POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 24th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 24th HOH Winner: JOEL Next HOH: March 24th Original Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Current Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine Have Nots Tim, Raul, Kelsey, Jared Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live […]
Tag: maddy pavle

Loveita “I don’t trust them. To make sh*t out of water! They’re liars!! They’re my targets!”
3:25pm By the pool – Dallas says I don’t want to win another competition. Three competitions in one week is not a good look. Maddy says can you imagine if you and Jared had won and had to do rock/paper/scissors for who wins it. Dallas says yeah that wouldn’t have been good. Dallas says he doesn’t want Jared, Raul or Mitch to win the next HOH. Or Phil now. Maddy says I think if I was put up on the block with Loveita, I think I would win. Dallas says yeah. Maddy says Cassandra is so strange. Dallas says I think I’m on board with getting Kelsey out of here for sure.

POV Ceremony Results! Dallas “Phil your game is exposed. You’re playing both sides of the house!”
10am – 11:50am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto ceremony to take place. When the feeds return – HOH room – Joel says that people like Raul but people don’t have the closeness like they do with Kelsey. Mitch says that’s why people might keep Kelsey over Raul. They’re marginally the same in terms of competitions. I think its the better decision. (To get out Kelsey) Joel says Kelsey is clearly going after Loveita. Mitch says and people want that. If we’re trying to protect Loveita they’re probably going to nominate her.

Dallas to Jared “I think we should focus on the brothers. I would rather have you in the house.”
9:10am – 9:20am Hot Tub room – Dallas suggests he and Jared talk later. Jared asks do you want to talk now? Dallas says here is what I think and its the honest to god truth. I think we should focus on the brothers. Jared says its a whole new week. Dallas says I would rather have you in the house. Jared says I’m on board it just depends on who’s in power. Dallas says if Raul or Kelsey were in power I know I would be on the block. Dallas says I would put up the brothers and a pawn to make sure they go home. Verses putting you up.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 20 Evening Live Feed update
From what I can gather Dallas will not use the power of Veto. Not sure who will be the target, Raul or Kelsey. I thought Kelsey was going into the veto but it’s more up in the air now.

Nikki “Its nice to have a break from Phil. He used to follow me around & stare at me”
5:15pm Kitchen Table – Ramsey says its going to be hard for you. Jared says you have no idea. Ramsey says just do what I did and wait until the end of the day and do what the majority does. Jared says its a sh*tty week. Ramsey says I think its important for you to start thinking of the next week. Jared says it depends on who stays. Ramsey says Kelsey is ride or die with you. Jared says I can’t stand what she’s (Loveita) doing with Joel. It bothers me. Ramsey says stuff like this happens in the real world and you can’t save everyone. Jared says its ruining his game. You can’t even talk to him about it.

Tim “You haven’t even seen me in full power yet.. thinking strategically & pulling a crazy move”
12:35pm Hot Tub room – Cassandra asks Dallas who he would rather stay Kelsey or Raul? Kelsey’s my home girl. Dallas says to be honest I don’t know. Cassandra asks I wonder what Joel would want? Dallas says he don’t care. Cassandra says I figure you’re closer to Kelsey. But you’re going after Jared. Dallas says it doesn’t matter, its a win, win for me. Raul’s a better competitor. Cassandra says Raul wants to be here so bad. I feel like Kelsey is ready to throw in the towel. Dallas says I don’t know who I like more. It might just come down to that. I laugh at Raul more. He’s funny. Kelsey is better to look at.

Raul’s Rope a Bull 1000 Times Punishment – “YEE HAW B***HES!!” “I’m so over it”
8:50am – 9:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Ramsey says I knew coming in I was going to find a friend and it wasn’t going to be a guy. Hundo P! Ramsey says Nick is so cheesed right now. Maddy asks why? Ramsey says because you’re not there. Maddy says its funny I’ve planted the seed that I don’t trust him. I’m just like why do you like me so much?! Ramsey says you’re not even that good looking. Maddy says I know. Ramsey says I love calling him Mr. Steal Your Girl. Maddy says he wants to boink so bad.

Big Brother Canada Day 23 POV Results
Big BRother Canada 4 Power of Veto results for Day 23.
Sounds like there was a “Fake” fight during the POV between Loveita and Cassandra.

Big Brother Canada 4 – Live Feed LEAK of the Power Of Veto Competition Set!
4:20pm Cassandra tells Kelsey that she is not leaving this week. If its you and Raul up on the block people will want to get rid of you to break up you and Jared. We can’t let that happen. She (Loveita) obviously had something to do with it. We should get Joel to put up Dallas as the replacement. Who else would he put up? There aren’t many options. This would be a prime opportunity to backdoor Dallas. Cassandra says if you win it you have to use it on yourself. Kelsey says my fear is if Raul leaves and Jared leaves.. I’ll have no one.

Jared “Its disgusting you manipulated Joel. He was in tears after you brainwashed him”
11:30am Loveita tells Jared that she isn’t going to go to bat to fight for Kelsey. She says she didn’t have a hand in his nominations. She tells him that she hasn’t thrown any shots at him. Jared tells Loveita that its disgusting that you manipulated Joel. I watched Joel walk down the stairs in tears after you brainwashed him. Jared tells her she’s disgusting.

POV Players Picked! Joel “Now that Jared’s picked to play I’m really jacked and want to win”
9am In the bedroom – Rmasey tells Loveita that’s what they do, they make deals and alliances with people. I’m going to speak to her to help salvage your neck in the game. Loveita says this is Joel’s nomination. Not mine. Ramsey says right, he’s a grown a$$ man. He’s now the oldest person in the house. Loveita says Maddy is my concern. Ramsey says I would never let her write your name on the block. She is real. The reason why she is threatened by you is because you were able to make a move to further yourself in the game. Loveita says I stuck my neck out in the game and she back stabbed me.