The Finale of Big Brother Canada 4 is finally here! On tonight’s 2 hour episode we will find out the results of how the final 3 house guests did in Part 1 and Part 2 of the HOH competition. Then the we’ll watch live as Part 3 unfolds and the winner of the final HOH decides who is the final jury member and who they take to the final 2. The jury members will ask the final 2 house guests questions and then they’ll vote on who they want to win the grand prize! The winner of Big Brother Canada 4 will receive $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000.
Tag: maddy pavle

Cass “This is why we’re getting a divorce” Tim “You better be clean when you come home”
3:55pm The live feeds return with all of the house guests dressed up. Joel says you only have 72 hours to annul the marriage. Tim asks where’s Nikki? I’ve got a run away bride. Tim says oh here she comes (As Nikki comes out of the diary room.) Tim asks does this mean no more slop?! No more slop! No more slop! Tim gets up and grabs a large piece of cake and shoves it in Cassandra’s face. She then grabs a piece of cake and shoves it in his face. Cass says this is why we’re getting a divorce. Tim says you better be clean when you come home tonight.

Jared “What the f**K do you want me to do?!” Kelsey “I hate you right now! Can you just f**K off!”
9:30am Hot Tub room – Kelsey says my brain hurts. We just have to keep her on track to get the brothers out. Kelsey says she needs to believe that at least one of us will take her to the final 2. I’m trying to get into her head a little bit. I get it, its a risk. But we need you to get to that point. But she also needs to believe that one of us will take her to the final 2. Jared says its going to be Joel, the brothers, Tim and you telling her that (Final 2). So she’ll want to get rid of me, I’m the only one not telling her that. Jared says not to do it until after noms.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 21 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 23rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 25th HOH Winner: Cassandra’s Dad Next HOH: April 28th Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul, Maddy Have Nots ? Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feeds […]

Big Brother Canada 4 – Tim Vs Maddy Eviction & HOH Spoilers!
Last weeks eviction episode ended with Arisa revealing the HOH was going to be determined by a viewer vote, where the top two house guests that received the most votes would compete in a high stakes game of chance. The top two highest votes were for Nikki and The Brothers. In the high stakes game of chance (roulette), the brothers ended up winning. As head of household they nominated Maddy and RamseyMaddy and Ramsey for eviction. Ramsey then won the Power of Veto Competition but ended up leaving the house due to a family emergency before the veto ceremony.

Tim “I’m going to say if anyone votes against me and I stay.. I’m going to come after you!”
10:05am – 10:25am Havenot room – Joel asks Tim if he has a speech ready? Tim says I don’t know if I am staying. So I’m not going to be cocky or anything. I think that’s cocky and mean. Honestly if I do go, I put myself in that position. I think she could have gotten some traction if the brothers could have voted. If I do go people will tell me before the vote. Tim says in the diary room they were asking about my game plan and I was like I don’t want you.. I don’t even know if I want Canada to know my game plan… because then they could prepare for it.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 20 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: Tim and Maddy Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Maddy’s House Meeting! Tim “you made me feel better about my game now”
6:10pm Living room – Maddy tells Joel and Nick that she wants to call everyone to the living room but doesn’t want to interrupt anyone. Nick tells her to just go around and ask. Maddy lets people know that she wants to talk to them in the living room. Tim asks if she doesn’t want him there. Maddy tells him its fine, he can stay. Tim asks do you want Nikki, because she’s in the bath. Maddy says I don’t think it matters. I’ll just tell her after. Maddy says I’m obviously going to do a house wide campaign to show you guys that I’m not going to run to each and everyone of you saying different things and try and tell you stuff that I’m not telling this person or that person.

Maddy “People personally & game wise don’t like me. Its hard to convince people to keep me.”
10:35am In the HOH room – Cassandra complains to Kelsey that Tim doesn’t stop talking. Cass says we’re the only normal people in this house. Tim won’t stop talking. Maddy has mad in her name she is so mad. Jared the control freak. The brothers are annoying .. they have an HOH room and won’t even sleep in it. These people get on our nerves. Cass leaves. She and Nikki talk about how annoying everyone is talking about the movie “Into the Wild”. Nikki tells Joel he can join their anti-film club.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 19 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: Tim and Maddy Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Big Brother Canada 4 April 18 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Nick dumps his drink on PHIL and hits him with Tupperware container “I’M GOING TO SELF-EVICT!”
In the kitchen – Phil tells Nicks face looks weird. Your face looks sickly! Nick says I got 4 hours of sleep last night because of you and someone else in the room. The other house guests ask if they’re fighting?! Nick says It’s not a fight. You’re not considerate to other people. Phil says I’m just telling you how it is. I’m just saying your face looks weird. You’re the friggen guy with acne so I don’t even know why you would say that to me. Phil says you don’t have acne though. I have a right to care about your face. Cass says brotherly love. Phil says watch your mouth okay! I’m not in the mood right now! Nick comes into the kitchen and asks Nick why he’s being sensitive!?!?