1:55pm Bathroom – Phil and Cassandar are talking in the bathroom. Cassandra asks what more is there to talk about. If she’s HOH she wants everything to be LOVEITAS! Guess what that’s not how it goes. People don’t say where they’re standing, they’re a SUSS! Cassandra asks who are you voting for? Phil says I don’t know at this point. I’m worried about myself at this point. People are throwing my name out. Cassandra asks who? Phil says people said you. Cassandra says I didn’t say that?! Phil says people said that you said I should go up.
Tag: Loveita Adams

Tim “I don’t like self righteous people. You can’t go around saying you don’t play dirty & then play dirty”
10:30am In the bedroom – Cassandra says the doctors told her she has a sprained ankle. Cassandra says that she went and talked to Loveita and asked who her target was. Loveita said she wasn’t going to say but said she was pretty clear in her speech. Cassandra says so your target is me. She says Loveita said yes. Tim says I just don’t like self righteous people. You can’t go around saying you don’t play dirty and then play dirty. Cassandra asks do you think I should be worried? Tim says she has it over Dallas. How is Dallas letting her rule her.

Power of Veto Competition Results! “Girls are becoming extinct in this house”
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live outside of […]

Loveita wants Cassandra evicted “I don’t even care if Christine is gunning for me”
POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Use the Hide My Ass VPN and watch the live feeds on your mobile […]

Power Of Veto Players Picked! Christine “I wish we had voted that b***h out last week!”
8am HOH room – Raul is talking to Loveita. Loveita says I don’t care if I leave this game loyal to my word. I hope Kelsey knows. Raul says Kelsey isn’t mad. She’s just sad that her friend went on the block. We know we can trust you now because you didn’t put us up. Raul leaves when Joel joins them. Loveita says she still doesn’t trust Christine. Apparently everyone else is suspicious and thinks I was cutting deals. Joel asks do you trust Christine more than Cassandra? Loveita says nope but she’s a vote.

Big Brother Canada 4 – Nomination Ceremony Results!
POV Holder: ? Next POV March 12th POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry Have Nots Joel & Cassandra Use the Hide My Ass VPN and watch the live feeds on your mobile […]

Big Brother “Last week 2 house guests were caught breaking the rules of being a havenot!”
9:20pm – 9:50pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds and when the feeds return. Big Brother says “Last week two house guests were caught breaking the rules of being a have not!” Big Brother then shows on the tv the two eating. Cassandra tasted yogurt off a spoon from Tim. The next video show Joel eating a grape that Nick feed him. Raul says oh my god if we all get in trouble I’m going to be pissed!! Big Brother says Joel and Cassandra as a result of your actions you will be the only havenots again this week. Joel says you have to respect the rules.

Joel’s Mission to Punk Cassandra with a First Date Rejection – “It’s not you, it’s me!”
3:55pm – 4:45pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for an hour and when the feeds return Joel and Cassandra start their date. Cassandra asks when the last time Joel went on a date? Joel says this may sound crazy but I’ve never been on a date before. Cassandra asks what he does every day for work. He says that he’s a switch board operator. I sit at a computer and push a bunch of buttons. Ramsey brings champagne and fruit plates. Joel double dips and Cassandra tells him to never do that on a first date. She then tells him to chew his food before he talks. Cassandra asks if he thinks this experience will get him a lot of opportunities when he gets out.

Raul “If she does put me up, I’m going to shove that tongue up her a$$!!”
1:10pm HOH room – Loveita says to herself. Love and forgiveness always wins. Love, Loyalty and Forgiveness Aways wins. Kelsey and Raul join Loveita. Loveita tells them I have to be honest I don’t know if you are going to be true to your words. If you are HOH will you put me up. Raul says I can’t keep talking in circles. I’ve come to you three times now. Loveita says I talked to Jared and I want to make a jury deal. Kelsey doesn’t know what a jury deal is. Raul explains its the people you work with to get to jury. Kelsey says she is happy with making a deal.

Tim “If you walk into a game with people that already smell of sh*t, you will too!”
9:30am HOH room – Loveita tells Raul that she doesn’t like people that talk out of both sides of their mouth. Raul tells Loveita that he wants to work with her. Loveita says that right now she has to hear everyone out. I don’t know if jared talked to you. Raul says yeah that you’re willing to work with us. Loveita says after she talks to everyone she’ll talk to him again. I don’t think anyone would ever think that we would work together. Raul says I like where this is going. Loveita says trustworthiness. If there are people in the mix that can’t be trusted.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 10 Evening Live Feed Updates “Maddy is attached to her a$$”
10:00pm Cam 3-4 JAred, Kelsey and Raul (sleeping)
Kelsey relays the conversation she had with Loveita. Kelsey says it was Loveita that started the conversation with her.
Kelsey admit to trash talking Maddy and Dallas to Lovita. Kelsey points out how Maddy is attached to Loveita’s a$$.
Kelsey – F*** i hate this game sometimes… I don’t want to deal with this sh1t

Big Brother Canada 4 Eviction & HOH Spoilers!
The first week of Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feeds is now behind us with another exciting week with a new house guest in power about to begin. As head of household this week, Jared nominated Loveita and Sharry for eviction. This week was all about payback for the Third Wheel Alliance (Jared, Kelsey, Raul) as Loveita had nominated and campaigned to get Kelsey out the previous week. After Christine won the Power of Veto and decided not to use it on either of the nominees, it sealed the fate of one of them being evicted tonight.