With so many rumors and speculation circulating the internet through different forms of social media its hard not to see the clues leaning towards this the 16th season of Big Brother being an All-Star season. This would be the second All-Stars season since Big Brother began back in 2000. The first Big Brother All-Stars was back in 2006 with Big Brother 7 where we truly had an all-star line-up of the best big brother alumni. The speculation about the 16th season being an all-stars season started a couple years ago but nothing has yet been publicly released or confirmed.
Tag: Matt Hoffman

Big Brother 13 Houseguest Interviews Update
Three months, 75 days and countless inane conversations later, season 13 of Big Brother came to an end Wednesday after a three-way battle for the final Head of Household. The finale of Big Brother 13 came down to Rachel the veteran, Porsche the newbie and Adam the piggy-backer. After a 4-3 vote, Rachel took home the $500,000 grand prize.
We have put together a grow list of all of the Big Brother 13 interviews. Keep checking back to see more of the interviews as they are released.
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
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Big Brother Spoilers: Matt Hoffman offers his opinion on Big Brother 13
Matt is from Season 12 of ‘Big Brother’ and he was part of the famous ‘Brigade’ alliance in Season 12. Oklahoma City fans find out here what Matt had to say.
Tonight we saw the winner of ‘Big Brother 13.’ Were you surprised that Rachel won or how the votes turned out?
I wasn’t at all surprised that Rachel won, but the votes were kind of crazy. I thought after Dani’s little speech before she put the key in that she’d definitely have picked Rachel. Also, I thought Shelly would be on Porsche’s side. I find it pretty crazy that Adam wasn’t taken to final two, since it probably would’ve been a 7-0 clean sweep!
Do you think Rachel would have lost if she had taken Adam to the end?
I think Rachel would’ve been the second Big Brother player ever to win in a landslide shutout victory (next to BB10’s Dan).
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother 13 Headlines – Weekly News Recap from the Internets (2011-05-01)
Still 3 Open casting calls remaining for all you BIG BROTHER 13 hopefuls.
“Waterford Park – Great Lawn”
Weds, May 4th 5-8PM 129 East River Rd. Louisville, KY 40202
Google Maps
“McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon”
Friday, May 6th, 5–9PM 134 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201
“Mad River Bar & Grille”
Saturday, May 7th 1-4PM 32 North Market St. Charleston, SC. 29401
Maps to these locations are available on the BB13 Casting Calendar
Another week closer to Big Brother is a good week with just over 2 months to go the excitement for our favorite Reality TV show is building. Some early rumors of “leaked” houseguests have been confirmed Bull shit by BB13 Casting

Big Brother Spoilers – Reality Rocks Expo Interviews
For the most part the Reality Rocks Expo held last weekend at the LA convention centre turned out to be a massive dud. Checking out the pictures reveal a serious lack of people in attendance. Was anyone really surprised by this? The good news is there was great interviews with past BIG BROTHER players and a interesting panel discussion between the BB “stars” and a handful of fans. One subject discussed was weather or not Production meddles in the Big Brother Game. Eval Dick and Chima both seemed convinced that the production messes with the outcome to ensure higher ratings on the “boob tube”
All in all the EXPO was Lame to all but us die hard Big Brother 13 Fans. Now what they should of done is wrap up a BIG BROTHER 13 casting call in with the convention and anyone that attended the Casting call would get 50% for the convention.
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – S$x, Rachel and Enzo’s rule “The trick is to find hot girls that are loose”
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 7:04pm Living Room The house They are talking about whats a acceptable number of people to have sex with. Enzo: “Ehh sometimes you find tight girls some times you find loose girls.. the trick is to find hot girls that are loose”. Lane: […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo Learns to Fly a Plane, Enzo: “It smells like ass over here.. ohh sh!t is that me.. no”
2:46pm Kitchen Lane, Brit and Enzo There asking Lane if he could land a 747 if it’s pilot couldn’t. Lane thinks it would be pretty tough since he only flies little planes like Cessnas but he’s sure he would have a better chance then some regular person. Lane explains to them how the large planes have a lot of automatic features. Britney tells them a story about a pilot that told her they don’t let you use cell phones during take off and landings because they want people to pay attention of whats going on. Enzo wants to be detracted if the plane goes south, Enzo: “If I die I don’t want to know that I’m dead”. For the last 30 minutes Lane has been giving Enzo flying lessons. Lane tells Enzo that after the flying lesson Lane just gave him enzo has a good foundation to learn how to fly all he needs to do is take a course. Enzo agrees list off a bunch of new terms he learnt during Lanes lession, “taxi, wind speed, yaw, pitch”.. Live Feeds flip to Trivia.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel: “Everyone has Pimples Whatever” Ragan: “There not pimples there witch warts”
9:47pm Backyard Lane and Ragan on the couch, Enzo jogging and Hayden on the elliptical. There talking about Kathy and how horny she was. Ragan: “She straddled me I didn’t know what to do with that… I can’t believe she ripped off Enzo’s towel”. Ragan: “Your doing great BEBE… OH MY GOD can you believe […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan’s Attempt to Survive FAILED the Brigade still hard as F**k, Lane: “He was told to try or he would look like a idiot”
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 5:05pm Backyard Hayden and Enzo Enzo talking about his DR session where he was calling Annie the Greyhound because she was out of the house fast. They are playing a game where they throw the billiard balls on the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – HOH Results Lane WINS
9:53pm Kitchen, Enzo, Brit, HAyden and Lane. Enzo is asking them if MAtt was campaigning for votes. Lane says he was trying to get votes but once Hayden told him he was voting for Enzo to stay MAtt stopped trying. Brit: “Matty Knew he was going home”. Lane wonders if maybe the people that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo: “We still got HOH to play yo”
6:10pm Feeds are Back The final 5 hanging out in the kitchen talking about worse case final 5. Hayden says Andrew, Ragan says KAhty, Brit says Brendon, Enzo says Rachel and LAne says Annie. They all agree that Annie would of never of made it this far she was too crazy. Brit tells them she […]
The Penguin Vs. The Gremlin – Big Brother 12 Double Elimination SHOW DOWN
4:30pm Feeds Cut to Trivia Lane Votes to Evict: Matt Ragan Votes to Evict: Matt Hayden Votes to Evict: Matt Brendon Votes to Evict: Matt First Evicted House guest is: Matt First HOH Winner is: Hayden First Nominations are: Ragan and Brendon POV Winner is: Ragan Nominations are: BRendon and Brit Second […]