Kitchen – The final four are in the kitchen chatting.
Felicia comments on how she’s going to make them dinner. She leaves to go get stuff from the storage room. Bowie to Jag – I thought for sure you were going to win that. When you were ahead I went “YES!” but yeah it was lots of fun in the end. Matt, Jag and Bowie hug. Bowie – as long as we win veto, we got it. Matt and Jag agree. Matt – good job guys! Jag – thank god! Bowie – Wild! That was wild! Matt – Cirie would have done good at that. Bowie – Lucky it wasn’t a memory of this (the house), like that was better for me. When I hugged Cirie, I was like this is purely a game move and she said I know. She was okay. Matt – she yeah.. it was good. Now you’ve (Bowie) won three. I’ve won as many as Cam. Jag – yeah you’ve won the same amount of HOHs as Cam. Matt – one more (comp to win) and we’re all good at vetos. They agree.