have the numbers on my side” UPDATED
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The Situation – Reilly wins HOH sounds like it lets her take two nominees off the block. 1:48 […]

Felicia “She thinks because she is cute they’re going to keep her in the house.. get her a$$ gone”
1:06am Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia
Felicia – Did she say something to Jared? Cirie – about? Felicia – because remember we said us four girls, each one of us gets somebody. Cirie – well he (Jared) told me that .. and you know I don’t take anyone .. I take everyone with a grain of salt. That kirsten, is trying to get a five with him, Matt, her and somebody. You know she is on the block. And I was like .. I didn’t even realize she was on the block. I mean, I know do your thing.. Felicia – also already she’s gone behind it. Cirie – I am like oh my god. Felicia – see that is dangerous already. Cirie – I know. Because I was out there with her and I was like what do you think about her?

The Big Brother 25 Live Feeds are LIVE!! “I’m liking the Phalanx Five. It has a nice RING to it!”
Exercise room – Reilly, Luke, Kirsten, Jered and Matt.
Luke – how many of us are there? One, two, three, four, five… Phalanx five. (Phalanx: a rectangular mass military formation) Reilly – wait how do I say it again? Luke – Phalanx. Kirsten – how do you spell it? Matt – Its like a Ph.. Luke – Yeah, P.H.A-Lanx. Jered – I’m with it. Lets do it. Luke – don’t say it like its nerdy. Its cool. Kirsten – can’t we just call us like the 300? There weren’t 300 spartans were there? Luke – yeah there were. I am liking the Phalanx Five.

Big Brother 25 Spoilers – Episode One Season Premiere
Big Brother 25 will run for a historic 100 days which brings us deep into the fall, like BBOTT deep. It will also be free with ads on PlutoTV. The barrier to become a feed fan has never been lower. OnlineBigBrother will be here transcribing the juiciest parts of what we see like we’ve been […]