7:35pm HOH room – Cameron, America, Cory and Bowie.
Cory – why do you think she (Blue) wants to get rid of me before you (Cam). Cam – Jared. America – its a personal thing. Cam – not just Jared but how much Jared talked about wanting you gone and the fact that she wants you gone too and that you are a direct threat to her, Cirie, Meme and all that stuff. Cam – I am a big player, I got it. She feels like she can work us. She doesn’t feel like she can work you. Cory – I feel better .. I feel like I was being gas lit about the whole Jared thing last week and I never bought it the entire time we were talking about it. But Jared probably would have put up me and you (America) again. Cam – Mmmmhmmm. Cory – so I glad that worked out. I guess the whole thought for me is like damn the sh*t right now is pretty weird but its pretty good overall but probably didn’t make any wrong decisions leading up to this in terms of like the big picture .. who is going to be nominated, who are we going to vote out like it all kind of worked out.