POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 23rd POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th Original Nominations: Tom & Liza Current Nominations: TOm & Liza Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec 12:22AM Tom and Emmett tossing the football around Gary is in the pool. […]
Tag: Liza Skinner

Big Brother Canada: Tom says that Jillian is just a lost little school girl trapped in a woman’s body.
8:40pm Liza and Tom are still separating themselves from the rest of the house guests. Tom says that he feels like they are outcasts. Liza agrees. Tom says that Jillian is just a lost little school girl trapped in a woman’s body. He says that she has to ask Emmett what to do and say. Liza says that she is just too intelligent for these people. Meanwhile back in the house: Talla, Peter, Jillian and Emmett are still trying to remain silent. Andrew picks Gary up off the ground. Jillian and Alec put their noses into a chip bag to smell it because they want to eat real food so bad. Aj tries his best to try and get them to talk by dancing and acting like a fool.

Big Brother Canada: Andrew says we are in the heavy petting days, intercour$e comes soon..
5pm Gary and Talla are talking in the kitchen. Gary comment how he wants both Tom and Liza out of the house. Talla says it will be one or the other this week. Gary says unless its a double eviction week. Gary explains how Big Brother Canada so far is more like Big Brother UK. Gary tells Talla in the UK one if you were sleeping all day and weren’t listening to them, they would just put you on slop. Talla says I hopes they don’t do that.
5:15pm – 5:25pm The camera switch to Emmett, Peter and Alec out in the hot tub. Emmett asks Alec what the order of eviction should be after this week. Alec says Liza, Talla, Suzette. Alec says that next week we should take everyone except Liza into the HOH and discuss how to get rid of her. Peter says that he thinks Suzette needs to go before Talla. Emmett says that he doesn’t agree. Alec thinks they should bring Topaz into their conversations more.

Big Brother Canada: Talla becomes one with the couch..
2:45pm Emmett, Aj, Peter, Tom and Jillian are in the backyard. Emmett is kicking the ball around the backyard. He hears someone under someone working on the set under the floor of the backyard. He gets down onto the ground and starts yelling: Hey, Hey, What day is it? What time is it? What Year is it? Tom goes over and talks to Aj by the pool and explains how he told Liza he needs to separate himself from her in the game, it’s not personal. Tom says that on a personal level he likes her, but her game sucks. Tom tells Aj that he hopes he and Andrew will vote for him. Tom says that he read through the rule book and says that it says If any one seriously offends another house guest.. Tom says I don’t think I seriously offended him. Aj says offend is suck a broad term. Tom says that if that is the case then Suzette calling me a racial slur about being a redneck could seriously offend me. Aj agrees. Tom talks about how he hasn’t been called into the diary room since the POV ceremony.

Big Brother Canada Bar stories “T!t*y pictures from hot Couges” sums it up
12:15AM Hot tub Emmett and Tom
Emmett is coaching Tom about what to say to Alec. Emmett wants Tom to pull Alec aside and say that he’s truly sorry for what happened. Emmett adds that Tom has to really be sorry he cannot fake it or over act it, “Tell him you feel ashamed and you are embarrassed for yourself.. and it’s got to be really sincere man.. Don’t use any excuses like you use to do it with your buddies because it’s different .. there was no cameras there”
Tom understands..
Emmett: “and Tom.. you got to drop the whole Topaz thing.. “
Tom: ‘I can’t even talk to her man.. she’s sleeping”

Tom about Alec “He’s walking around like a playboy with his shirt off flashing his a$$”
10:55AM Tom and Emmett
Tom says in the middle of the night he told Liza he can’t be close to her inside this house.. Tom: “I said Liza you need to wake up in your own bed”
Emmett: “Just make sure everything you do make is as sincere as you possibly can.. it’s the only way to win people back”
Tom: “I only have a couple days”. Tom says he never really liked Topaz from day one he thinks she’s a sleeper.
Emmett: “You have to mend things with Topaz.. if Topaz wants you to stay she’ll convince Gary”
Tom: “Peter won’t vote for me.. he’s stabbing the alliance” Emmett thinks he has the votes he just needs to really play it smart.
Emmett leaves Talla Joins Tom
Tom says Alec walks around around like a playboy, he never thought Alec would get so upset about happened. “He’s walking around like a playboy with his shirt off flashing his a$$.. ”

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery March 19, 2013 **updated live**
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]

