Click here for your CBS All Access – Live Feed 1 Week Free Trial! 6:30pm Tom, Kato, Natalie and Lolo playing a game of pool. Meanwhile downstairs Kandi and Ricky are playing cards. Tom and Kato head into the HOH room. Kato – the more I think about tomorrow.. if Tamar doesn’t have it.. then […]

“The smartest move at the final 5 .. double cross Natalie/LOLO and have an arrangement with Ricky”
4:10pm Kato, and Tom
These two have been talking back and forth for the last hour about what their move should be.
Tom – the smartest move at the final 5 right.. is double cross Natalie/LOLO and have an arrangement with Ricky that we get to the final 5 put them on the block then it’s me, you and Ricky till the end .. it’s the move in reverse.. (the move Tom is scared Ricky will do to them)
kato – would you do it
Tom – f* yeah I would do it.. everyone has to be double crossed ..
Tom – is the easiest way to find out if they are doing this to us

TOM Wins the HOH Competition! “Did they tell you – don’t hit them?”
Tom – I wasn’t scared. I thought it was fun especially when the guys were coming at you. Did they tell you – don’t hit them? Joey – yeah. Tom – I’m sure that has happened where people have punched them right in the face. Tom – maybe we should make a cheers to Jonathan, Ryan and Anthony. They all raise their glasses and cheers.

Celebrity Big Brother “Ryan Took it fine he was Laughing..”
Power of Veto Veto players: Kato, Dina, Tamar, Joey, Natalie, Tom Power of Veto Winner: Tom Tom uses the Power of veto on Dina. Kato nominates Ryan. Tamar and Ryan are the two nominations. Votes for eviction Joey Votes to Evict: Tamar Tom Votes to Evict: Ryan LOLO Votes to Evict: Ryan Dina Votes to […]

Natalie “7 people are voting tomorrow. We have 4 of them, so it doesn’t matter! Those 3 .. f**k’em!”
10:42pm Lounge room. Tom and Natalie. Tom – we need to do a 5 way snails McGails and then say Team Fun. Natalie – yeah! Natalie runs out of the room. Kato joins them. Kato – so here is what I think is happening. They’re trying to see about the rules or something. This is weird. Kandi is going to come in next ..I guarantee it. Something very strange is going on. Joey went into the diary room for awhile ..after not being called. And then they called Ryan immediately after. Something strange.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

“They will decimate us. In one vote they could tear our alliance to shreds”
12:17pm Tom
T – got to watch your back in here. Keep looking over your shoulder
T – I got my team we’re working together.. but.. we aren’t really listening to some of my overall strategic thoughts. (AKA get Ricky out)
T – I think everyone is thinking of their next move they’re not thinking of this properly..
T – I have to make a choice do I really really double down and fight for what the next move should be risk pushing away my alliance
T – I don’t want to be arguing all the time with people. I’m going to lay low today see how it unfolds.. this next move is important.
T – I don’t think we’re making the right choice to be honest with you but I’m not Head of Household I don’t hold the power.
T – I’ve made my opinion known.. I gotta sit back back and hope for the best. It’s precarious man.. there’s two of three people that if they win head of household and their looking at the chessboard like I am they will decimate us in one vote they could tear our alliance to shreds

Dina “You don’t touch somebody..” Tamar “..before you stab them in the back!”
7:10pm Tamar and Dina in the bedroom. Tamar – you have to know that you weren’t the target and I wasn’t the target. You don’t mention my son. You don’t know my struggle. Don’t you dare in your life tell me to go home and be with my son. Because I don’t want to fight with another black woman on national television?! Are you crazy!? I cook for everyone. Dina – and I clean. Tamar – that’s what we do. Dina – somebody cooks, somebody cleans. That was just weird.

Ryan “I would be a good ally for you because I am going to try and win every competition”
10:37pm Ryan comes in to the bedroom to congratulate Kato on winning HOH. Ryan – I know I am probably a big target. Kato – I want to get your feel on how you feel about things. Ryan – I am just going to say my thing because I am mostly likely probably going to go on the block. I just have a feeling. Kato – I haven’t even figure out who I would put on the block. Ryan – if you don’t I would be a good ally for you because I am going to try and go and win every competition. Kato – yeah .. and you will. Ryan – but what do you mean my feel? kato – you said earlier that you wanted to see your family.. Ryan – oh I want to see them but I want to stay.

Celebrity Big Brother 2 – Live HOH Endurance Competition! “Rock Till You Drop!”
8:18pm The HOH live endurance starts. HOH OTEV – Welcome to the HOH arena where the glam rocks! Are you guys ready to party!! I can’t hear you! In this competition you have to rock out as long as you can. If you can’t hang with the glam rocks .. you’ll be out! The last one rocking out on the wall will become the next HOH!

“This is the 2nd time you’ve put that energy out there as if I’m a bullshit a$$ person quit that bullshit”
Big Brother Spoilers – It’s been a active morning. It’s looking like Jonathan is getting evicted.
1:25pm Tamar, Natalie and Ricky
Tamar – I promised my kid stability and a place to live there are thing I have to do .. he has no one else to depend on but me..
Tamar goes on about how she would never be apart from her son unless it was beneficial to her son. Her being on Big Brother is being beneficial to him.
Tamar – I will not be surrounded by negativity.. if I have to choose I will gladly pack all my things and go home…
Ricky – have you ever contributed to negativity..
Tamar says she has before, “Willingly.. yes”
Ricky – Willingly is a excuse
Tamar that is not an excuse.. sometimes you just don’t know better
Ricky – that my point though if you always hide behind what you don’t know that is what you know to not take responsible
Tamar – what if you really don’t know
Ricky – go look for it

Ricky “He’s just scared. Don’t make bulls**t excuses! Comedians need a crowd to be funny.”
8:05pm Bedroom. Jonathan, Ryan, Lolo, Natalie, Tamar, Ricky.
Ricky to Jonathan – do you feel safe.. or? Jonathan – I think its up in the air still. It could go either way, you know? Ricky – have you talked to Kato and Tom at all? Jonathan – I told them to do what’s good for their game. Ricky – when you say do whats good for their game … you’re giving them permission.. Jonathan – In a way but I also tell them flat out that I want to stay. Ricky – when Kato talked to me he said that you told him to do what is best for him so he felt that was pretty sh*tty. Jonathan – really?

“I wore a bra on my head and was dancing on the bed .. I’m working a new character kinda a Gollum type”
Big Brother Spoilers for Today.. Ryan is the Head of Household, Kandi, Jon, and Joey. Smells like Jon is going home.
Tom – then what do we do.. how do we determine..
They agree if it’s 5-2 that is solid confirmation that their alliance is “strong”
Kato – Today, Jon and Ryan are going to petition LOLO and Natalie
Tom – do you think someone will change their mind
Kato – I think we’re ok
Tom mentions Ricky talking to ryan the other day
kato isn’t worried says Ricky is 150%
Tom – I believe it to