9am In the kitchen – Jared says I know Kelsey said that she wanted to go but I think for your game its better if she stays. She didn’t want to rally against Rual which I think is very noble of her. Joel says that Raul didn’t either. Tim joins them. Jared asks Tim where he’s getting all the eggs from? Tim show him a drawer where he hid the eggs. Jared takes the last two and says good I just don’t want Maddy to have any. Tim says that’s why I hid them. She’s going to flip out! Jared says I don’t give a sh*t.
Tag: Loveita Adams

Big Brother Canada 4 March 23 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 24th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 24th HOH Winner: JOEL Next HOH: March 24th Original Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Current Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine Have Nots Tim, Raul, Kelsey, Jared Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live […]

Maddy “Tim & I used to talk and now after he hit me with a baseball bat he doesn’t talk to me”
1:40pm Hot Tub – Phil and Tim talk about how Phil likes Nikki. Tim says you like to fix people, so do I. Phil says I think its because I see the beauty in her. Phil asks does she even want a good guy? Tim says probably but she probably thinks she doesn’t deserve it. Phil says its kind of sad. Tim says some times people leave period stained undies on your bed. Phil says there’s no reason to freak out over that. Tim says oh you don’t know the story. Nikki found period stained undies on … big brother blocks the feeds. Tim says girls change as they grow up. They don’t muck around and play with guys hearts as much.

Tim “I don’t want to work with Maddy. She’s not playing big brother she’s playing high school.”
10:25am By the pool – Tim and Cassandra are talking. Cassandra talks about this being a tough situation having two friends on the block. Mitch asks her if she’s made up her mind? Cassandra says its 50/50 .. Raul is very smart but some times I think he doesn’t trust me. Kelsey said he does so that clears that up. I know Kelsey trusts me 100%. Mitch says that Kelsey makes Jared a bigger target but she also make you look like a bigger target. You don’t want to be the victim of association. If they’re up and one wins veto, who goes up .. a victim of association. Cassandra says for your game its probably better to keep Raul.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 22 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 24th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 24th HOH Winner: JOEL Next HOH: March 24th Original Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Current Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine Have Nots Tim, Raul, Kelsey, Jared Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live […]

Joel “This isn’t f**king alright! Is it innovative?! Is it cool? You guys are losers!”
2:15pm – 2:45pm Bedroom – Loveita tells Nick that she cannot stand being around them. I’ve tried but I just can’t. With Kelsey and Jared they can’t even be in a room or they’re like ehh.. I’m leaving. Nick says this is just like my high school. Everyone is gossipy and talking bad about everyone. Loveita says I don’t like talking bad about people but Kelsey makes it so… The conversations eat away at me as a person. If I have to be in the house with her another week I will self-evict. I am losing myself in this game as a person.

Nikki “Its the final straw!” “I’m not sharing a bed with Loveita any more!”
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Cassandra, Tim and Raul are talking. Tim says I think when there’s less and less people it will be easier. Tim says if its a double eviction we’ll really notice the numbers. And if the brothers go it will be two for the price of 1 with three going. Cassandra says I don’t know if what happened helped the brothers or not. Tim says I know, I know. They think it helped them. I think it just .. you know how it was like will they or won’t they. It makes you not make a move. And now that you know, they’re a known threat.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 21 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 24th POV Used No POV Ceremony March 24th HOH Winner: JOEL Next HOH: March 24th Original Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Current Nominations: Kelsey and Raul Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine Have Nots Tim, Raul, Kelsey, Jared Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live […]

Loveita “I don’t trust them. To make sh*t out of water! They’re liars!! They’re my targets!”
3:25pm By the pool – Dallas says I don’t want to win another competition. Three competitions in one week is not a good look. Maddy says can you imagine if you and Jared had won and had to do rock/paper/scissors for who wins it. Dallas says yeah that wouldn’t have been good. Dallas says he doesn’t want Jared, Raul or Mitch to win the next HOH. Or Phil now. Maddy says I think if I was put up on the block with Loveita, I think I would win. Dallas says yeah. Maddy says Cassandra is so strange. Dallas says I think I’m on board with getting Kelsey out of here for sure.

POV Ceremony Results! Dallas “Phil your game is exposed. You’re playing both sides of the house!”
10am – 11:50am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the power of veto ceremony to take place. When the feeds return – HOH room – Joel says that people like Raul but people don’t have the closeness like they do with Kelsey. Mitch says that’s why people might keep Kelsey over Raul. They’re marginally the same in terms of competitions. I think its the better decision. (To get out Kelsey) Joel says Kelsey is clearly going after Loveita. Mitch says and people want that. If we’re trying to protect Loveita they’re probably going to nominate her.

Dallas to Jared “I think we should focus on the brothers. I would rather have you in the house.”
9:10am – 9:20am Hot Tub room – Dallas suggests he and Jared talk later. Jared asks do you want to talk now? Dallas says here is what I think and its the honest to god truth. I think we should focus on the brothers. Jared says its a whole new week. Dallas says I would rather have you in the house. Jared says I’m on board it just depends on who’s in power. Dallas says if Raul or Kelsey were in power I know I would be on the block. Dallas says I would put up the brothers and a pawn to make sure they go home. Verses putting you up.

Big Brother Canada 4 March 20 Evening Live Feed update
From what I can gather Dallas will not use the power of Veto. Not sure who will be the target, Raul or Kelsey. I thought Kelsey was going into the veto but it’s more up in the air now.