Big Brother Canada: Alec asks Tom to apologize for exposing his d!ck on TV..
9:10pm Peter heads to the bedroom and jumps in the air a few times. When he gets to his bed he says into his microphone and says “Someone thank Dan Gheesling when I win.” The cameras switch to Tom and Liza out in the backyard. Tom tells Liza that he is going to admit to Andrew that he was going to go after him but that he realize he wasn’t someone he wanted to go after. Alec comes out and asks to talk to Tom. Alec tells Tom that he doesn’t appreciate that he exposed his d*ck on camera. Tom says really coming from the guy that walks around shirtless. Alex says that he just doesn’t want that on tv. Tom says they won’t show that. Tom says he won’t do it again. Alec heads back inside. Tom talks to Aj and Liza about it. Liza says that she was there in the bathroom when Tom opened the shower door. She says that Alec screamed like a girl and says that she didn’t see anything.

Big Brother Canada: Andrew says that Tom is one of the most unintelligent people I know.. and I talk to Aj!
6:05pm When the live feeds come back from the hush hush screen for the veto ceremony. Liza is sitting at the kitchen table eating looking depressed. Meanwhile, Andrew is talking to Peter in the backyard. Andrew starts talking about how Alec finally won something and he didn’t even use it. Peter says that Tom basically threatened him last night to try and get Alec to use the veto. Andrew says that Tom is one of the most unintelligent people he knows …and I talk to Aj. Peter laughs. Andrew tells Peter congratulations for making it past another week. Andrew says he would like to get inside Tom’s mind .. but it would be a vast emptiness. Andrew comments on how Suzette was right that Tom is a bit of a bully. He says I dare him to come up to me face to face, I will go toe to toe with him. I am not scared of him.

Big Brother Canada: Tom says my alliance is leaving me up to fry, I’m going to use them like they used me.
2:50pm Talla comes down from the HOH room and asks Alec if the wants to see her dance. Alec asks if it’s a sexy dance. Talla says well yeah its me dancing. Talla then goes up to the HOH room to grab the music player and dances outside the HOH room door. Alec barely watches and she gets mad. She gets nervous and stops. Aj telling one of his random stories..
Meanwhile Emmett and Jillian are in the havenot room talking about random things. Jillian starts talking about how she isn’t sure they should trust Gary. She says that Gary is willing to make all the power moves.

Big Brother Canada Gary: “We’re losing Votes AJ is f**** stupid and Talla is 2 faced”
12:50PM HOH Gary and Topaz they are talking about how Suzette and Tom are starting to get a lot closer. Topaz mentions how Talla is saying that since Liza is leaving this week she can hang out with her. Gary is worried says they are losing votes fast. Gary: “once the Veto happens Talla will go to Liza and Sue will go to Tom”
Gary: “AJ is f**** stupid to.. ” Gary laughs about Suzette, last week Tom was fighting to get her evicted and now she’s getting close to him, “It’s because she thinks Alec is the mastermind” Gary asks her if there is any chance of Alec using the veto. Topaz: “Zero chance”
Gary wonders if Liza does go home Tom isn’t coming after him he’s going after Topaz. Gary: “Talla is so f**** two face.. i don’t even want to talk to her” Topaz: “How can you even talk to Liza after all the things she’s said to you”

Morning in the Big Brother Canada House Alec: “My first girlfriend I p**ped on within the first 3 days”
10:01AM Chatting about wrestling movies.. Apparently the most accurate documentary is “Beyond the Mat” AJ and Peter are well versed on their wrestling lore. They talk about a “epic” fight between Mankind vs The Rock.
Peter says that Mick Foley (Mankind) is a New York Time best selling author. He also writes children books, Peter adds that Mick Foley had his ear ripped out during a “Death Match” in Japan versus Vadar. AJ: “Mick Foley also known as Cactus Jack, Mankind and Dude love”
Lots of random conversations in the backyard.. Alec jokes to Emmett and tells him he better just get use to slop because he could be on it next week. Emmett grumps saying that he wishes they would a least give him a chance to compete in it. Jillian mentions Gary flipping out about 10 minutes ago. Gary is tired because he stays up all night talking about useless things with Suzette and Topaz. The video below shoes him freaking out when Big Brother keeps waking him up
Alec has Topaz laying on him. He says he’s gotta go poop.. Andrew: “And that’s Topaz’ alarm to get up”
Alec: “My first girlfriend I p**ped on within the first 3 days”
Andrew: “P**ped on her?”
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